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 Oct 2021 Shrika
ghost queen
early bluing
of an autumn sky
nip and chill
of a countryside

as seasons turn
things remembered
for a summer
lost in time

basking in the glow
of a fire
and the warmth
of a lover

snuggled deep
in each other

finding love
and shelter
between heartbeats
and whispers
 Oct 2021 Shrika
Under a dead mid morning sky,
I welcome your eternity
My time has long since drifted by;
Just a glimmer in the river.

A fleeting sparrow’s gentle breath
Bringing life to the air again.
In your silence, I stand once more;
A quiet child, looking for light.

My light, my wonder, lead the way.
Or are you just another moon;
Casting false light from the shadows?
All the lines have 8 syllables i think
 Oct 2021 Shrika
 Oct 2021 Shrika
Like a solitary tree in a silent plain
Awaiting the blight; the everlasting rain.
Life has come and gone;
The span of a second
With the grace of a swan
Like a shrouded mosaic
The mist reveals piece by piece;
A picture is formed
Of a concrete world,
Built on the fragile sands of time.
 Oct 2021 Shrika
An unspoken concept
Drifts through the air,
As if carried by the silent wind;
Her delicate touch
Disintegrating the stagnant air,
Bringing fresh life into the world.

After a moment of silence,
I pull my keys from their hiding pocket.
Their jingle, too, touched by the spirit.

Turning away from the cliff,
The screaming call of the void
Turns to a deafening silence;
The world is quiet once again,
And so is he.
 Oct 2021 Shrika
Abysmal adulation,
my spinal cord reverberates harmonious change.
Obscure illusions,
immersed inside inquisitive provocative thoughts.
Who can deny such devouring primal endeavors?
Beneath each aching desire—
strangled deep in the memory I scorn.
Pen in hand, I hear the call,
when one door closes
my altruism is key.
 Oct 2021 Shrika
Loving me is easier than you think
just like a candlelight dinner with poison in your drink
So, I ask you please never hurt me
if you do I promise you they'll find your body on the floor

When two people fall in love—it's beautiful
but when one cheats on the other
it's time to grab the kitchen knife
run into the room and cut out both their eyes

So, ask yourself a question, should you just take my suggestion
to avoid all future aggression; I hope that you are listening
Or we will drive to the mountains as you're in my trunk pounding
then I stop and start counting all the bullet holes I fire in you

Loving me is easier than it seems
just like the beautiful ocean, drowning as you scream
So, I ask you please never hurt me
cause if you do I promise you they'll find your body on the shore

Happy Halloween
 Oct 2021 Shrika
Amanda Kay Burke
I am grateful to have a brother like you
And hope you know I am proud of you too
You are growing up
Starting your own family
Sincerely amazed at the mature man I see
Time speeds by in blink of an eye
Has no wings yet still seems to fly
I'm happy you have found joy you were searching for
Deserve every single smile and so much more
Not sure how you ended up so great
In a world that is cruel and full of hate
No one else has a sibling quite like mine
No matter what don't lose that shine!
It always will be an honor to share your last name
Until heart stops I'll love you the same
Thanks for helping me in more ways than one
Appreciation won't ever be done
Lives have only just begun!
A poem I wrote my brother for his birthday
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