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Jan 2017 · 1.3k
bruised peaches
Duke Thompson Jan 2017
another pink little sugar pill
wash it down reflexively
saying maybe don't wake up tomorrow
maybe won't be so bad

but, thinking like you walk,
with lilting gait, and furrowed brow
stumble-fall, only to be

bruised peaches
with fuzzy knees
looked over later
rejected for riper fruit
Jan 2017 · 540
Happy holidays, you fuck
Duke Thompson Jan 2017
You ******* been trying to get hydro to keep me warm for a a winter's week

Xanax and bud help but neigh
They aren't the treat I seek
Dec 2016 · 542
Duke Thompson Dec 2016
Mid rise bodies
On horizon

We live well
Here, Do we?

Above, away, around
Drive by
Guess why
Dec 2016 · 440
Duke Thompson Dec 2016
Mid rise bodies
On horizon

We live well
here, Do we?

Above, away,around
Dec 2016 · 466
Duke Thompson Dec 2016
Orange sunset over snow drift parking lot

I can centre myself within her
Motherly warmth
Our shared home anchors us

Our city of trees
I guess I breathe easy
Looking out winter

Not yet so bad
Maybe love in me
Excited, we speak the same language
When can I see you again?
Cautious refrain
Dec 2016 · 648
Duke Thompson Dec 2016
dare I?
be your *****
whatever you like

director drives me to town
asked if things slowed down
when the other car hit

most likely probing crises response capacity
intellectual curiosity or genuine concern
wager the former at 10:1
if they'd take bet

I'm just like him
I'm going to be him

flatly delivered jokes about a ***** test
better received by coworkers
"funny guy"

who is this man at the keystroke?
beached and bleached
disco ****

same old heady glazed blue-grey stormy
reminiscent of bucolic childhood splendor
when was good and town was endless
that never really existed on a barren rock

"many of you look changed, somehow older..."
pause for suspense
"and some look exactly the same"
cue laughter and my irritation,
salt rimmed with rage

am I now jailer?
indeed here now the gatekeeper
open locked doors knowing

will purge again
no matter how movement restricted
treadmill only, calorie burn
gym restricted

not equipped
(won't talk)
transfer to children's hospital
before heart fails

do it make a difference?
displaced despair
wash not over me
instead cut through me

starve binge
sniff and smoke
Oct 2016 · 711
post-script (bic'd ya)
Duke Thompson Oct 2016
if this line is last line
know it was a victory lap
rari, 'cedes AMG (ya brazy)
commercial life dream rabies
make fun of commercial rap

still want that mclaren,
yea you starin' baby
uhhh please, you broke
talkin' bout the red cross town limo (OCTran)
'po lika baby momma didn't even know
save me yuh (87 baseline yuh)

808 boom bap clap snap (sound here)
never joke bout straps (round here)
ace in my cap (down here)
never pretend to trap, white as **** (blind seer)

pass the puck without the ruckus
down the range with the shiv stuck us
gotta strong poker face tryna bluff yuss
knock wig back gut stuffin if you rushin us
boy i dust the rust off my metal alloy pen
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
Zero Sum
Duke Thompson Sep 2016
Glimpses of what could be
In absence of gnawing hole
Stare not too long
Into black zero sum game

As surely as man who
Stares directly at sun
May lose sight

He who peers void-ward too
Blinded from past, present and future
Was it worth it?
Aug 2016 · 475
Brushed up gud
Duke Thompson Aug 2016
I brush up my teeth
(good little boy)
I brush em up gud
put on nice white & brites
flick wrist like handsome Asian dentist said
checkup all gud iron Bru bby
no cavity litter life
burn bridges
raze fields
scorch earth
Aug 2016 · 342
Duke Thompson Aug 2016
here i set again at precipice
dare i do!
dare i dont?
confused always
asking you baby grade me
Aug 2016 · 289
Duke Thompson Aug 2016
In our polite (Canadian) society
We have a tendency towards passive aggression

