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958 · Aug 2017
Samantha Bidwell Aug 2017
I found myself a perfect boy
Like the ones you see in your dreams
Or the ones from the television screens
And that'll treat you like a queen
And never be mean
He's my Prince Charming
And this may sound alarming
Because we haven't been dating for too long
But with him nothing feels wrong
It's like when you hear that perfect song
On that perfect night
And everythings just right
All the negativity floats away
And all you want to do is stay
Just freeze time
Would that be a crime
Because I want to stay with him
Spend the rest of my days with him
Fall in love forever with him
And never leave him
570 · Aug 2017
Him vs Her
Samantha Bidwell Aug 2017
Him                                                            He­r
flashes a smile                                           blushes and smiles back
turns away not caring                              gazes at him
leaves                                                       ­   leaves
forgets about her                                       can't get him off her mind
goes about life normally                          everything reminds her of him
never remembers her                               never forgets him
324 · Jul 2017
Genaric Love Poem
Samantha Bidwell Jul 2017
yes, this is exactly what you can expect,
a poem about a love that can never get wrecked,

expressing a desire for love,
that always manages to go above,

above and beyond expectations,
because they both had to be patient,

no love that could even compare,
cause this love will never tare,

they share a love and a certian kind of lust,
and writing about it is a must,

cause no one understands,
the feeling that comes with holding hands,

the memories that are made in the moments,
that are always worth the hints,

the sacrifices they've made for eachother,
they love that they've gave one another,

its all so beautiful
and their hearts were so full,

full of love and happiness,
never hate nor sadness,

together they were strong,
together nothing felt wrong,

so they shared their story in a generic love poem,
even though most people considered it dumb,

it was a good way to express feelings,
and it was very revealing,

to write that generic love poem.
312 · Apr 2017
Samantha Bidwell Apr 2017
The sky's crying on this day
Shedding these tears we call rain
Though this hurt and this pain
Are expressed in this rain
Everything stays the same
She paints on her canvas she calls a face
Making sure everything's in its place
Last but not least
She has behind a smile
So that the people won't feast
On her hurt and her pain
They all think she's happy
But what they don't know
Are that her emotions can be found
In the rain
Origanal, tell me what you think

— The End —