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 Aug 2017 Vil
Aaron LaLux
Everything I do,
is dedicated to the Art,
harnessing the chaos of this cylinder globe,
we fall in Love while everything else falls apart,
we are Miracles on this Earth that we reside on,

through the galaxy,
a real life is led for Art,
all else is a fallacy,

we evolve,
back to me,

as we travel through these Lifetimes,
we find the Bridge of Love to unite with,
Humans have the Healing Feminine Divine with,
the power to universally unite from that which divides us,

we consciously create change,
nothing stays the same as,
we evolve from conflict,
to a more Harmonious vibe,

the meeting,
of the tribes,
the intros and greetings,
the hellos and goodbyes,

“Good Luck & Good Love”,

letting go of,
everything that once was,
embracing the noun of now,
which is the embodiment of Forever Love,

letting go of all that’s passed,
and embracing all that’s in the future,
the moment we live in is now,
the place is here now there is no there later,

under the Supermoon in Bali,
at a hot springs with a Hot Thing,
another Divine Being obviously,

and everything we do,
is dedicated to the Art,
harnessing the chaos of this cylinder globe,
that we reside on,

through the galaxy,
a real life is led for Art,
all else is a fallacy,

we evolve,
back to me,

as we travel through these Lifetimes,
we find the Bridge of Love to unite with,
Humans have the Healing Feminine Divine with,
the power to universally unite from that which divides us…

∆ Aaron La Lux ∆
 Aug 2017 Vil
Scaevola Lisianthus
Blue is the sky
But blue is also lonely
Red is the rose
Red is happiness
White is clean
White is for hope

We have different colors
That makes up ourselves
True colors show up
To show what we really are

Everything is colorful
So as your life,
Make a smile
And enjoy colors in life.
I just made this because I'm bored so it may not be good haha I hope you like it though :)
 Aug 2017 Vil
i think i like vomiting because it gets my
insides out.
i don't have to scream. i don't have to shout.
all i do is drink.
 Aug 2017 Vil
did you think i was a dream?

oh, how I tried to be.

thin and watery, made to

fit around you so that you

might say I were the crepuscular rays

sheafs of sunlight held up like

taut ropes tied to the ledge

of heaven.
(c) brooke Otto 2017
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