You don't address a problem directly
Say nothing

Do nothing
Except ice out the person or collective
The weather isn't the only thing
I'd describe as cold
Aug 2016 · 417
graveyard shiff
Duke Thompson Aug 2016
i forget who i am
foreigner gazing back at me
ocean blue eyes and curly locks
(he called me cherub)
i'll drink to that

tired from midnight toils
caught up in future trajectories
feels wrought in iron
'o how you've ****** yerself noww boyyy'  

i forget where i am
overindulgent little ****
Aug 2016 · 334
Duke Thompson Aug 2016
The pen or the *****
Lies from false prophets
Disenfranchised or proselytized
Can't tell which is which anymore
Hyenas abound, white devil
Aug 2016 · 344
what's left
Duke Thompson Aug 2016
what more is there to say
stare at red carpet flashbacks
acid appearance of algae bloom
blocking out the sun

beautiful death sentence writ
frozen like the petrified forest
where we used to hide

see thru clear to caustic rot
voices inside screaming ouroboros
you turn to ash
like so many cigarettes pursed
and i am glad it's the end
Jul 2016 · 402
Duke Thompson Jul 2016
love the way it feels right when it hits
nausea, i might throw up
slight headache, heaviness
weighing from the top down
roll one up for the nausea
speed to stop sleep
here i am myself
no one to criticize
Jul 2016 · 726
Duke Thompson Jul 2016
tired of poverty
yet spend too much
tow the company line
is it really buying in
how much on offer
stable, bored, isolated
empty vase, limestone deposit

don't want to die anymore
coward in younger eyes
he's gone but i'm still here
what's been made of it

sometimes i wonder
how decomposed he's gotten
grave in central Newfoundland
worm eyed dream coil shuffle
left him there alone
place he hated most
i won't forgive myself
i won't forget

when blurry vision cleared
choppy alcoholic verse stymied
white waters to clear
how i miss sea waves

how do i read
believe it was an accident
if i'm lost at sea
slipped overboard
or climbed

icy atlantic water numb
sinking back to you
Jul 2016 · 306
Duke Thompson Jul 2016
we see eye to eye
when i'm down on the ground weary
want to be at the bottom of bottle again
spies behind enemy lines

stay alone, no need for pretending
meals for one (not hungry)
smoking joints at table

look at you only
my own dead glazed eyes gaze back
beer bottle gaunt
let's go another round
Jun 2016 · 485
Duke Thompson Jun 2016
Tall boys and xanax bars
Days blur and summer sun rays fade into
Rainy Vancouver-Seattle apathy

Wake up to drizzling
Mild & tired (slow burn)
With vague self satisfaction Oceanside
Pacific west coast Canadian paradise

I'll tell you when upper Eastside vibe
Subsides back to parliamentary
Green city Ottawa grandpa
Sleeping anyway
Jun 2016 · 529
I, junkie
Duke Thompson Jun 2016
I, ******
Alliteration of my lies
Trade one for the other

I see him in my sleep
Sphinx in the streets
The sarcophagi & the scepter
Haunted nomad shielding
Constricted eyes, obelisk-blinded
Black stone that still somehow shines
Duke Thompson Jun 2016
lonely chord tired guitar play
soul numb as callous fingers
heart hollow as sea rusted string
flat wrought steel,
peeled off tire
fire face melted

fleeting garish glimpse of starch shirt 60s
itchy lice life like gene spliced flight patterns
bioengineered space age

Han Solo with (hold) full o'Spice
Synthetic Cannabinoids sprayed on Marshmallow leaf ruin life

Chewie grab the bowcaster, ill grab the glock foe blaster
Smash, mash and crashed'er like Britons of Lancaster
trash i wrote drunk
May 2016 · 328
False prophet
Duke Thompson May 2016
Quiet words
From a lonely man
I write on

Convinced was doing God's work
Sure these were God's words
And I the conduit who never believed

The word left me
The lion to the lamb
There I sat, throne of swords
Crown of thorns
Struck a Pyrrhic victory
Slink off to lick sunken wounds
False prophet, I lie in ruins
The pen and the *****
May 2016 · 557
I am am I
Duke Thompson May 2016
I am oyster of ocean (closed off)
I am burning of bigot neo-**** flag
I eat of earth and drink deep of river
I sleep on floor in concrete sardine can
I pluck words out of the sky (drawn ire)
Paint pictures of solumn cerebral sorrow,
Tired eyes, liars ties
Humbled before magnitude of universe
Crushed by weight of world
"Then why carry it"
Asks pretty girl/voices
May 2016 · 491
Duke Thompson May 2016
I awake at 4am
Meandering through
Selfish thoughts

