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49.0k · May 2018
Don't Tell me I'm pretty
Virtuous May 2018
Don't tell me I'm pretty
Tell me that I'm passionate
That I have drive
Tell me that I make you laugh
That I know how to make your day better
Don't tell me I seem nice
Tell me that I'm kind and compassionate
Tell me that I'm not afraid to dream and to dream big
Don't tell me I'm perfect
Tell me the you love me despite my flaws
That you want to spend the rest of your life with me
Don't tell me I'm beautiful
Tell me that you'll be faithful and forever true
21.1k · May 2019
My Friend the Moon
Virtuous May 2019
I think the sun has grown jealous
Of my friendship with the moon
I prefer dusk to dawn
And midnight instead of noon
3.9k · Aug 2018
The Customer is Always Right
Virtuous Aug 2018
Trying my best to do a job
And follow rules set in place
And peoples attitude
And entitled egos im supposed to just take
Because hey
“The Customer Is Always Right”

To give service with a smile
Even to the one screaming profanities
To reward bad behaviour
And give in to such insanity  
But hey
“The Customer Is Always Right”

To be nice to the creeps
That come in every week
I already told you
The answer is no!
So please leave me alone
But hey
“The Customer is Always Right”

What happened to honor?
Dignity and Respect?
I’m horrified at the lack there of
I know im not the only one
3.6k · Jul 2014
Virtuous Jul 2014
Revenge feels good for a moment
but it isn't until time has passed
that we realize it's true consequence.
2.3k · Oct 2018
Hopeless Romantic
Virtuous Oct 2018
I'm a hopeless romantic
I dream of fun nights out on the town
Meaningful conversations under the stars
And a passionate kiss shared in the rain
I'm a hopeless romantic
I believe in marriage
And growing old together
And being attentive to each others needs
I'm a hopeless romantic
Longing to be seen in a way
That others have never dared to do
Afraid of losing their fantasies
I'm a hopeless romantic
But more than that
I am human
And a complex one I might add
Not so easily figured out
But what's the fun in that?
I'm a hopeless romantic
Loyal and caring
Wanting to know who my partner is
And how I can help them accomplish their
Goals and dreams
A hopeless romantic
Yes that's me
2.0k · Dec 2018
Virtuous Dec 2018
I took the crown off my head
To make myself more approachable
To you
And in doing so
Forgot that I ever owned one
Never lower your standards for anyone
957 · Nov 2018
Time Machine
Virtuous Nov 2018
Your voice is like a time machine
Pulling me back
To a period of life
I would rather forget
950 · Aug 2015
Dancing with the Traitor
Virtuous Aug 2015
Im dancing with a traitor
We were having a good time
It was all going so well
Until I decided to say goodbye
I should of left when I had the chance
Now his grip on me is strong
What's to come after this dance
I hope I'm alive at the end of this song
The night is filled with laughs
But not ones of Joy
Skin-crawling and deep
My emotions are not a toy
No longer feeling like a dance partner
But a puppet with strings
Evil and Deception
Are the songs that he sings
Took the Freedom out of my life
And threw it all away
I'll forever be a slave if I stay
Step after step
My feet are getting tired
It's no fun to dance with liars
Let alone in the fire
I need a new partner
To come and take my hand
For someone to understand
What it feels like to be more dead
Than alive
862 · Aug 2018
The Poet
Virtuous Aug 2018
The heart of a poet
Is a difficult one to understand
Complex in nature
And a challenge to read
With convictions and thoughts
That run deeper than you think

Don't mistake my empathy for weakness
Or my smile for innocence
To speculate is not to know

My eyes are windows
To the beautiful madness
That is my soul

I see things for more than just what they are
But for what they could be
Finding the meaning in everything

You may think I'm too sentimental
Or in tune with my emotions
But that doesn't bother me
Why stay on the surface
When their are such depths as the Ocean

