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297 · Mar 2013
Ode to the HEART
The voice Mar 2013
It looks like you finally found the path
You are finally walking again
It seems, like everything fits in,
Like the sun shining again
Its part of you to keep trying to cover it
Becuase you know that the truth a lie
You wanted to hear, confort in the ear
Yet, you never tried too see further than the shore
You stayed stuck on the beach
playing with sand
how could you not see, that the real adventure was
Out there, in the water, in the ocean and in the world...
It never matter to you, that the others where there
But as time came by, you finally realized the reality...
Still not done,
But im getting there, i know im missing something, i just dont know what it is! Any help
295 · Mar 2014
The voice Mar 2014
Reality seems like a arch word...
It the difference between what you want and what is real.
Pretty ovious too.
Reality is the sword you have in your hand and you choose to mark yourself with.
It is similar to Pandora's box
You choose to open it
Taking that risk and continue figthing
Or leave it and just walk away
What are the possibilities?
Dissapointment, or releif
On the way to opening the box
Your imagination goes crazy
Thinking the worse so you dont get surprised
and the best hoping you wont get hurt
The truth is,
It is scary
To look back in to the darkness
and remember
Those times when your life was changed
Remeber the white in our clothing
slowly turning to a dark red
To later be the reminder of a lost fight.
The truth is, that it is going to hurt!
But staying back is not worth it!
Because yesterday is Yesterday
"Praise God because we dont have to hide the scars" Jonny Diaz
295 · May 2013
The voice May 2013
Find yourself a road that reflects you
Walk straight and make mistakes
Give yourself the time you need
Find that one person to help you continue
And don't forget that it is OK to be imperfect.
295 · Dec 2012
Silly Dream
The voice Dec 2012
A silly dream is one
Where you love me
Where we are together
Where there is happiness
Where everything is in our favor

A silly dream is us together
Because I love you but
You don't love me back
Loves needs of two not one
293 · Mar 2014
What to tell them
The voice Mar 2014
When they tell you
-let it go
Tell them
-have you tried it
When they tell you
-give them a secong chance
Ask them
-have you given it
When they answer no
Tell them
-that is.the next step
They will answer
-step for what?
You say
-to tell me what to do
Sometimes its hard
And people will tell u what they think
But they hvnt gone through the problem
But, there is someone who has!
Cuz if he let the problem be there
Its for a reason!
And he never send u a problem without
The solution...
288 · Dec 2012
Song: With you
The voice Dec 2012
Im writing a story about you
Im trying to see what is real
And what is not
Im trying to find
A new pathway
That leads me to you
It might be hard
But I admit, That i will try
And go ahead
I demand A little respect
For the ones that are already there
It is hard
TO see me suceed
But I know Someday
Ill be there too
I will give it all a chance
TO never stop and never let go
I wont loose this race again
Because this time, You are on the other side
Other side
Other side
And I know I cant replace
The memories and the cries
But I can make new themes to add a smile
to the feast
Here today gone tomorrow
I will make it just for you
Here today Gone tomorrow
And I will make to be with you.
I'm not done, but its a song about a dream of being with the one you love. Please give opinions!!!
287 · Mar 2014
How far can Forgiveness go?
The voice Mar 2014
Someone said
"Ask Jesus"
"He forgave those who put him on that cross"
Some else, said
"no sense"
"you can only forgive those who apologize"
and lastly they say
"Justice in vengeance and vengeance is not forgiving anyone"
I wanted to believe "them"
But "someone else" had a point
"They" judge everyone without considering
the background
the past
or the situations
"Some one else" excludes those who never ask for forgiveness
Like the boy running away after stealing food
Or the girl who fought to defend her brother
Who to ask for forgiveness
the victim or someone else
"Someone" said everyone
But that is hard
Cuz you see, the thing is...
He hurt me,
She destroyed me
He embarrassed me
She humiliated me
He took away my innocence
How to forgive
"someone" says-
"They will respond to God"
"You will too"
"Why hurt you for what they did"
"If you don't forgive don't expect to be forgiven"
"They did wrong,
haven't you?"
A sin that's a sin is a sin
Little, small, big, or huge...
Upon the Lord they are still sins
Forgive, if he could why cant you?
279 · Apr 2014
The voice Apr 2014
I told my myself that it wasn't a lie
More like a cover up
I lied to myself, but I didn't admit it
I told my self that light would run out and
that I would eventually be alright
But that's the thing, I didn't know when to stop
It was addictive,
I didn't understand how something like THAT
would be addictive.
I like that feeling.
I loved that feeling but it wasn't right!
THeres where God brought me from
An addiction I though only lord death cold take away
to liberation Lord my God took away!!
279 · Apr 2014
He died
The voice Apr 2014
Will you believe
If I told you
He died for you!!!
278 · May 2013
The voice May 2013
Some people say that
I cry like a baby
I say that i cry like a human being
they call it something rediculous
I call it reality
They think i cry out of habit but actually
I cry because i am hurt
Its the tears that are making up a feeling
Of regret or sadness or shame
Its a tear that i have led out
To seek a little happiness without me
Couple lines out of my newest poem
277 · May 2013
I want a love
The voice May 2013
I am looking for a love
So big
So powerful
So mighty
One that belongs just to me
I am looking for a love
that reflects upon the love
Jesus had for his people
I want a love that can
cross anything
make anything
solve everything
change everything
I want a love that can make me
see clear
feel happy
run free
cry tears of happiness
One so great that it can make the rain be my ball room to dance in
That can make prefect snow angels
that can glow in the darkness
One that can cross evey barrier
I want that type of love
But then I wake up and realize that, it will never happen!
276 · Nov 2013
one verse
The voice Nov 2013
it's been so long
since I took the pen
and hit the paper
But now I see that this the way
that I have chosen to show
who I am, and the filled tray
of my success and to throw
the real me!
267 · Nov 2012
One love
The voice Nov 2012
One love

