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Dec 2019 · 876
Quid Pro Quo dick
The Good Pussy Dec 2019
                 pro quo quid
              pro quo quid pro
              quo quid pro quo
               quid pro quo qu
                 Id pro quo qu
                  quid pro quo
                  quid pro quo
                  quid pro quo
                  quid pro quo
                  quid pro quo
                  quid pro quo
                  quid pro quo
                  quid pro quo
                  quid pro quo
                  quid pro quo
                  quid pro quo
                  quid pro quo
        quid pro           quo quid
    quid pro quo   quid pro quo
  quid pro quo quid pro quo quid
quid pro quo quid pro quo quid p
  quid pro quo quid pro quo quid
       pro quo quid.     pro quo
May 2018 · 1.4k
Make America Great Again
The Good Pussy May 2018
                    America­ Am
                   erica America
                   America  Ame
                     rica America
                     America Am
                     erica Americ
                     a America A
                     merica Amer
                     ice AmericaA
                     merica Ameri
                     ca America A
              America          America
           America Am    erica Ameri
           ca America A   merica Ame
              America            America
May 2018 · 987
Witch Hunt
The Good Pussy May 2018
                   i       t c     t
                t          hh        c
               c         u   n        h
              h        t       h       w
               w      u      n        i
                 i         t   h        t
                   t         u       c
                        c        h
The Good Pussy Jul 2017
                ICBM               ICBM
          ICBMICBM       ICBMICBM
              ICBM                  ICBM
Jun 2017 · 1.8k
Read My Lips
The Good Pussy Jun 2017
                           o   No    N
                         N    No       o
                        o        N        N
                       N      o   o         o
                       o       N   N       N
                      N       o      o        o
                       o        N   N       N   
                        N        o o        o
                           o        N       N
                            N       o      o
                                o   N  N
When asked if Russia meddled in the American 2016 presidential election, Putin replied:  "Read my lips; no."

No means yes.
Jun 2017 · 1.8k
Pussy Probe
The Good Pussy Jun 2017
                           r   bep   b
                         o     rob     e
                        b      epr       p
                       e        ob         r
                      p          e           o
                      r        p    r         b
                      o       o     b        e
                       b        e  p         p
                         e         r          r
                            p    ob     o
Jun 2017 · 2.3k
Don't Swallow
The Good Pussy Jun 2017
                   ate chlorpyrifos
                  glyphosate chlor
                  pyrifos glyphosa
                  te chlorpyrifos gl
                     g l y pho sate
                     chlor pyrifos
                     g l y p hosate
                     ch lorpyrifos
                     gly phos at e
                     ch lorpyrifo s
                     glyph o s at e
                     chlor p yrifos
           glyphos             ate chlo
       rpyrifos gly       phosate chlo
     rpyrifos glyph   osate chlorpyrif
       fos chlorpyri      fos glyphosat
          e chlorpy            rifos gly
Scott Pruitt head of the EPA under Trump refuses to ban neurotoxic pesticides like glyophosate and chlorpyrifos which is in the fertilizer Roundup.
Jun 2017 · 6.7k
Paris Climate
The Good Pussy Jun 2017
                          o   t  h    o
                        t      o t        t
                      h       h o        h
                     o          t            o
                     t        h   o          t
                      h      t     h        h
                       o      o   t        o
                         t       h        t  
                            h   o    h
Jun 2017 · 3.2k
The Good Pussy Jun 2017
                   o    ov     o
                 v      f e       v
                f        f e         f
               e         c            e
               f        o  v         f
               e       f     e        e
               c       f     e        c
                 o      c  o        o
                  v       v        v
                       f    f      f
May 2017 · 1.4k
"Nut job"
The Good Pussy May 2017
                Comey James
               Comey James C
              omey James Com
              ey James Comey J
               ames Comey   Ja
               mes Comey Jam
               es Comey James
               Comey James  C
               omey JamesCom
               ey James  Comey
               James Comey  Ja
               mes Comey Jame
               s Comey James C
               omey James Com
               eyJames Comey J
               ames Comey Jam
            James             Comey
   James Comey     James Comey
James ComeyJam es Comey James
James Comey Jam  es Comey Jame
  James Comey         James Comey
       James                     Comey
May 2017 · 1.1k
The Good Pussy May 2017
.                     D
                    ikileaks Wiki  
                    Leaks Wiki L
                     ks WikiLeak
                     sWikiLea ks
                     iki LeaksWik
           Wiki                     Leaks
      WikiLeaks            WikiLeaks
   WikiLeaksWik     iLeaksWikiLea
       WikiLeaks           WikiLeaks
           Wiki                      Leaks
Mar 2017 · 1.2k
Coal Hole
The Good Pussy Mar 2017
                              i   mine   i
                           n     mine     n
                          e        min        e
               ­         m       e     m       m
                        i         i         n        i
                        n       e         m       n
                         e       i          n       e
                           m     e      m     m
                              i         i         i
Feb 2017 · 5.5k
Open Borders
The Good Pussy Feb 2017