So stand my fellow poets
And raise up your pens
And lets show this world what were made of
One word at a time
This art to never end
747 · Mar 2014
Virtuous Mar 2014
What has our society come to?
That the value of face to face relationships is gone
Hiding behind the message of a text
No longer able to determine right from wrong
Living life behind a screen
Going through the motions
Failing to know all that we can be
700 · Nov 2014
Virtuous Nov 2014
How could people do such things?
How could someone be so numb?
I do not understand
668 · May 2017
Virtuous May 2017
You wanted to play with my body
But my heart wasn't enough?
To push and pull me the way you did
And then disappear of the grid
Without so much as a word or goodbye
To leave me here wondering why
What did I ever do?
I wasn't expecting it all to end so soon
I'm hurt and angry too
And yet I can't help but miss you
Would you think I was crazy
If I told you I wanted to see you again
I wonder if I ever will and if so when?
And if I do I don't know what I would say
I've imagined different scenarios for that day
Would I yell until the tears came streaming down?
Would I be speechless without a sound?
Would I wrap my arms around your neck and press your lips against my own?
All these things to be guessed and not known
659 · Mar 2014
Ode to Ocean
Virtuous Mar 2014
"There is pleasure in the pathless woods, a society where none intrudes..."
- Lord Byron (Ode to Ocean)
655 · May 2019
Coffee Shop Thoughts
Virtuous May 2019
Stopped by my local coffee shop today
Brought a book like I tend to do
Took a seat and settled in
And that’s when I noticed these two
A couple in front of me whispering in each others ear
Saying things only for the other to hear
The smiles on their faces
So genuine and bright
“Aw the honeymoon phase” I thought
Gosh that seems nice

And then I thought about you
Even though we never went out
That’s my fault I guess
You were very persuasive no doubt
But the truth is I wasn’t ready
And your offer I had to refuse
Trust me... I didn’t want to
But my heart had some healing to do

You have probably moved on by now
It’s been a little over a year
I don’t know why I still think of you
Maybe it’s wonder... maybe it’s fear

I wish I could thank you
I wish I could explain
I wish I could see you again
But too much time has passed I’m afraid
636 · Mar 2014
Let it Go
Virtuous Mar 2014
Let it go
Although this is a trendy phrase
We must not deny its truth at the end of the day
Reality is we all have something to let go
Whether thats our pride or our ego
Our insecurities and doubt
Stop letting it wear you out
629 · May 2019
Virtuous May 2019
Or a new pen
621 · Sep 2018
Day Dreamer
Virtuous Sep 2018
Present in body
But miles away in Spirit
Where do you ask?
I'm dancing on the moon
Performing for the stars
They don't want me to go home
They say it's too far
I'm running in an open field
With no other person in sight
Just flowers and endless green
And the sunset oh so bright
I'm flying through the open sky
Wings as majestic as a birds
The best way to live I've heard
I'm falling from a cliff
And into deep blue sea
Don't wake me up
Cause I've never felt so free
616 · Mar 2014
The Romantic Period
Virtuous Mar 2014
Oh the Romantic period
A truly amazing era in literature
To discover oneself
To love nature divine
To see everything as sublime
To wonder about the supernatural
To not care about all things factual
600 · Oct 2018
Oceans Call
Virtuous Oct 2018
I hear my name
In the breeze
That your waters carry
Im coming
I hear your call
I agree
Its been too long
596 · Oct 2018
Virtuous Oct 2018
I didn't see the knife in your hand
When we hugged
They say there is nothing new
Under the sun
I'm bleeding but I'm free
Because someone killed my fake reality
Another throwback poem
587 · Aug 2015
The Cowards Exit
Virtuous Aug 2015
Getting kind of dark in here
Maybe its time to leave
You know the way out
Don't act like you can't hear me
My voice is getting louder
You can only ignore it for so long
Just try to resist my power
Try to resist my song
There are plenty of exits but one way out
Go ahead and take your pick
You can choose your own route
Are you starting to feel sick?

Wouldn't this rope look so pretty around your neck?
Or this knife through your heart?
Wait just a sec
We aren't quite ready to start

Look at this bottle of pills
Go ahead and take them
Not convinced still?

