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Eli Mar 2019
Let me start from the beginning

It is an awful feeling to have to plug your ears and drown out the ocean of noises choking you to have a good meal.

When I say that I can't stand it when I hear you eat
What I really mean is that when you drink
I imagine slugs slopping their way down your gullet
And the sigh of refreshment means the acid has successfully shriveled them to death

The sound of carrots being pulzerized is akin to bones
Every time it is a cacaphony of dinner knives screeching against ribs
It may sound silly but when the saliva transfers with the gum you insist on smacking
Every ounce of fluid in my body wishes it could jump through my skin to the floor

I can't ask you to quit swallowing food
Though every drop that doesn't make it down
Is a reminder that humans are animals
Consuming flesh and constructed chemicals

No, I know you won't take me seriously
But spoons and knives are toys of the glutton
And poison to the one that shed tears
When they hear the dinner bell ring
I just ate dinner and I hate this so much
Eli Mar 2019
Black tar
Gone far
Exercise until I'm skin and bones
Nothing left but dial tones
Coarsing through my blood
Levee holding back the flood
Pulling hair
Can't compare
To the rush of sugar in my veins
Finally I take hold of reins
My eyes begin to dilate
Carbohydrates start to migrate
Heart racing
Quiet pacing
I can do anything and more
As long I have shut the door

I think as light brightens the mirror
See the jittering girl drawing nearer
Euphoria crumbles like aged cheese
Sick to my stomach and weak at the knees
Sugar high to sugar drops
Sugar left 'til sugar stops
Based on a true sto r y
Eli Mar 2019
Be the Shizuka to my Shefali
Perhaps a little of your scent
Will rub off on me

I'll take the perfume from high life
If others can sense the grime
From stacking strife

When we lie together, hear my heart
For other's heads will spin
When they can't tell scents apart
Here I go again. Feeling gay as ever.
Eli Mar 2019
They say
3 AM is quiet
Not a soul stirs
Then it is peaceful
I shove my music in
Drown the silence out
Drown out the demons
Raking the bedroom wall
Banging their fists on my door
They cry for attention and hope
They weep for their selfish needs
They may have grubby fingers
And when silence is abound
Darkness like to abuse it
To screech into my ear
I groan under sheets
Turn the volume up
Then it is peaceful
Not a soul stirs
3 AM is quiet
So they say
I say
I'm tired but I can't sleep :,(
Eli Mar 2019
There's a fire inside you, darling
And all I do is stare
At the flickering light

I've been taught all my life
To shy away from the flame
If we aren't supposed
To touch
Why did God make it so
Eli Mar 2019
Dazzling lights
Dizzying nights
Locking no tips
Nicking cold lips
Smile, city slicker

Dazzling nights
Dizzying lights
Locking no lips
Nicking cold tips
Smile, country roamer
Eli Mar 2019
Is it okay to write
About one thing solely
A thing that's holy
And seems so right

When you're the only one
That keeps my heart beating
And flooding and needing
Until I feel undone

You've broken and completed me
Mostly in one night
But there is no better sight
Than that of you to see

Surely there is more to life
Than pitiful feelings
Or tangential reelings
Paving for ultimate strife

Oh, muse, release me from your hold!
I can't sleep nor think
Nor eat and drink
Until the story of you is told
Whatever shall I do.
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