                            S       USA        S
                         A         USA           A
                        U            US              U
                        S           A    U             S
                       A           S       A           A
                        U          U       S            U
                         S           A     U            S
                          A           S A             A
                            U           U             U
                               S          S           S
Jan 2017 · 1.2k
Alternative Facts
The Good Pussy Jan 2017

                                l      er       l
                             t         na         t
                            e          ti            e
        ­                   r         v    e          r
                           n       a       l         n
                           a        t       e         a
                            t          r  n           t
                             i           a            i
                               v        t          v
                                  e      i ­     e
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
The Good Pussy Jan 2017
                bigly bigly big
               bigly bigly bigly
              bigly  bigly  bigly
­                biglybiglybigly
         biglybigly      bigly bigly
     bigly biglybigl ybiglybiglyb
      bigly bigly bi   gly  bigly  bi
         bigly bigly      biglybigly
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
"Faithless" Electors
The Good Pussy Dec 2016
               faithless faithle
               faithless faithless
              faithless   faith less
                 faithless faithles
                 s faithless faithl
                 ess faithless fait
                  hless faithless f
                  aithless faithles
                   s faithless faith
                   less faithless fa
                   ithless faithless
                   faithless faithle
                   faithless faithle
            faithless           faithless
          faithless fai      thlessfaith
         faithless faith less faithless
           faithless fai     thless faith
               faithless         faithless
Dec 2016 · 1.3k
Fake News
The Good Pussy Dec 2016

               fake fake fake
    fakefakefake         fakefakefake
   fakefakefake f    ake fakefakefak
   fak  efakefakef     efakefakefake
     fakefakefake       fakefakefakef
        fake fake              fakefake
Dec 2016 · 1.4k
Ben Carson Sucks
The Good Pussy Dec 2016

        ­     sonBenCarsonBe
          BenCarson     Ben Carson
         Ben CarsonB  enCarsonBen
        BenCarson Be  nCarsonBen
          CarsonBen       CarsonBen              
                Ben                Carson
"Obamacare is the worst thing that's happened since slavery."   - Ben Carson
Nov 2016 · 1.8k
Useful Idiot
The Good Pussy Nov 2016
                IdiotIdiot     IdiotIdiot
             IdiotIdiot Id  iotIdiotIdiot
              IdiotIdiot I     diotIdiot I
                  Idiot                Idiot
"useful idiots" a term born of the Cold War to describe people or institutions that unwittingly assisted in promoting the propaganda of the Soviet Union.
Nov 2016 · 1.1k
The Good Pussy Nov 2016

                     deplorable de
                    deplorable dep
                    deplorable  depl
                     able deplorable
                      deplorable de
               ­       rabledeplorab
        ­      deplorable    deplorable
           deplorable de plorable dep
            deplorable d eplorable de
              deplorable     deplorable
Nov 2016 · 1.0k
The Good Pussy Nov 2016

