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 Jan 2020 Stratus
Icily Thinking
 Jan 2020 Stratus
Slipping somewhere cold,
My grip is forever lost.
How long is the fall?
Whenever I look down from a high place, I don't get scared, I have two thoughts: 1, the thought to resist the temptation to jump, and 2, "how far down is that, it looks really cool to see so far down!"
 Jan 2020 Stratus
 Jan 2020 Stratus
Set on the tracks,
following a distant star
on a voyage to the beyond.

Sea after simmering sea,
spiteful morning dawn
after last remaining twilight,
we travel, veiled by the night.
I IDENTIFY AS A FREIGHT TRAIN THAT HAS A STOPPING DISTANCE OF OVER A MILE. (if ur gonna quote me, use prev. statement)
No, this is not a poem about trains. Jan.9.2020
 Jan 2020 Stratus
I feel this ocean between us
The current has kept us apart
It won’t always be this way
We will break from its pull
We will swim together again
 Jan 2020 Stratus
 Jan 2020 Stratus
I would like to see
What would come to be
Of a moose and rabbit
Roaming free.

It is a rather stupid idea, you must think.
And i wholly agree
But where might the fun be,
If you cannot think freely?
I think of all, from the smallest flea
To the largest bee.
Or from the makeup of tar,
To the largest star.
It is fun to think,
That is what I decree.
But in real life,
The moose and rabbit would just flee
 Jan 2020 Stratus
A note lies on a wooden desk,
Its words conveying a coward’s half baked decision.

It was once clean and blank
But this changed, as all things do.
First was ink, forming a needlessly long message.
With this, came the tears, dripping at random.
The upset scrawling accidentally rips the note...
A pen thrown down, blotting the paper and words.
And lastly, more ink, but it’s from a different well.
Aug.7.2019. I remember writing this with two possibilities at mind, either a breakup note, or a suicide note. I feel bad for the paper...
 Jan 2020 Stratus
A browned, ******, and derelict oak door
That never should’ve been opened.
I promise I’m not mental.
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