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  Apr 2024 You've Been Timetabled
you placed a crown
upon my head
making me feel
like i was the queen
of your castles
little did i know
they were made
of nothing but sand
then the tide crashed in
and swept them away
hushed promises
forgotten by morning.
- my kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder.
Song, thaw me
Music, voluntarily gloom, I smoke
The turbid threads of lone
And let it stir the blood in me
Pills of ponder, the bottle
Of movement. Dance instilled
In my wooden neck. I am
Not astray in the moors
Of monotony. I am grass
Aged gold through days of speed
Blind sun stumbles, a ball
Shoved about in the faceless
Facets of the sky. The night
With its thousand vertices
Does not ***** me. What is this
This meagre crop, this
Dry highway of my skin. It gleams
Like a lake, and they mistake me
For a lover. Why do I tarry
So long before sleep?
Why does my heart
hurl itself about the room
I watch with a clutched chest
Fearing the fan would tear it down
And my mind with a thousand
Vertices makes constellations
Constellations too many
No room is left for the darkness
Noisy disquiet yawns in my bones
And they crack their necks
But God is dust on my shelves
And his angels are lit
In a paltry poignance
There is no lament or disection
Poetry is a slave to sorrow
And the sorrow is not mine.
This sorrow is borrowed, stollen
From a foothpath of grey
Ragged and tattered, used
Thrown. Stained with a love
That is not mine.

Song, thaw me on
The poem is so close
To completion... it is so close
To spreading its sensuous
Wings. It sounds
A perfect tint of green, the
Wind blows and almost,
Almost it

I think I am... drying up. Callous, impassive. Not untouched but revolted by sentiment
  Apr 2024 You've Been Timetabled
set alight when birthed fully into oxygen
to fan the flames of the heart
a kick start to the engine
  Apr 2024 You've Been Timetabled
sunshine runs through your veins
your mind accepting the light
with a heart falling forever in love
  Apr 2024 You've Been Timetabled
a bounce of the light
holds a star
so far away and yet
- so personal
Somethings a hatching

                     The dog's a scratching

What is that I see?

                                        A crazy flea!

I try to incarcerate
                            But the jam jar is too late

            Next time I'll be quick

                        Luna tick
'it ain't me babe..'
it couldn't be
I have a certificate.

All we do is rearrange the letters
in the alphabet
to get to where we are.
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