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 Jun 2017 Matt

when it dawns
and the sky is passing fair
in the peace in a time of silent prayer
in the breath of a
newborn child's sleep
there are mem'rys
we will always keep

when a mother first holds her child
in the strength of a mustang
running wild
in the hush of an ocean's
silent depths
there are feelings in us
that we'll ne'r forget

eagles fly
and soar on lofty wings
infants cry when their
time of life begins
seedlings grow
from the fall of gentle rains
these are things we know
but can we fully explain?

in the rise of a harvest moon
in the scent of a rose
in fullest bloom
in the grace of a
dancer's swirling form
then our senses make us
glad we're born

in the flames of the setting sun
in softness of night that's
just begun
in the lights of the pinpricked sky
there are times we pause
to think and ponder why?

breezes blow
and yet are never seen
there's a mind
that can only think a dream
can you touch the light
of falling stars
these are things we know
but can we prove they are?

in the roar of a breaking wave
we are kept from the
cradle to the grave
we may know
in our last and final hour
a loving and



a song

 Jun 2017 Matt
What is the sky
but a canvas for clouds?
What is a city
but a canvas for crowds?
What is the meadow
so verdant and green
but a canvas for sheep
a pastoral scene?
What is the ocean
with reflections so blue,
than a canvas for sails
as they drift into view?
I think I shall paint...
 Jun 2017 Matt
Nitsua Asemed
Poems become tears,
When reality sinks in,
When Art brings despair,
And paintings become cries.
Dances become disgraces,
Songs pour out insecurities,
Genius bring forth controversy,
Boldness becomes cowardice,
Dreams make disasters,
And Death rules over Life,
When reality sinks in.

Reality, that is.
Is that reality?

In sinks reality when
Life overrules Death, and
Disasters make dreams.
Cowardice becomes boldness,
Controversy forth bring genius,
Insecurities outpour songs,
Disgraces become dances,
Cries become paintings; and
Despair brings art when
In sinks reality; when
Tears become poems.
 Jun 2017 Matt
sun in the sky you're a lie
you're not really there
fire cannot fly

it's all a lie
made for me
bought for us
to love
and make idols in sand

of forests and man
animals and insects

it tastes so bland
but the flavour inflicts
and colour infects

my will to understand
everything complex

but not the way
you would imagine

my mind
has never been in fashion

it's still wrecked

there's no mirror
and nothing would reflect

no cause or effect
everything blank

in weird shapes and sizes
planned to forget

the sun rises,

so many things
with so many vices

it's so hollow
and we still buy it

we will, and find it
to remind the scientists

this world is more than science's
concrete and the blind kids

children of the millennium
with nothing to free

nine to five, five to nine
no questions for thee

stuck in a mind
with no one to find
in an endless sea

the sun is a lie
it cannot fly

just close your eye's
and see

— The End —