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Ivan Brooks Sr Jun 2018
I have been homeless
But never hopeless.
I have been jobless
But not faithless.
I have been penniless
But happy nevertheless.

I have been laughed at
But have never cared about that.
I have been downplayed
All I did was prayed.
I have been talked about,
Thrown out,
And beaten up...
Yet have never given up!

My home has been taken
But I have never been shaken.
When my possessions were removed,
I remained resolute and not moved.
I have been disenfranchised
And immobilized...
Yet I remained unfazed!

I have been used
And falsely accused.
I have been seriously abused,
And my ego bruised.
Though my suffering has been long,
Yet I have remained strong.
I have been called all sorts of names,
And unjustly pinned with blames...
Like the mighty baobab tree,
I haven't been moved as you can see.

Where can a little stream carry a big stone?
Ivan Brooks Sr Jun 2018
Be like water,
be formless.
Be like a lion,
be fearless.
Be like the universe,
be limitless.
Be like Bluetooth,
Be wireless.
Be mysterious,
leave people clueless.
Be like a guard dog,
be restless.
Be like a machine,
be tireless.
Be a true hustler,
be relentless.
Be a fantastic poet,
leave your readers speechless.

Water is formless and humans, we aren't but as poets,we can leave our readers speechless!
Ivan Brooks Sr Jun 2018
Rejoice in your own struggles
There's a lesson in everything.
Smile when you have troubles,
For you've gained something.

Pray when you have troubles
There's a reason behind them.
Do it even if your woes doubles,
Blessed are those who use them.

There's always a way, so rejoice!
Ivan Brooks Sr Jun 2018
Ever since I discovered poetry,
I discovered the blessing of being born into poverty: My life, my struggle, my hustle, my journey is the bedrock of my strength.My story is the source of my inspiration and the caveat of my staying power.

Ever since I discovered poetry,
I discovered the mysterious ways in which God's gift to every man is dissimilated.Look at the athletic abilities of Lebron James when he plays basketball, see the prophetic gift of Bishop T D Jakes when he preaches.Look at the artistic brilliance of the jazziest, George Benson when he sings and plays guitar.And, no one alive will ever forget the musical genius of Michael Jackson and the poetic prowess of Maya Angelou.

Ever since I discovered poetry,
I discovered how God uses the foolishness of man to confirm his greatness.Every time I write a masterpiece, somebody somewhere reads it and goes" ***, Wow, this is really good!"

Ever since I discovered poetry,
I discovered that God is the greatest of all poets.From Genesis to Revelation, His words
Compiled into sixty-six meticulously written books remains the bestseller of all times.

Ever since I discovered poetry
I discovered that God is love and love is blind and blindness is nothing because God blessed the blind with hidden eyes in the mind.
I discovered God gave the blind something because of the legendary Steven Wonder and the little blind Liberian boy, Samy Wefur who now sings with the Nigerian star,Flavour.

Ever since I discovered poetry, I discovered a lot! What have you discovered of late?
Ivan Brooks Sr Jun 2018
What's greater than spoken words,
Yet poets flip them seamlessly?
What's Sharper than a Samurai's swords,
Yet great warriors used them bravely?
What's better than a woman's tender body,
Yet some men abuse them repeatedly?
What's purest than the tears she sheds
Yet it flows when she sobs quietly?

What's better than a mother's love
Yet she gives it so unconditionally?
What's more precious than a human life,
Yet many men live ever so carelessly?
What's more disappointing than Donald Trump,
Yet some Americans love him dearly?
Who came up with the idea of slavery,
Yet the world refuses to apologize openly?
Who invented the deadly assault rifles,
That people ****** innocent kids with remorselessly?

Who actually built the pyramids
That to this day, stands rigidly?
What's the function of the U.N,
Why are nations warring perpetually?
Why is it so impossible for mankind
To have peace, live and love harmoniously?
Where's justice for my queen mother
And the innocent people killed senselessly?
Why don't we appreciate the creation of this beautiful earth,
Why do we continue to destroy and mismanage it simultaneously?

Who came up with the concept of religion,
How did God Almighty become
A part of the prosperity Gospel industry?
Why do Rastafarians
Call him Jah,
Who are the true Christians,
Why do Muslims call him Allah?
Who named the Lord Jesus,
And why do priests proclaim
Peace unto us?
Who are Hindus,
What is the story about krishna?
Why do others worship
Why do witch doctors
call him Babba,
Why do others believe
In no God,
But pray to the universe?
Why don"t they honor his word,
Yet from the bible quote a verse,
And when things falls apart,
They cry in his name?
What really is that?
Oh what a contradiction
And a big shame!

What question do you wish to ask?
Ivan Brooks Sr Apr 2018
My mind is on a poetic fire
And right here, right now,
I'll write until Shakespeare
Becomes rain and falls down.

My hands are on a mission
And I won't quit right now.
For I'll write without season
Until I become very known.

My imagination right now,
Is already at full throttle.
I'm afraid it might just blow
Up like a very hot oil bottle.

My mind and every fiber
In my oddly wired brain,
Is set on a hot poetic fire,
I'll gamble with words till I win.

This mission ends when I die.
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