Toxic grains and growing pains
Have I changed
Or same *******

Same pretend man writing
Heartfelt speeches of comraderie
All lies and I false prophet
Proselytizing strength in numbers
Mar 2016 · 347
Duke Thompson Mar 2016
Cook for one
Eat in the dark
Bright rectangles
Deer in headlights
Pump the gas
Feb 2016 · 736
Duke Thompson Feb 2016
Cracks in the foundation -
They don't make 'em like they used to. Chipped concrete, rusted rebar
Fading facade

I make facile arguments
Excuse myself

Blame mental illness
Blame the drugs, the molly years
Blame ****** (I don't choose life)

Ian McGregor

Blame the ****** February weather
Blame the itchy sweater
That is life

If that truly is life then,
Become I conscientious objector?
Already live in Canada

Blame the city
Blame the *****
Blame yourself

They say we have agency
I grasp, I reach
But the fruits
Are bitter sweet
**** the bed honey
Like Spud lovely

Which lines do I keep?
And who to throw away?
Jan 2016 · 1.2k
Salt fish
Duke Thompson Jan 2016
I feel
Hollow inside
Is cavernous waste

I see myself
Tired and dried out

So much salt cod
Beckons me to the ocean
Empty bottles
Jan 2016 · 505
Duke Thompson Jan 2016
I seek to fill this cup eternally,
My grail brings not eternal life
But rather quenches
The thirst upon my lips
That besets my battered
Drinking brain

My cup runneth over with madness
And confusion
Finding liars in friends and shadow people
Beckoning from beyond my shoulder

Hear the brittle knock at my door
Sure it's Death's rattle
Find a cosy corner
So I can see the stars again
Jan 2016 · 348
Broken China
Duke Thompson Jan 2016
Fear creeps over hiding body
Life by the wayside
Blurry sloppy shopping failure (they know)

Touched by The Fear
Shadows in the corner of mine eyes
Telling lies, really half truths
The belt and the noose
Posturing at the way you think
It should be, big man with big plans

Pretty little liar
Translucent *****
Tear me down to cracked foundation
No amount of plaster
Broken China
Jan 2016 · 397
Duke Thompson Jan 2016
"This way lies ruin."
Why does it say that
At the bottom of the bottle
Jan 2016 · 783
What depression feels like
Duke Thompson Jan 2016
30 tall boys of ****** beer
A loaf of garlic bread
8balls that never make it
To the pool table
Dec 2015 · 352
Duke Thompson Dec 2015
Hate how Kerouac talked
About being "high" on *****

The bottom of a bottle isn't
Place of elevation
Rather a state of inebriation
Grasping at the straws
Broke the camel's back
Or some such drudgery
Dec 2015 · 374
Duke Thompson Dec 2015
Wish I could run away
Wish it wasn't too late
In over my head
In over my head
No place to go
No fields to sow
Or ducks in a row
Nothing go show
But bruised broken
Wrinkled carcass of me
Was never Adam
Ate whole basket
Forbidden fruit
Dec 2015 · 358
Duke Thompson Dec 2015
  In stomach
       Wish I had
          A bottle or
            Needle in a
                  Nodding out
                     At Tim's
                        On The Road
                  To nowhere
Dec 2015 · 1.3k
Valium stallion
Duke Thompson Dec 2015
The adderall admiral
The ****** stallion
You down by a fifth
I'm up on a gallon
Dec 2015 · 420
Duke Thompson Dec 2015
Trying to figure out
Why I should help these narcissists
Everyone I meet is a ******* *******
I'm sure I'm a ******* ******* too
Try not to be
Good luck honey

They don't deserve help
I don't deserve
We don't deserve

What does Rustin say?
"It's all one ghetto man
Giant gutter in outer space"

Hope this planet bends us over its knee
(Implying some Gaia complex)
Or an asteroid
Universe's way of telling us
Dec 2015 · 307
Duke Thompson Dec 2015
cracks a beer*

My vision for the future

Is a shallow grave
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Duke Thompson Dec 2015
Black curtains

Can't block enough light

For these conjunctivitis eyes

My hangover is your demise

Single sickle cell anemia patient

What's your platelet count

Little *****

Don't tell me not to yell

Not always Mr nice guy

These Pacific ocean eyes

Can turn cold and Atlantic

Bicoastal bipolar niche

Freeze you out
Dec 2015 · 614
Duke Thompson Dec 2015
Getting sentimental from drink

Limp along like another

Angry little misanthrope

Don't people get tired of themselves

Like I get tired of me?