No words can describe what I am feeling today, right now. I see him after a long time, his eyes are still bright. His smile is still heart breaking. I still see the part of him that kills me. I am dying with the feeling that he doesn't feel the same love for me. There is something in his way of doing things, that makes me fall deep for him. The way he talks the way he laughs the way he can move mountains with one smile. I can't stop my heart from racing every-time he walks in the room. He is the light I need in my dam dark moments. Somehow I find a way to be better with him rather than without him. The way he talks and the way I can tell him everything with no pauses. He is everything I want in a prince. The simple feeling and the sensation of thinking of him makes me smile and feel a light hitting my heart.
266 · May 2013
A way out
The voice May 2013
I didn't find it
I looked up and down
Side to side
in front and back
I even tried a 7th way
That was within
Short beggining
263 · Dec 2012
The voice Dec 2012
What do the mean
What do they represent
Each color has their uniqueness
each shape gives them truthful senses

The blue one can call
It can tell you to relaxit can light up and
Start dancing on and off
That means its happy to see you.

The green one tries to make you
See beyond
It has at least one hundred sparkles around it
It come with the entire family

But the stay still and together
The rather have the warmth of their
Family always in one direction
262 · May 2014
Let it heal
The voice May 2014
It is hard to understand
I cant really explain why
The storm is gone
but the image is still there
The fire is turned out
but the scars are still in pain
I didn't drown but I still cant breath
That's what it does,
it doesn't destroy you
and it stops
but it leaves the memory
The way I see it
Its over
so I HAVE to let go of the past
and let the memory
254 · May 2013
Not me
The voice May 2013
Out there is where we started
Out there is when we belong
Out there is where many will stay
I am not staying at society's feet
at their will
I am staying where i know I fit
As a winner above what society thinks of me!
252 · Mar 2013
tear down broken up
The voice Mar 2013
I guess it's over,
I guess now its completely over.
Things have changed
Hearts have been broken
Tears have dropped
Lies have been said
Times have passed
People have gotten hurt
And now in tired
Of this story no ending
It happens everytime
Someone gets hurt
Someone e just walks away
someone gets left
And hurts me the most is that it's always me...
251 · Apr 2014
Its irony
The voice Apr 2014
Some people call it destiny
Because he came during the time that you thought you needed him the most
Some people call it destiny
Because he appeared like a prince in shining armor
But he wasn't what you thought it would be.
He hit her
He humiliated her,
that's not love
He pressed her wings down and didn't let her fly,
that's not love
It doesn't matter if you say it backwards
or hide in the closet hoping he wont find you
It is still not love
As much as you try,
you cant blame this one on alcohol
Or stress
or temper.
It is not love
Love forgives.
That is why you forgive him
But you don't let him continue what he is doing,
Do it for the kids that are watching.
How many times did he almost made you forgive him
and almost loose your children.
Give these problems to God
Don't make the mistake my mother did
SHe left
and planted hate in each of us,
but for her it was a field of
regrets, hates, and rancor.
Forgive but let go!
244 · Nov 2012
The voice Nov 2012
I am free from enslavement
I am free for chains
I can do anything I want
I am not alone
I do not need you
I an free
to be who ever I want to be
231 · Mar 2013
The voice Mar 2013
He said one thing
He said another,
Now i ask
If hwat he said
was really him,
Now i know neither were true
227 · Feb 2014
The voice Feb 2014
Why would I matter to someone like him
He has so many people following him
So many willingly there
So many people with a better past
A better point of view
Why me?
Who am I to see his glory.
I am his daughter.
The daughter of God!!!

— The End —