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Nathan Jul 2019
With the last match in my box
I'll set myself alight
So you may feel the warmth

One solemn tear doesn't even last
As it's vaporised by the heat
Of this lonely broken heart
Nathan May 2019
Can someone teach me
What's a haiku help me please
I don't understand
Nathan Mar 2019
I've not picked up the pen in a while
It feels alien to the touch
Former flowing words
Now barely drip

This paper so cold to the touch
Which used to be so warm
My canvas of former dreams
Now stares back like a nightmare
Writersblock creative frustration
Nathan Jan 2019
The cruel irony of second place
Not finishing first
Having to look up at them
The cruel irony of finishing fourth
You don't even make the podium
Just bask in the cesspool of failure
With everyone else
Nathan Dec 2018
Music is my mindset
So If I'm seeking space
You'll hear it through harsh vocals
If I seek lust and desire
Harmonious sultry tones surround me
I'll be lost in the music of your body
When I seek happiness
Nathan Oct 2018
I want to know what it feels like
To be loved unconditionally
For all I seem to feel
Is the sour taste of the unrequited
Can you love me?
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