                   nasty nasty
                 nasty nasty nas
               nasty  nasty  nasty
              nasty nastynasty na
                 nasty nastynasty
                 nastynasty nasty
                 nasty nastynasty
                 nastynasty nasty
                 nasty nastynasty
                 nastynasty nasty
                 nasty nastynasty
                 nastynasty nasty
      nastynasty          nastynasty
    nastynastynas    tynastynasty
      nast  nastyn       astynast  yn
       astynastyn          astynasty
Nov 2016 · 5.3k
Pussy Riot
The Good Pussy Nov 2016
                                 o    ot     o
                               t       ri        t
                              r        o          r
                             i        t    r        i
                             o      i      o      o
                             t       t      r       t
                              r       i    o       r
                                i        t         i
                                    o         o
Oct 2016 · 5.1k
Grand Ol' Pussy
The Good Pussy Oct 2016
                        ­             GO
                              O    PG     P
                            P       GO       G
                           G          P         O
                           O      G     O      P
                            P      P     G      G
                             G      O  P      O
                               O      G        P
                                  P    O     G
Sep 2016 · 689
Nuclear Blast
The Good Pussy Sep 2016
                               e     e s       e
                             s        t s          s
                            t           i             t
                           s         t     e         s
                           i         t       t         i
                            t          e   s         t
                               e         t         e  
                                 s       s       s
                                      t       t
Sep 2016 · 648
Crocodile Tear
The Good Pussy Sep 2016
.                                        c
                      ­             r     r     r
                                 o     oc      o
                               c        o          c
                              o         d           o
                            d        i       l        d
                            i          e     c          i
                             l            r              l
                                   e    o c     e
Aug 2016 · 685
Bed Bug
The Good Pussy Aug 2016
                              u     u g     u
                            g       B u        g
                           B         g            B
                          u        B   u          u
                          g       g      B         g
                          B       u      g         B
                           u        B   u         u
                              g         g         g
                                 B      B      B
                                      u    u
Jul 2016 · 1.4k
Puissant Pussy
The Good Pussy Jul 2016
                     ­           u    u i      u
                              i        s s         i
                             s          a           s
                            s         n    t         s
                            a        p     u        a
                            n        s     s        n
                              t        a   n        t
                                p        t         p
                                  u      P      u
             ­                        i           i
Jul 2016 · 3.9k
The Good Pussy Jul 2016
                     ­         ****-up ****
                             up ****-up co
                           ****-up ****-up
                             ****-up ****-
                             up ****-up co
                             ck-up ****-up
                             ****-up ****-
                             up ****-up co
                             ****-up ****-
                             up ****-up co
                             ****-up ****-
                    ****-up.           ****-up
                ****-up ****   ****-up ****
               ****-up-up ****-up  ****-up
                ****-up ****    -up ****-up
                   ****-up              ****-up
Jun 2016 · 671
Man's Best Fiend
The Good Pussy Jun 2016
                              i      i   e       i
                            e       n  d        e
                           n          f            n
                          d         i     e        d
                          f        n       d        f
                          i         f        g        f
       ­                    e         n    d        e
                             n          f          n
                                 d    "I"       d
Jun 2016 · 2.1k
Cockroach Pussy
The Good Pussy Jun 2016
                                    c o
                                    c k
                                    r o
                               r    a  c    r
                           o      h     c      o
                          a      o       c        a
                          c       k       r        c
                           h       o    a         h
                            c        c h         c
                              o       c        o
                                c      o     c

*Hey, it's a fact of life for coaches ... if you win everyone loves you.  If you lose you get squashed."
June 3.   "In the Bleachers"
May 2016 · 1.1k
Sexy Alien
The Good Pussy May 2016
                                 l    l i     l
                              i       en       i
                             e      a   l       e
                             n     i      e     n
                              a      a   l      a
                               l       ie        l
                                 i      n      i
              ­                         en
The Good Pussy May 2016
                            Trump Trump
                           Trump Trump T
                          Trump Trump Tr
                            Trump Trump
                            Trump Trump
                            Trump Trump
                            Trump Trump
                            Trump Trump
                            Trump Trump
                            Trump Trump
                            Trump Trump
                  Trump                   Trump
            Trump Trump      Trump Trump
          Trump Trump T    **** Trump T
            Trump Trump      Trump Trump
                 Trump                   Trump
The Good Pussy Apr 2016
                  Trump Trump
                 Trump Trump T
                Trump  Trump  Tr
                    Trump Trump
                    Trump Trump
                    Trump Trump
                     Trump Trump
                     Trump Trump
                     Trump Trump
                     Trump Trump
                     Trump Trump
              Trump                 Trump
      Trump Trump      Trump Trump
   Trump Trump T    ****  TrumpT
      Trump Trump      TrumpTrump
         Trump Tru            umpTrump
Apr 2016 · 806
"I'm fired!"
The Good Pussy Apr 2016
               Trump Trump
              Trump Trump T
             Trump  Trump Tr
                  Trump Trump
                  Trump Trump
                  Trump Trump
                   Trump Trump
                   Trump Trump
                   Trump Trump
                   Trump Trump
                   Trump Trump
               Trump         Trump
       Trump Trump   Trump Trump
       Trump Trump Trump Trump T
         **** Trump  TrumpTrumpT
           **** Trum     p TrumpTr
Apr 2016 · 1.0k
The Big Picture
The Good Pussy Apr 2016
                                B     BP      B
                              P       TB         P
                             T          P            T
                            B        T    B          B
                            P        P     T         P
                             T        B    P        T
                               B        T B        B
                                  P       P       P