Pull this trigger
The job will get done real quick
Your feeling sicker and sicker
The air is getting thick

Time is ticking
We don't have all day
Are you done picking?
Any last words to say?

I hear your voice
I know you're there
This is my choice
To live life I dare
To resist you and your so called power
I will continue to fight
I will not take the exit of a coward

Now leave
Your job here is done
I will not give in
Your song you've already sung

As pretty as you think it sounds
It's a little off key
Never had someone tell you that?
Guess that someone is me
580 · May 2019
Virtuous May 2019
are reminders
Of what it is
to be human
580 · Mar 2014
Mirror Mirror
Virtuous Mar 2014
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who is the fairest of them all?
Since when did you become the judge
The say so in vanity
I come to realize that this is all insanity
Your hair is too messy
Your eyes are too small
Will you shut up already!
Stop pointing out my so called flaws!
You are a slab of glass that screams out lies
Beauty is in the beholders eyes
My beholder is Jesus Christ
He loves me and says I'm beautiful
That's enough for me
I'm going to be all He called me to be
Mirror Mirror on the wall
I am the fairest of them all
575 · Apr 2014
One Crown
Virtuous Apr 2014
One crown-that fate has used
To bring together forever two
Very unlikely to become a pair
A hidden naive princess so fair
And a thief running from himself
But together they found help
To find a new dream
569 · May 2015
Corrupted Beauty
Virtuous May 2015
“Dear mirror on the wall, what must I do to be fairest of them all?”
“You are searching in the wrong places.  Outward appearance is but a fading rose.  From the heart true beauty flows.”  
“My heart is as good as anyone elses.”
“If you are as confident as you speak, go ahead and take a peak.”
Her reflection in the image began to blur and her heart was revealed in the glass.  To her astonishment it had been darkened by her sins and lack of love.
“Tell me mirror, what spell must I cast to restore my heart?”
“A spell is not the answer nor key, its acts of true love that you need.”  “Love is dead! Just like my dear old husband.”
“There is no hope for the heart that does not believe in love.”
“So tell me dear mirror, who is the fairest of them all?”
“Vanity is vain and you are wasting your time, but if you must know there is one whose beauty is sublime.”  
“Who is this one that you speak of?”
“One whose heart is pure and uncontaminated, the one who lives in this very castle with you.  It is not her pale skin that makes her beautiful, nor her raven hair and red lips, but her kind spirit and faith in love.”  
“Snow White! It can’t be!”  
“What I say is true whether or not you choose to believe.”
“Then I’ll corrupt her beauty.”
“The only way to corrupt her beauty is by corrupting her heart.”
“Then her heart I shall corrupt.”
More of a dialogue/story than poem, I know.
558 · Mar 2014
Virtuous Mar 2014
The honest man lied
The generous one stole
Kindness showed its evil side
Their hearts became cold
The gentle one became violent
And the faithful is not here to stay
But there is one who will always remain the same
My God who is forever true
544 · Jun 2014
Free from the Dark
Virtuous Jun 2014
Walking in the dark
Both scared and comforted
Looking deep into my heart
Could things have been under estimated?
Desperate for an escape
Yet wishing to linger
Never have I felt so much hate
Sharp and real as a stinger
My friend and enemy
A hard thing to comprehend
And yet more simple then it seems
The light calls from a distance
Full of joy and hope
A voice screams "Wait don't!"
"The light may bring joy but
vulnerability as well."
My response is "Freedom is better
than this hell."
520 · Oct 2018
Virtuous Oct 2018
Hush little girl
Don’t you cry
Here a safe haven
For you lies
Walls filled with pages and words
Ready to take you to different worlds
Like magic
To experience stories
Some thrilling, exciting, and romantic
The best ones
Have writers filled with passion
And create some of the most
Brilliant things imagined
Forget your troubles
And immerse yourself in the pages
And never limit
The imagination
507 · May 2014
Freedom isn't free
Virtuous May 2014
Freedom isn't free
Everything comes at a price
Today is the day we remember the sacrifice
That was made for a beloved country
Everyone from the wealthy to the hungry
Let us not forget the brave hearts that charged into battle
The people that took more than they could handle
The tears that were shed for the loved ones lost
Today we stop to remember the cost
Of our freedom
505 · Mar 2015
Virtuous Mar 2015
I didn't see the knife in your hand
When we hugged
They say there is nothing new
Under the sun
I'm bleeding but I'm free
Because someone killed my fake reality
#pain #realitycheck #free
489 · Mar 2014
Time is Life
Virtuous Mar 2014
Tick tock tick tock
Does time exist?
Tick tock tick tock
Is it only a myth?

