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TheRiverStyx Jul 2017
I'm just waiting for that mail,
One delivered post-haste,
To cure me of my malaise,
It'll tell me that my greenbacks weren't a waste,
and that everyone is waiting on me to dust myself off,
and that they weren't ungrateful.
I'd be relieved and go for a little Smirnoff.
TheRiverStyx Jul 2017
I'm a freakin' autonomous creation of my mother.
TheRiverStyx Jul 2017
When the noise of exterior souls exceeds standards, I turn it off.

"Yo soy el rey"

My dominion stretches as far as my head to the soles of my feet.
And I'm walking the opposite way.

Like a genie who gets paid commission, you come to my space and exceed the noise standard.

"Yo soy el rey"

My dominion stretches as far as my head to the soles of my feet.
And I'm walking the opposite way.

They say I walk away half the time.
I get looked at funny.
I'm the local eyesore.
I swear, I'm not self-destructive.

When the moon turns crimson,
and the tide reaches the grass,
I'll say that I have the pizza you wanted.
The flavor is crowbar.
Your big head will be swollen.
God will **** you down to the flames.

"Yo soy el rey"

I swear I'm not self-destructive.
How's this for a first poem?

— The End —