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What are you afraid of my dear?
Do you not understand fear is only fear?
If only things were so simple...
A guy walks into a bar
In a posh high rise hotel.
He doesn't look the part,
He is not a swell.

He's in an off-rack suit
It's not tailored silk.
Orders up a drink,
A of milk.

He's tall, dark and handsome,
But his tie is just absurd!
He's got heavy glasses,
And looks just like a nerd!

Along the bar he heard a snort,
And a drunkard gave a sneer,
"Well, hey there kid,
The school's next door,
You're not allowed in here!"

He laughed aloud at his own joke,
And began to walk and sway,
A gap appeared as nervous folk
All slowly back away...

The drunkard called out to the nerd,
"What's wrong, kid, beer too fizzy?
Or is the truth just what I heard,
You're a no-good, yellow *****!!!

The handsome man was cool,
He didn't break his stride.
He pushed his glasses up his nose
And took the drunk aside.

The enebriated idiot
Looked him up and down,
But followed him to the window
Said, "Watchoo wan' here clown?

The dark man smiled coolly.
Said, "I'd like to make a wager.
Just a couple thousand bucks.
You know. Nothing major.

I'll bet you, my drunken friend,
I can jump out - but then
After I'm out this window,
I'll come back in again!!

The drunkard looked
him up and down,
And grinned an evil grin,
"If you wanna JUMP,  go right ahead,
This bet, I'm gonna WIN!

The handsome man just
Gave a wink,
And jumped out on the ledge.
He took one look o'r the brink,
And leapt over the edge!

The drunkard gasped
In total shock!
"My god, he must have died!!"
When in a flash there came a knock
The man climbed back inside!

The handsome man
Straightend his tie
"It's time to pay your dues!
Unless, of course, you'd like to try,
Or are you scared you'll lose...

"Scared!?!!" The drunk was livid!
"Well! I'm no chicken, friend!
I accept! " And so he lept!!!

And promptly met his end.....

The tall, dark handsome person
Went back to his drink.
He finished his milk quietly,
And tipped the keep a wink.

The barkeep, looking sour,
Said, "Well. More cleanup work.
Superman, I like you,

But sometimes you're a ****.

(C) Tryst
(C) SoulSurvivor
I had a BLAST doing this!
Tryst is a comic genius!
I'm so glad to have been able
To write with him!  :-D
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Haydn Swan
What is it we see and so often despise,
when we view ourselves using only the eyes,
that distorted image inside our head,
the old snakes skin that we’d like to shed,

dare we look from behind the frame,
beyond the self-loathing, repulsion and shame,
our vesture is woven from the beauty inside,
so take on its mantel and wear it with pride.
I wrote this for anyone who struggles with accepting how they see themselves in the mirror, which is often very different to how others see us.  It sounds like a cliche but beauty really is what we are on the inside.
 Oct 2014 Tina Marie
Haydn Swan
We are the virus,
The disease ridden art of perfection,
eroded by a cancerous cyst,
turned a whiter shade of pale,
paper thin beauty in a beholders eye,
stifled laughs through blackened lungs,
drip fed tears through a wrinkled skin,
we see our dust start to fall,
prelude turns to interlude,
our truth and destiny,
the moth eaten robes of a transient soul.
the disintegration of the human form, old age.
Look me in the eyes while you taste me
your head moving in shallow dips
I feel your tongue descending slowly
a prelude to your throat and lips

your eyes begin to water
your mouth now fully wet
breaths only come in gasps
as I delve in deeper yet

"That's a good girl"
"Show me what your mouth is for"
your lips curl in an obstructed half-smile, eyes pleading for air
but the sounds coming from your throat, say so much more

I grab your hair by the fistfull
firmly holding your head in place
I watch your face become  flushed-red
With each pump of hips and waist

You always look like you belong
below on bended knee
you blush then smile so innocently
As you swallow what's left of me

your eyes look to me for approval
I feel their lustful burn
my smile says "you've been a good girl
and soon, very soon, it'll be your turn"
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