Blah blah blah

Looking for a breath of fresh air

When everything and everywhere

Is stale
Nov 2015 · 1.6k
Bay St. George
Duke Thompson Nov 2015
My father was born in an outport community of 2000
On the Avalon peninsula of Newfoundland
Around 1950, to a school headmaster and a homemaker
Attended Memorial University of Newfoundland (as did I)
Studied English, and eventually Education

He was a brilliant man, often quiet for long periods of time,
Then viscerally eloquent like Occam's Razor when he spoke
Remember him telling me how "taking their maidenheads"
From Romeo and Juliet act one, was about taking virginity
Always had an answer for my million questions
Rarely lost his temper

Taught me to accept others as they were, and to resist the temptation
To judge

A spiritual man, not religious, always taking care to differentiate the two

Without him I would never have access
To the home library in our den, my muse
Or all the gruesome movies he shouldn't have let me watch

Without my father I wouldn't know that
I like Jack Daniel's on the rocks with afternoon paper or
A Farewell to Arms with Spanish Rioja from earthenware cups,
Like Hemingway drank during the Spanish Civil War

I would not have wallowed with the downtrodden and the vilified
I would not have seen the base human weakness
The fundamental vulnerability that dwells within all of us
Had I not seen it in him first

Some four years ago, my father experienced weakness on one side
While on vacation in Europe
Flew back to Canada, diagnosed quickly with brain cancer
By the time I spoke to him, his mind was already rapidly fading
The spark of brilliance snuffed out like so much wick and wax

Died 6 months later in his sleep
We spread his ashes on his father's grave
And in the Bay St. George

Taught me what and how to believe,
Who to be
For better or for worse
Taught me how to ask the right questions
Showed me the books to read
Let me know it was OK
To be me
Nov 2015 · 767
Duke Thompson Nov 2015
Getting sentimental from drink
Limp along like another
Angry little misanthrope pedant
Don't people get tired of themselves
Like I get tired of me?

Blah blah blah
Looking for a breath of fresh air
When everything and everywhere
Is stale
Nov 2015 · 305
Duke Thompson Nov 2015
I want to meet her kid
I want to see baby Anna too
Afraid I'll taint them
With my morose
Existential nihilism
So tiring and dessicated
Nov 2015 · 362
Between Us
Duke Thompson Nov 2015
There's ethyl alcohol between us

I can't seem to see you sober

Hold your hair til puking ends

Hypothermic when I rub back

I can't seem to see you sober

'You make me nervous'

I know I do
Oct 2015 · 405
what i do
Duke Thompson Oct 2015
saturday after
wilin last night
designer shirt
computer chair
tired eyes
wise cracks about quaaludes
this ******* thinks
he's Kinsey
or something
Oct 2015 · 316
Duke Thompson Oct 2015
Coming apart at
The seams
Again and
Oct 2015 · 395
balcony thoughts
Duke Thompson Oct 2015
listen to Jenny o
Smoke ****
Think about jumping
Oct 2015 · 379
Duke Thompson Oct 2015
A dove
       ***** fixes
                          herself a little snack....
"commes des
                **** down"
But tired,
                    I sleep now in discrete pieces
  When finally norephinephrine
          Dries up, the Dopamine Transporter
                 Ceases to run itself in reverse
                          And the volume
                              Puts me to sleep
Oct 2015 · 476
Duke Thompson Oct 2015
draw crow draw raven blackbird fly o yassss
bro brow blow brah still high b'y
time to spit the real maritime flow
so tired miss the ocean yea
central central city
livin' so-so
Oct 2015 · 826
soul eatr
Duke Thompson Oct 2015
Learned today
1. definition of patois (non-standardized lnguage.)
2. NSAIDs apparently interfere with the action of SSRIs
3. Synonyms for Appetite Suppressant:
Anorectic, anorexic, anorexigenic, anorexiant

How many neural networks formed when your soul eats?
Oct 2015 · 364
Duke Thompson Oct 2015
Overheated, I'll let myself melt
If it would bring you back
I would die again
Flushed into the ocean
To see your face again

Little Anna with your whole life
I would've called you Hope
Like I don't know
How empty and cliche
Who will you be?
Will I live to see it
Don't know
Hope so
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
Duke Thompson Oct 2015
Drink Mead
Red like blood
My forefathers
Or so they told me

No warrior here
Valhalla decries me
Hiding in shadows
Would you call me Loki?

Too tired for these metaphors
Young man
Little plans of mice and

Worst laid, underpaid survivor
Going in tomorrow
Renewed ansgt amongst the fire
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