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Reality is so unreliable. In the water of life we surf the wave of chance. Rise or fall as hunters in the snow. The isolating future is already here. But people are still people, they still need each other. The anachronistic branch of knowledge we are dedicated to - the day in, day out - is a deluded science. It is we who would be the objects of enquiry and fascination to an alien mind. Humanity is the true wonder, the true miracle.
Yeah , that's what I here , hear or heard
You've got the fastest car around in this herd
Got the latest technology
Comes with extraordinary sound
Nobody that's no one can even compare
It climbs the mountains
and comes with all of the thrills to scare
But eventually it's where the rubber hits the road that will cause you to tare
It all comes down to the age that wears
Before now but surely not long
Before it turns into too little too late
The slowing process doesn't stop when you hit the brakes
Then you find that your joy has turned to wrinkles that rust
Wind up as scrap metal that has to be crushed
Every car has it's day on the road and then it's flat tires won't spin and it's down time to commode
. . . sigh . . . but the road goes on forever
Strange clothes and hair
That makes some stare
Or all snazzy
And jazzy
Dressed to stun
For love or for fun

Whoever we are
And whatever we are
Fashion freaks
Cool and chic
Couldn’t care less

The one thing
We can all wear
Is a smile

Because a smile -
Is always in style
I place my hand on your shoulders.
They snap together
like an old-fashioned clothespin
on my grandmother’s clothesline.

I intruded upon your space.  
I arrived at a place
that enveloped you
in personal cellophane.

You don't touch.
You won't be touched.  
What pleasures you miss, such as,
feeling the roughness of a wrinkled ear.

You fail to feel a touch
as a finger glides along your cheek,
moving with a tenderness
that surpasses any kiss.

Frigid fear confines you,
isolating you from the human touch
that caresses and warms the soul.

You navigate life
like an unrefined stone
resting among precious gems,
made luminous by countless rubs.
Initially written in Nov. 2004, revised
Welcome to Ireland.
Sorry we are unable
to converse in your
language and please
don’t even attempt to
speak to us, in ours.

We don’t understand
that either, you know.
So you have as much
right to be here as we
do,Tir Gan Teanga is a
country with no name.

Hibernia is a Roman
Latin title, our poets
prefer Erin go Bragh.
Eire, call it what you
want, it won’t make a
bit of difference to us.
This is not a common era

The trouble is threefold

Drinking from an empty glass

Opening the door to strangers

Walking along these jagged cliffs

If you tolerate this

Your children will be next
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