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  Jul 2020 Sanek
Lyda M Sourne
It's 3am

I'm on the phone
No one's awake and I'm alone

It's 3am

The radio's on
Songs are played on lonely station

It's 3am

I'm in my bed
My eyes are open and sleep has fled

It's 3am

I'm on the balcony
The sky is dark and just quite scary

It's 3am

Some windows have lights
Could they also not sleep tonight

It's 3am

I'm still awake
When will life ever give me a break
Insomniac nights are the worst. And it's been going on like this for quite awhile.
Sanek Jul 2020
Sometimes I don’t know what to say
When I put my thoughts into writing
But what I do know here today
Is that I want to write down something

It’s time to let myself go
It is time for me to see
No matter going fast or slow
As long as thoughts roam free

Starting is always the hardest part
When it comes to writing poetry
But as long as it comes from the heart
Then that’s good enough for me

Bad and good, big and small
My poems come in many kinds
“Skill” doesn’t matter, if at all
What matters is that they’re mine
Sometimes I just need to remind myself that I write because I want to write
Sanek Jul 2020
Through the days and days that pass us by
We make little choices throughout our lives
Perhaps sometimes they might seem wrong
But some may they lead to surprises all along

Some think of the road not taken
Or how in their search they’ve left doors unopened
Yet this is the path that we have set foot in
And this is where were headed till the end

But these choices that we make
Do we make them to control, or merely for their own sake?
I say that though time marches on
And mother earth and father sky sing their song

That they do matter
That the words we say are not idle chatter
That they can build a person up
That they can be worth more than enough

To change those around oneself
And be a light in the world, to help

I want to be that light
I don’t want to be snuffed out into the night
And I’m making this choice tonight
Because I want to make it right
And through these words I choose to write

Are all for you my dear friend
Who I want to brighten up till the very end
For a friend...

Happiness is only impossible if you define it as impossible
Sanek Jul 2020
Are you lonely?
Let’s go on a journey!
Just take my hand
Let’s fly to the land
Where pigs can fly
And birds are free
You’ll realize
And you will see
How happy you could be!

So put a smile
Up on your face!
And bring your ticket
Just in case
You’ll need it checked
Here on the border
Oh no!
Here comes law and order.

But don’t you worry
You got me!
I’ll get you out of this misery
So strap right up
And buckle down

Ain’t no better smuggler than me in town!
Sanek Jun 2020
As you can see

My kind of poetry

Ain’t metaphorical or flowery

But then again

My poetry is simply me
Just a random thought I had while working on a personal project
Sanek May 2020
Red and pulsating, nice and warm

Growing larger as my head leans down

To taste the dripping juice so sweet to the tongue

I take a bite out of the apple I’m having for lunch
Sanek May 2020
It is a delicate thing a mask
So small, small, small yet
My mask is carefully fashioned,
Crafted and shaped
Flawless but for a crack on the side I
Drape and drape my hair over
It is fine
No one notices
Or cares
Sometimes I wonder why I wear it
But when I get home
Staring at the mirror I am reminded
Why it must be so
My mask is my companion and friend
My harshest critic and my enemy
Yet it has been with me through ups and downs
And lows
The only constant in life
And sometimes when I’m alone
A tear drops
From the crack on the side
I was working on a Literature assignment for about two hours when I decided that poem I was writing wasn't great, so I started all over and wrote this in five minutes.
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