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Jan 6 · 574
confession in Spanish
Atlas Jan 6
Y yo se Que no me vas a comprehender
Pero como te digo que te amo
Los días pasan y—
“Oh hey! Yeah ofc this seats open”
Tus ojos tan perfectos
“I didn’t expect to see you…since you’re always busy”
¿Pensaste en mi?
“You’re such a caring friend, you really didn’t have too”
I like you…where I wanna tell you
Pero Nunca vas a saber
Tantas horas pensando que existe la posibilidad de que me ames
But you’re just a friend
“Let me get snack, you want anything?”
“You don’t have to “
Pero haré cualquier cosa para ti
“What did you say”
“Oh nothing, just ok”
“But you said you’ll do anything for me…so tell me.”
Frozen in time, for once I’m at lost for words, ironic
“Since when…?”
“Since you started hanging out with that hockey girl again.”
Sonrisa tan Bonita
SÍ, te voy a decir que te amo
y tal vez no me quedó tan solita
Jan 6 · 34
Late night drive
Atlas Jan 6
The night is still young
Screaming at the top of my lungs
Watching you sing the lyrics of our favorite song

Not a moment wasted
Take it in
It might be our last night out
HA don’t start to pout!

I’m leaving tomorrow
It doesn’t matter
Time is moving slow
So don’t feel so shattered

Everytime you miss me
Visit the old birch tree
The stars are always so bright

My Promise to you?
Strive to start a life

turn it up!
It’s my favorite part!
“Made it out alive, but I think I lost it—
Said that I was fine, I said it from the coffin!”

It was our last late night drive since we were 25
Atlas Jan 6
The way I could admire your beauty for centuries
I walk through the marble halls where echoes play,
With each arches high and domes that rise
A beautiful vision sculpted beneath the skies

Columns stand with perfect grace
Watching the gold lining interlace
Each curve and line, a story told
Of ancient forms in marble bold

The brush of you paint the walls
Where knowledge blooms and beauty calls
I find myself in love
With angels looking from above

Shall you never go to waste
Fine art forever encased
My love, you bless me with your grace
Truly a genius ace
Jan 6 · 94
Sensitive heart
Atlas Jan 6
I don’t share often because my walls are so high up
I fear that if I bring someone too close they’ll stab my sensitive heart
Trust is a delicate thing
Something my heart thinks irrelevant
If you ask me if im loveable I’ll tell you “I hope so”
My mind says no
But my heart screams against the metal bars that “My love will come down like a Tsunami, just please don’t leave me”
I’m begging you to stay
Don’t be another person who will walk away
I want to love someone who will at least look my way
I tell someone I like them and they say “I like you too”
What a fucken liar
You decided to leave me anyways
I fear to utter the words again
To either be rejected or played
So I’m looking at you and thinking will you do the same?
Nov 2024 · 65
First choice
Atlas Nov 2024
I don’t think I’m anyone’s first choice
I never have been
They pick me last in everything
For as long as i remember I’ve been following people in hope they’ll like me

My mind strategizes
My heart screams
There’s blood on the cold floor
When did I end up here?

I’m not anyone’s favorite person
I watch everyone around me instinctively go to their person
I stand here alone in the void
Carefully waiting
The scars on my arm counting the days
They can tell me that they care and I mean a lot to them, but I know they will always choose someone else over me
Nov 2024 · 195
Pick me apart
Atlas Nov 2024
pick me apart
Build me up
That’s your game I never wanted to play
I’m not your experiment
Get me out of this cage
You took my heart and picked some parts
Only to burn the rest of my heart
I feel like I’m dying
And I know you’re lying
Leave me alone
I don’t want to be known
Nov 2024 · 269
Physical touch
Atlas Nov 2024
Physical touch pleases me
Not in that way
But in a way that gives comfort to wanna flyaway
Like ballerinas dancing across my skin
I don’t know why but this is the way I’ve been
Your the warmth I crave
I only want to hold you
But it’d be a lie if you wanted too

Hold my cold hand
Run your hands through my hair
Hold me close to the point where you might come to care

But I’m pretty sure you’re well aware
That I’m desperate
I crave physical touch
I’m not asking much
So I hope I can feel your warm touch
Nov 2024 · 266
Of all the things I love
Atlas Nov 2024
I love a lot of things
The raindrops on my face
The dirt in my hands
The smell of grass in morning

I love the color blue
The way the stars look
That necklace on you

never mind
I love hang outs
And tasty food
I would really like to go out with you

I suppose I’ll tell you
That of all the things I love
I always think of you
Nov 2024 · 605
I don’t like you
Atlas Nov 2024
I like you
Not in the way where my heart is beating fast or where I gift you trinkets
More in the way where you are like a shadow everywhere i go, invading my thoughts
I fear to be around you
I’m scared that I might say something I’ll regret
I know you’ll never look my way
and I know I’m falling deep in

I’m stuck in a time loop
Reliving the same day
I no longer wish to dream a dream
Because all i see is you
But i won’t call it a nightmare
More like a dream I should beware

I say that if the stars were to fall
And the moon were to burn
It wouldn’t matter because i see the heavens in your eyes
The world can crumble if I get to see you one last time

but, I keep lying to myself that this feeling will pass
I don’t like you
(say the truth)
just the thought of being with you
(I want you)  
You don’t make my heart beat
I really don’t like you
(set my heart on fire)
Nov 2024 · 428
To wait
Atlas Nov 2024
Sometimes I feel like Icarus..
I love someone always too far from me that when I reach I burn
Destined to fall
But i know I’ll still love
A fated curse
I hate how it hurts
Years go by and nothing has changed
Maybe it’s time I quit this stupid race
Like a loyal dog who waits for someone who will never come my way
I romanticize Odysseus and Penelope’s relationship
To feel the love that they had.
Is it something so hard to ask?
Forget it
It was a mistake to even think about something I could never have.
Oct 2024 · 313
The Tears of a Mestizo
Atlas Oct 2024
Soy de la tierra de los volcanes.
Soy descendiente de los Mayas.
La sangre de mi nación cubre las tierras de Yucatán, Guatemala, El Salvador, hasta Honduras.
The Mestizo cry out for their loss.
They don’t know who they are.