Day by day
Hour by hour
Where does it all go?
If you were to find out
It would make you weep
And it would make you groan

Tick tock tick tock
How much of my life is spent?
Tick tock tick tock
What am I to do with the rest?

Next year came to quickly
Tomorrow won't come soon enough
Time is flying by swiftly
It's too late to make up for some stuff

Yesterday feels like forever ago
And last year feels like yesterday
Time is a confusing concept

It can't be comprehended
By our senses and sight
So I come to the conclusion that
Time is life
487 · May 2019
White knuckles
Virtuous May 2019
Knuckles white
Heavy chest
Rivers eye
Painful breath
485 · Apr 2014
One Shoe
Virtuous Apr 2014
One shoe-A perfect fit
That was to bring her back to her prince
To save her from a life without love
And bring to life her dreams she passionately sung
To forget about the pain of the past
And to with her prince dance
Until the clock strikes midnight
476 · Mar 2014
The Black Veiled Bride
Virtuous Mar 2014
She walks down the isle
The black veiled bride
In desperate need
To hide something inside
She will not allow the groom
To look upon her face
She fears of no mercy; no grace
There's no way to count every tear shed
Never expresses it but conceals it instead
With the heart pounding nearly out of her chest
She can't help but long for death
Fear has grasped her soul
So many things unrevealed; untold
Her long awaited husband
Begins to remove her covering
This is it, the exposure of her suffering
Her eyes met his and she felt something inside
Through the amount of compassion in his eyes
"I love you anyways" was his very words
She could hardly believe that she rightly heard
That this man saw past it all
And still chose to love her
476 · Oct 2018
Cry O’clock
Virtuous Oct 2018
It’s not time to cry yet
Just a little while longer
Wait till the sun sets
When everyone has laid
Their heads to sleep
And then everything bottled
Can be freely released
When the moon has taken its place
In the sky
Then you can cry
In the dark where no one can see
And you can finally just be
473 · Mar 2014
Who You Are
Virtuous Mar 2014
What you look like isn't who you are
What you wear isn't who you are
What you do isn't who you are
What you love isn't who you are
Your mental ability isn't who you are
Your success isn't who you are
Your failure isn't who you are
Your gifts and talents aren't who you are
Your weaknesses aren't who you are
Your own personality isn't who you are
Who you are is so much deeper
461 · Oct 2018
Virtuous Oct 2018
Oh two wolves of my soul
Fighting for the title of Alpha
One with fur like the snow
The other a shadow of the night
Both with a mighty howl
And an even stronger bite
The decision is mine
Which wolf I feed
The one I allow
To guide and lead me
Blood has been shed
On both sides I’m afraid
But an Alpha isn’t born
They’re made
457 · Apr 2014
The wind is howling
Virtuous Apr 2014
The wind has a voice today
Perhaps it always has
Perhaps we never bothered to listen
To understand
The beauty of it all
Nature and creation
The wind and it's call
What is the message that it carries
That is blowing through the leaves
Both lovely and scary
Something that amazes me
It's windy today
456 · Apr 2014
One Drop
Virtuous Apr 2014
One drop- of bright red blood
Gliding down her finger
Marking her fate
Ringing a reminder
Of that dreadful woman's hate
Now to await for true love
In the form of a kiss
Sleeping Beauty
445 · Mar 2014
Dream Again
Virtuous Mar 2014
Why so downcast my child?
Has someone stolen your joy?
That look in your eyes breaks my heart
Your dreams have been destroyed

