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143 · Jun 2020
Feels too much
Simran pawar Jun 2020
Feels too much,
Very easily it becomes someone else's heart,
And that feeling ,
Feels me to hard.
They find true hearts,
And happiness in little things,
But when you get attached easily,
You feel too much.

One day they hurt your heart,
And you will find yourself through apart,
But you will not be able to get away from there,
You want step back to stop being hurt,
And that feeling to much,
You feels too much.
143 · Jul 2020
Victim of love (part-2)
Simran pawar Jul 2020
A new form of his
opened up to me,
And I went,
on to read it,
Each and every words,
That engraved on his golden heart.
I read them as,
If those words were mine,
And I got lost in those things.

I'll gently turn over,
Every page and explore you till,
There's nothing left.
And i'll read you
Again and again,
Every letter, every word,
Every story and every thing
Until i understand you.
Because your name is written,
On the page of my soul,
And everyone wants,
to know themselves.
Part 2
140 · Jun 2020
Keep quiet
Simran pawar Jun 2020
A poor person always quiet,
He can not speak his pain to anyone,
But he wants someone to understand.

All the day and night,
They worked for us,
In the heat and dust,
Still we don't talk with love and respect,
They still keep quiet.
To wait that
these people will change sometime.

A poor person also have some own needs,
But when someone needs,
they help them,
With the money, food , and shelter,
And also with their heart.

Don't know how these people are,
who don't even understand each other's pain.
But they still keep quiet.

I do not know how,
These people can keep quiet all the time,
We should learn it from them,
That how they survive with their pain.
I just want people who can't help anyone with money, food and shelter . So you just do good things with them and also respect them .
They always help for us in the hard times to provide some groceries, gas cylinder and etc. Even they worked for us in this covid-19 and we behave badly with them.
I requested to all of us,  to cooperate with them and understand their feeling.
127 · Aug 2020
Simran pawar Aug 2020
Pen & paper
The only ones that
Provide me freedom.
117 · Jun 2020
Don't know why
Simran pawar Jun 2020
Don't know why i am wrong every time,
Don't know why it happens to me every time,
Don't know why sometimes life is so hard,
Don't know why I feel alone,
Don't know why pain is my friend,
Don't know why darkness is always together,
Don't know why it never ends what I want to say .
111 · Jun 2020
One day in life
Simran pawar Jun 2020
One day every thing will be perfect,
One day every thing will be alright,
You will forget those bad days,
And be able to move forward in life.

One day everyone will understand you,
One day everyone will be with you,
But you don't lose hope ,
Run your life with,
this wind.

One day you won't live in life,
And your presence is always together in our mind.
My heart is broken . He was one of my  favorite actor, be it for his smile and his acting skill . I talk about mental health too often here and I want to say it was not a joke. You never  know what people are going through behind close doors of their hearts.
DEPRESSION IS REAL, SUFFERING IS REAL, so , please be kind to everyone around you and talk to people around you. Don't lose hope. #RIP #sushant Singh
107 · Aug 2020
Victim of love (part -3)
Simran pawar Aug 2020
I need you
Like moon needs stars.
We will always be in each other's breath, always be together ,
Be it sadness,
Be it happiness,
My heart has only called you.
Miss me in every condition,
And then,
Take me with you at every turn.

I need you
When I open my eyes ,
I want to see you,
This is my only desire.

I need you
No matter what it is.
Part 3
107 · Aug 2020
To him
Simran pawar Aug 2020
Look at those eyes,
They don't look at me,
Without shyness,
And fake smiles.
I think its easier to him,
To love back.
98 · Aug 2020
It was the love
Simran pawar Aug 2020
Love i knew was that i felt for you,
Like a feather detached from a wing that can't help but fall,
Like i couldn't stop,
Kept on falling for you.
It was the love that made me smile,
Even from just listening your name.
It was the love that made my day,
Just from ,
Seeing your face.
The love that i can not fall in again,
The love that i can not replace for the same.
Its was the love that keeps me falling for you,
My name is written in the below but these words and this Poem is not mine.

These words are those that are close to my heart.
93 · Jul 2020
Still hope
Simran pawar Jul 2020
I still hope that  one day ,
We both will look,
At the moon together.
I want you in my whole life , no matter what it is.
85 · Jun 2020
In love
Simran pawar Jun 2020
When we fell in love,
The sky turns pink,
And it was new,
When the everything was good,
Then you are in my thoughts.

When the sky was blue,
There is lovely glow in the air,
And I wanted to be you.

Some people  are like stars,
So close yet so far away,
But still they are close to the heart.

Some people are like moon,
They have a light,
But not happy,
Used to be,
But somewhere remains incomplete.

I'm like this,
Away from you and,
Incomplete without you.

— The End —