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It just struck me as odd
Since we sleep to regain energy
To do the things we need to
The next time the sun rises

But what do we rest in peace for
I think it’s a different kind of sleep
My matter dissipates in the dirt
And awakes to live in the roots
Of all the trees that gave me shade
And the flowers that defined beauty

The only better place I’m going
Is the world beneath your feet.
14 lines, 313 days left.
This carving knife
Tears skin
Like plucking threads;
The pain of the mind
Let out
Through physical response,
A tear,
A grain of sand,
Time ticks
Present to past.
It’s an awful state
To survive
In such a way;
Not even living,
Just pulling through
On a razor blade
To appease the nightmare—
The shadow;
What an awful presence.
20 lines, 314 days left.
A deep embrace
Into the arms
You withdraw
Changes my soul
To a tinge
While remaining the muse
For all my best work
Just to tantalize
How deep the abyss steals
From my paper-thin
Mask unable
To hide the intake
Of your second hand smoke
Taunting with every
Exhale against my lips.

So steal another,
But one without rhymes
Because the road
You dragged me along
With the noose
You tied, yourself,
Is one I travel
And find myself a smile
Held back
From a road I gave too much credit
For my shadow,
As the driver
I let loose,
But now my eyes
Stare on the other end
Of the bars you left me
To cower alone.

For now, I flaunt the scar
Of the noose you gave
And the tearing of my back
When you dragged me along,
And think about
Whether or not
An epiphany
Will find you
Acknowledging the mistakes
Within the grave, hidden
That you continue digging,
For you’re already six feet deep,
Yet you keep going.
You don’t get to be my muse
Any longer;
Your eyes have hidden
The retraction
Of your sins,
When will they boil over?
55 lines, 315 days left.
In this life
So much darkness
I leave my house in the morning
On my way to work
When I’m there
And when I come back
I see broken people
Isolated from themselves to be more marketable
Isolated from loved ones by the impermeable barrier of death
Even the best steel masks society has on display
Show signs of chipping and decay

Everything runs on money in the adult world
You sell your soul to the highest bidder
And hope it’s enough to get a little bit of comfort
For some they hope it’s enough to survive
It’s disgraceful to call it hope
The truth is desperation
The truth of the world built before we were born
Before I could see your face with a few taps of the screen
And know that everybody was human like me
Keeping the voices and faces out of sight
The human world was built greedy and impersonal

But amidst greed’s victims and victors
In an isolated pocket
You live in your own world
Pets don’t worry about money
Children haven’t had the value of money or objects ingrained into their minds
Consciousness free from the worries and burden of the state of things
Allows for a purity few that grow up can understand or possess..
But this wicked world takes everything..
Imagine what the world might be if we could break free of the tradition of greed..
Stop treating each other as property.. As tools..
I get a glimpse every time I see this purity and think..
The world, as it is, doesn’t deserve you.
41 lines, 316 days left.
The sauce of life is edible;

Fuggin dig in.
3 lines, 317 days left.
The passenger seat feels empty
When I turn and don't see you
When I lay my hand on the armrest
Instead of resting it on your thigh
Doing nothing never felt this empty
When I was doing nothing with you

The sunset hasn't changed
The colors are just as bright
But that burning sky was always prettier
Reflected in your eyes
It's a small thing
But all the small things meant everything to me

When the sun is gone
The other stars get their chance to shine
But when I lay down to take it all in
I can't help but feel what's missing
On the ground next to me
Where you used to be

Your ghost has followed me
In places where we loved
The afterglow of the brightest part of my life
Was once all I could see

But now the overwhelming glow
Is just a few embers in the wind
I already lost you once
But now I'm losing you again

In places where we loved
Now even your ghost is fading

I thought memories would last forever..
With them I could live without you

But I'd rather die than forget.. then forget forgetting

Let me
die with my
43 lines, 318 days left.
Today the breath of life suffocates me
And the poison I poured
Makes me ask
If it is too much.

I feel a shadow in my head
That wants more
A craving
For a taste

Poison used for medicine
To heal by forgetting
And living in present
Without the burden of feeling

What an awful sensation:
The sense of touch;
After holding of another
Is learned,

The body never forgets,
And the only thing
That gives the senses in my skin
Amnesia of touching

Is the poison I pour,
But it’s never enough.
27 lines, 319 days left.
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