Apr 2016 · 721
The Good Pussy Apr 2016
                   ­              R     RL     R
                               L        IR        L
                              I           I.           I
                              R      I     R        R
                              L       L    I         L
                               I        R  L         I
                                R        I          R
                                   l       R       I
                                      R   L   R
                 ­                           L
Mar 2016 · 1.8k
Concrete Dick
The Good Pussy Mar 2016
              Concrete  Conc
             Concrete Concre
              Concrete Concr
                Concrete Co
                ncrete Concr
                ete Concrete
                ncrete Concr
                 ete Concrete
                 Concrete Co
          Concrete      Concrete
      Concrete Con  cret e Concre
     teConcreteCon crete Concrete
       Concrete Con   crete Concre
            Concrete        Concrete
Mar 2016 · 669
In More Ways Than One
The Good Pussy Mar 2016
                        A           L            A
                               L     L      L
                     A        l     W      A    Y    S
                                A    A     A
                           Y         Y           Y
                        S             S               S
Mar 2016 · 778
Hole in the Wall
The Good Pussy Mar 2016

                                a    a l     a
                              l       l f        l
                             l         l           l
                             f      o    w      f
                              l      e    r       l
                               o     Wa      o
                                 w    ll     w
                                    e        e
Mar 2016 · 817
Almond Joy or Mounds
The Good Pussy Mar 2016
                             o   o u    o
                           u     n d      u
                          n        s          n
        ­                 d       M o        d
                          s      u     n       s
                          M    d      s     M
                            o     M  o      o
                              u      u      u
       ­                           n       n
Mar 2016 · 688
Blood Diamonds
The Good Pussy Mar 2016
                              i     i a       i
                            a      mo        a
                ­          m       n d        m
                          o          s             o
                          n       D    i          n
                          d       a    m         d
                           s       o    n          s
                            D      d   s         D
                               i       D         i
                                  a    ~     a
Mar 2016 · 753
Finger Lickin' Good
The Good Pussy Mar 2016
                              F      F C       F
                            C        K F         C
                           K          C             K
                           F         K  F           F
                           C        C    K         C
                            K       F    C         K
                             F        K F          F
                               C        C         C
Feb 2016 · 867
Big Fat Liar
The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                               i      i a      i
                            a        r L        a
                           r          i a           r
                          L            r             L
                         i           L    i           i
                         a          a     r          a
                          r          L    i         ­ r
                             L        a r         L
                                  i      ~      i
             ­                            a
                                   ­      r
Feb 2016 · 661
Think Inside the Box
The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                               o    o x     o
                             x      B o        x
                            B         x           B
                           o        B    o        o
                           x       x      B        x
                           B       o      x        B
                            o        B   o         o
                              x         x         x
                                    ~         ~
Feb 2016 · 2.2k
Cleopatra Clit
The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                                l    l e    l
                             e     o p      e
                            o      a  t        o
                           P      r     a       p
                          a       C     l        a
                           t        e    o        t
                             r       p a       r
                               a      tr      a
                                    ~ a  ~
Feb 2016 · 8.3k
Puppeteer Penis
The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                   Puppeteer Pu
                  Puppeteer Pup
                  Puppeteer Pupp
                    Puppeteer Pu
                    ppeteer Pupp
                     eteer Puppete
                     er Puppeteer
                     Puppeteer Pu
                      ppeteer Pupp
                      eteer Puppete
                      er Puppeteer
                      Puppeteer Pu
                      ppeteer  Pupp
                     eteer Puppeteer  
              Puppeteer     Puppeteer
          PuppeteerPup peteer Pupp
            eteerPuppet    teerPuppet
               Puppet            Puppet
Feb 2016 · 1.9k
Ventriloquist Vagina
The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                              e      e n       e
                            n        t  r         n
                           t           i l            t
                           r           o              r
                          i          q     u          i
                          l         i        s           l
                           o       t        V         o
                            q        e    n         q
                              u         t           u
                                 i       r        i
          ­                               st
*out-of -body experience.
Feb 2016 · 1.9k
"because it's there"
The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                Everest Moun
              Everest Mount E
              Mount Everest M
                 Everest Mount
                  Everest Mount
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Mount Everest
                  Everest Mount
                  Mount Everest
                Mount      Everest
          MountEvere  stMountEv
         erestMountE  verestMoun
         tEverestMou   ntEverestM
           ountEveres     tMountEv
              Mount            Everest
The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                             e     e l       e
                           l        i  c         l
                         c         ou           c
                        o           s             o
                        u        D  e           u
                         s       l      i          s
                          D      c    o      ­  D
                            e      u s         e
                              l      ~        l
               ­                       i
The Good Pussy Feb 2016
                         ­   h     h o      h
                          o       k e         o
                         k          r             k
                        e       C      h         e
                        r       o       k         r
                         C      e       r        C
                           h     C    h        h
                              o      o       o
                                 ~   k    ~
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