Don't worry for I am here
Look up to the heavens
Let me whisper something in your ear
My love for you is as strong as it could be
It's bigger and deeper than the sea

It's time for you to dream again It's time to dream
Go ahead and try it's not as hards as it seems
You may have been stripped of your childhood
You may have had to grow up to soon
But I will never leave nor forsake you

Its time to imagine the impossible
Come on now your unstoppable
Go ahead and reach for the high peak
I know that you can do it in a heartbeat

You dare to dream again
Surely this is not the end
But a new beginning
A time for singing
A time for joy
441 · Nov 2014
Virtuous Nov 2014
I gaze upon thy beauty
Your glistening diamonds in the moonlight
You reach beyond my eye
And become one with the sky
Like a shadow
So intriguing and mysterious
433 · Aug 2015
The Prison
Virtuous Aug 2015
I was told that were not getting out
That there is no way
My heart sunk and emotions froze
I had no plans to stay
I never wanted to come here
But I had no choice
It chased after me
Stole my freedom and my voice
Locked behind these walls
Looking out through the glass
I see my escape...Or do I?
Is this my chance?
Or is it just an illusion?
I can hardly tell
I'm tired of this confusion
Tired of this hell
433 · May 2018
Virtuous May 2018
Here I stand
In a room full of faces
In awe of the fact that behind every face there is a story
And as I ponder that I realize
That I am in a room filled with stories
No two stories are quite a like
But many share the same elements
How many of them end up with a broken heart?
Or a shattered soul?
How many hopes and dreams fulfilled?
How many hold regrets?
How many do we wish to be rewritten?
How many are being written out for us?
The things that come with being human
I may not know your story
And you may not know mine
But maybe were not that different after all
429 · May 2014
The Blessing and Curse
Virtuous May 2014
Both a blessing and a curse
The feelings of ones heart
The joy and the hurt
The light and the dark
The freedom to love
The prison of pain
Gentle as a dove
Hard as stone some days
429 · Nov 2018
Virtuous Nov 2018
So many words
Spinning chaoticly through my head
Trying to catch them
And create a thread
Of sentences
And imagry
426 · Nov 2018
Virtuous Nov 2018
Dont complain

Of a wiltering garden

Full of weeds

If you never tended to

Or watered the seeds
424 · Dec 2014
Falling Star
Virtuous Dec 2014
I am the star
You wish upon at night
But what you don't know
Is that you are putting at risk my life
3 days is all I have
To fulfill a single wish
Whether that is a special gift
Or true loves kiss
If I am to fail at my task
To not give to you what you ask
My clock stops ticking
And I begin to fade
Never again to see the light of day
Next time you see a star fall
Keep this in mind
That a beautiful thing has died
421 · May 2014
Color of your heart
Virtuous May 2014
What color is your heart?
I can't seem to find out
You're really hard to read
Can we flip to the next page please
There are days when you are pure as gold
And others when I can see the blackness in your soul
What color is your heart?
Do you even know yourself?
Do you bother to look within?
It's not until you do so
That this confusion will end
What is that veil over your heart
It wasn't there from the start
Are you hiding from yourself?
Don't you lie to me cause I can't tell
The color of your heart
421 · Sep 2018
Virtuous Sep 2018
Stories are an interesting concept
A series of events that connect as a whole
With different characters, settings, and worlds
Some so iconic that they get passed down from
Generation to generation and survive the eraser
That is called time
They move and inspire us
Pull on on our heart strings like an instrument
The music pulling tears from our eyes
I live in a world of white pages and black ink
But never is it void of color
417 · Mar 2014
Virtuous Mar 2014
Why do we treat people
Like some are worth more than others?
How long will it be before we discover
That no one is more special than another
Everyone has something that is unique to them
Tell me when will this prejudice end?
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