76/M/Pine Valley CA
This is an artform from the future, LONGFORM, it becomes a novel on Proustian scope, to be read six ways, min, Latest, Popular or Alephbethical, …
62/M/London, U.K.
I'm a bloke born, bred, broken and abiding in London, UK. My passions include London, Marvel comic books, poetry and living life in step with …
68/Here and now
You can follow me on Twitter @jsirony John Smallshaw on Facebook also the 'pantechniconpoet' on Wordpress.com Website.. soundcloud YouTube blah, blah, blah ps so many …
56/M/Clear Lake
American writer and poet. I have a YouTube channel where I read my poetry. https://www.youtube.com/@ThomasWCase Here is a link to my website. www.thomaswcase.com My books …
David P Carroll Poems https://dcarroll304.wixsite.com/mysite All Poetry is copyrighted to David P Carroll under a Dublin and European Union court of law. Was on TV …
M/Bottom of the Jar
It’s late I must sleep but my soul speaks “Just one more rhyme” and so I rest now because of this line www.instagram.com/my_dear_poet www.tiktok.com/@my_dear_poet
I am a disabled Veteran who spent the last decade gathering intelligence for the U.S. government. I started writing poetry and short stories in grade …