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 Apr 2018 vinny
Me Too
 Apr 2018 vinny
Too many times,
Too many tears,
Too many people,
Too many memories.
When will it end?
When will we be able to leave our houses without the fear of our clothing being sexualized?
When will they realize this isn’t ok?

What does it take?
How many tears,
How much pain,
How many people,
How much fear?

This is for all of those who have gone through ****** abuse of any form.
Us girls need to stand together and speak up.
We need to support each other and never **** shame.
At the end of the day, each one of us knows someone who has experienced ****** abuse or ****.
Me too.
 Jan 2016 vinny
Vanessa Gatley
You see this time of year
Presents are wrapped up
In paper if any style
Some added with bows
While when its birthday time
It's only bought with no thought
Maybe I'll add a bow on you
Becoming a holiday bf
 Jan 2016 vinny
To the timid:
 Jan 2016 vinny
Don't be so foolish to think you even belong anywhere.

If you were born to stay in one place, God would've made you a tree.
 Jan 2016 vinny
Vanessa Gatley
Falls into place for the new year
 Sep 2015 vinny
daily mantras
 Sep 2015 vinny

you are strong
you are powerful
you are admirable

you are different
you are intelligent
you are exquisite

you are beautiful
you are talented
you are loved


you are enough.

read this aloud. once, twice, over again if necessary. I love you and you are enough.
 Aug 2015 vinny
i have given in
to the soft crackle of old vinyls
harmonizing with the
rain tapping on my window;
it is a song unlike any other,
the lyrics engrained into my mind
and the rhythm in time with my heartbeat,
slow and steady

i am bathed in the glow
of scented candles and
strings of lights
strung up between windows and doors and open drawers;
wrapped in vanilla and white light,
enveloped in warmth
and drenched in dimly lit happiness

i am alone but never lonely;
on nights like these i lay awake
in sync with the crackle of vinyl
the soft patter of rainfall
the flickering of tiny flames
and the peace i have found
in simplicity.

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