Our fore fathers ruled those lands preaching of a mighty feather serpent who created our lands.
Stories passed down through the centuries all for it to be lost.
The crown across the sea in the name of Christ set to burn our lands to make them holy.
The rains cried for them when their children were taken to campos.
They shall never see their mothers for now they have been ‘reborn’.
They shall never know their language.
Hail Maria

Heart cold as ice they burned their sacred texts
Children born with tainted blood. Pain and suffering runs through their veins.
Those who carry their blood shall never know their past.
They shall never be pure for they have harmed their own.

Yo soy Salvadoreña.
I am a nomad who roams the land
I only know now

Our tree roots only go so far
I only wish to see beyond
My K’ux calls me.
I miss my home
The grounds where my ancestors have lived
Where my parents were born
The lands where I wasn’t born in

I feel like I betrayed my ancestors
Born in a foreign land with a language shoved down my throat.
I threw up my ancestors blood as I was injected with the American dream
In God we trust

The deaths of the
Lenca, Pipil, Cacaopera, Mangue, Xinca, Mixe, Maya Poqomam, K’iche, Maya Chorti.
We are on the sidelines
Our history barely known

My mother’s pain is now mine
The pain of war is what she knows
Oscar Romero, Marianella García Villas, the town of El Mozote, Chalatenango, and those who fled, may they be delivered the peace that they deserve.
They did not surrender
They fought till the end
Liberation from war
I never forgot
Forever shall they live
Their blood now with the ground
Together with Itzamná

I am my siblings guardian
I cry for those who seek home
The children in cages away from their mothers
My brothers and sisters suffer alone

I am K’ uk’ulkan
I see the suffering
I see what my people have been through

I call upon U K’ux Kaj, heart of sky, thunderbolt huracan youngest thunderbolt, sudden thunderbolt and Uk’ux cho, Uk’ux palo Kukulkan, Quetzal serpent, Heart of lake and sea.

I am first generation
I carry the ambitions and dreams of those who came before me
Strong and willed

To forget my language is genocide against my ancestors. I asked my mother how to say ‘wound’ in Spanish because I forgot and all she could do was laugh.
‘Herida’... oh right. The pain that my heart felt when my mother first told me I was “muda”
Forgive me.
Aug 2024 · 189
Unlovable hopeless romantic
Atlas Aug 2024
To you hopeless romantic,
You wander these empty halls wishing to fill it with love
You dream of love meeting you on Saturday with roses and a coffee date.
But it's not your fate.
To you unlovable,
Do you really believe in love?
You who never felt but have been told how magical it is…do you think its true?
You wanted to feel needed but never really liked the ‘I really like you’ feeling.
How long has it been since you had some type of meaning?
To you unlovable hopeless romantic,
It feels like your not worth anyone’s time
Broken seems untrue but you now can’t deny that you really built walls a bit to high
You have so much love to give and there’s no one
Don’t wander so far down the dark empty halls
There’s always a bright open door
But how long can you really wait
when you know all the doors are tightly closed
Aug 2024 · 206
Spanglish who?
Atlas Aug 2024
Stuck in 2 worlds
Forced to choose certain words
Tú or you?
Not fully developed
Its hard to pick and choose what i want to do
Que no puedes hablar
That’s just sad
I can’t find the words
Como se dice I have so much to lose
Aug 2024 · 655
Not for you
Atlas Aug 2024
The sleepless nights I spent talking to the stars about you
To the point where I told them “I love you”

You who lingers in the back of my head
I knew then I was through

It might be the hopeless romantic in me
But I’ve never felt love to this degree

Take a knife and plunge it into my heart
Maybe then I can learn that we are meant to be apart

Yet even then, I will still love you
Because you made my world shine
That’s gotta be a sign

I’m scared though
I’m scared that if I let you go, I won’t see you anymore
Like a star that traveled so far, you stop shining

Now don’t get me wrong
I'm not confining
I only know how to say this in writing

Forgive me for loving
But my heart won’t listen to my head
And now I'm stuck here reciting this poem to everyone but you, instead.
Mar 2024 · 46
Who are you?
Atlas Mar 2024
The first born raised to be perfect
Destined for glory
Carrying the world on their shoulder
(Atlas would pity them in fact)
Flying too close to the sun
Only to fall back below the earth
(Icarus should’ve warn them of that)

Fear is a weapon
Love is forbidden
She calls out for god but only finds what’s hidden
Her world is falling
And There is deep waters coming

Loses track of what came back
Have you forgotten
Where you came from
The land beyond the free
Where your parents had to flee
This is not your perfect reality

Burn your heart
Destroy your mind
There is no god that will save you in time
Call Athena goddess of wisdom
See if she will save you in this life

Your mother has abandoned you
The gods turn there eye
You are left with denial
That if your life is actually vital

Home isn’t home anymore
You are left with an empty shell
Today is the last day you say your farewells

— The End —