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Eli Mar 2019
Powers not able to be seen
Beyond my comprehension
How is it when I feel your fingers graze my skin
I am shocked and shiver
Or when you speak
I am enraptured to the core
Unable to lift my gaze
Or when you leave
You still are in my mind long after

Is it possible then?
Am I the damsel?
Are you to save me from hidden dangers
That lurk just out of sight?

You don't have to save the city
Save me instead
Help I think I'm in love
Eli Mar 2019
When I invite you for dinner
I don’t expect you to eat
The table is just as much yours as it is mine
You don’t have to have a good time
Eli Mar 2019
Underneath me is a rug of coarse fibers
I've held it with all my resolve
For as long as I can remember
If I let go






But alas,                    to see what's down there
              I am curious
Somebody teach me how to poetry please.
Eli Mar 2019
I can see my life flash before my eyes
It is little more than a construction of an ordinary sentence
It rings in my ears as satisfying and fulfilling for my time here
When I try to peer into the future
I see nothing
I see nothing but her
The pencil shavings of tangible ideas
Of possible memories of us
Nothing can be discerned but the radiance of her grin in the foreground
Nothing more than her warm touch in the cold space
Nothing more than her bright eyes in a dark room
She can tell me to walk to the ends of the earth with her and I'd follow
As long as she leads with her hand in mine
But I'm concerned.
For the memories that are in my mind are not real
They are sketches I have drawn with my fingertips
And not my hands
I feel the strands of a bow that I unsure how to tie together
Feelings come easily but words don't
How do I describe how far these faux rememberings go?
How do I say I can see a memory of rings and champagne
With the blurriness of the others
And the worried expressions after a long day
Where the last wink of light
Betrays my eyes that are blinking with tears
I see a smile and crescent fingertips
The rest fades
But as my life flashes before my eyes
It no longer seems fulfilling
Even with its clarity
I am lost without the warm touch and bright eyes
And the future feels so uncertain
Without that tangible feeling
And the glint of a million memories that do not even exist

— The End —