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SwordNPen Dec 2018
I thought I could poor out all my words onto a page and Id eventually come up with something profound or earth shattering. What I discovered is that I'm a contradiction I'm full of hope while being hopeless, I love while I hate, and I hold it all together while I completely fall apart. Everything about me is murky and complicated is that profound or earth shattering ? or is it just the human condition ? Am I falling short or am I, at the precipice of all of it? Who can know for sure?
You may find this pretentious but it is real.
SwordNPen Dec 2018
All I can tell you is that love doesn’t have emerald eyes anymore . She has hazel eyes that have their own vocabulary
SwordNPen Apr 2018
You have your peace now but I cant say the same  
I'm stuck where you left me.
Since that day I've fallen into those old habits.
Remember those faded scars they're back
and now they go by your name. Until the
day I die I will be haunted by those god dam
eden green eyes.
I'm jealous of your happiness -SNP
  Apr 2018 SwordNPen
strawberry fields
prophet tongue with
stabbing perceptions
i gave him my name
while in bed.

soft white curtains
though still chamber thick
cold steel hands
and the room sliced into pieces
by morning light
but haunted by night sounds
crept into open wounds of the heart


his hand
resting on my thigh while he snores
summer bruised and adventurous
though callous youth
with his unbandaged scabbed knee
skating last night.

moment forgotten in the carride
but a stone monument staring
at me on the kitchen counter.
sorry michael.
SwordNPen Apr 2018
The world is quiet here
who will be the first
to make a noise?
SwordNPen Mar 2018
I can't help feeling helpless
She always been just out of reach.
Will I ever learn my lesson with her?
Tortured green eyes and a wicked smile
have left me forever vexed.
I'm left unarmed with nothing but
my hope that someday I'll get my chance
to be filled with regret or be completely
and utterly happy. For now I'll have to be
okay with being okay.
I cant stop writing about you please please get out of my head.
SwordNPen Mar 2018
I used to think i was a hopeless romantic
but now I'm just hopeless ..
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