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996 · Sep 2017
Coffee table
Naash Sep 2017
My body is a beach house
And by the study room
with the view of the sea,
There is a coffee table.
All mornings have been made here.
It's a tiny piece of furniture that makes a huge part of life.
The match to the candle, and lighter to the veld fire.
There are doodles engraved on it.
They look like they could mean something,
Like how we are told not to recognize color but they turn around and tell us to tick in boxes.
Like how I'm a holy heathen who listens to the likes of Hopsin and Tech N9ne,
Like how I believe slavery is still alive but simply rephrased and concealed.
But then again, they are just doodles, who cares what they mean.
They smell the like the sunrise and bacon
Like broken hearts and virginities .
Like a shower washing off the previous night.
Like the disappointment my parents will feel when they find out who I really am.
A little girl angry at religion,
Angry at them for forcing it on me,
A little girl, angry at life.
Despite the meaninglessness of this old  scared coffee table, the devil and the angel in me sit in loving peace sipping this deadly caffeine.
Internal peace
642 · Sep 2017
The broom
Naash Sep 2017
I bought a broom for her
Told her a good girl keeps their corners clean
Corners hidden from the world as well.
Told her to move into a nice street
Behaved path.
Prayed she wouldn't be stubborn,
Surprisingly my prayers were answered this time.

There must be someone up there.
There must be no one down here.

She stared at her broom,
Knowing not what to do with it.
She was growing too fast,
I had to jump in.
Sweedy, this is for sweeping,
"You hold it up right and wave it,
With your hands on your hips,
Your smile blinding.
Treat this as your wand.
You are your own Godmother.
You sweep like this,
Discard of all hurt the world has to give.
It wipes tears as well
And you can blow your nose.
When he breaks your heart,
One sweep will turn it from bitter to sweet.
It's magical. It will keep you safe. "
I told her all this without knowing,
A broom won't be sufficient in the present world,
She gon need a vacuum cleaner
505 · May 2018
My fault.
Naash May 2018
It is my fault i fell for your devious charms.
i loved the mystery and went digging in you, mine,
lucky me i found diamonds and kimberlites .
As the temperature rose up my alarm bells went off,
but the crowds calmed them down asking me how i landed such a lad.
Ego puts fear, paranoia and all gut instincts to sleep.
Your hand landed on my face one day,
sorry you had to pop my pimples unwillingly,
and i apologize for staining your hands with my blood.
I was researching on the number of women killed by their partners in South Africa.
Sorry i did not clear my history and you had to see this.
I apologize for giving birth to these beings, beautiful creatures we brought to life ,you and i, that now hate your guts just because they do not understand that it is my fault.
i lost another one yesterday when you gently slammed me against the wall because you didn't want to believe that he was yours as well.

so now  i write you this letter, read it to the crowds and tell them what a bad wife i had been.
tell them that i was weak, tell them i couldn't endure the hardships of this marriage and had an appointment with my maker.
Tell them i was useless.
cremate me and put my ashes in the trash bag.

it is all my fault and i apologize from the bottom of my heart.
470 · Oct 2017
Naash Oct 2017
They tell me to believe in it,
Says it feels like magic
But all I’ve seen is tragic
Because momma always blames her addiction
On what was supposed  to be the love of her life
My father.
A man who took her youth, along with dignity, confidence
And a heart she never had much use for after he took off.
Because of love she never notice me,
Because of love our family is a tragedy.
Maya Angelou went in and out of time
While old folks laughed at the stupidity,
The old adage or illusion we dragged our behinds into.
Something that is there but never existed.
Saint Valentine, sorry to disappoint
But your blood,
Your blood was spilled in vain.
Love is red like the February  14th,
And also like gunshot  wounds of soldiers
And cardiac ones of their wives back home.
So what is love?
Ladies and gentlemen love is nothing
But pain with no gain
A sunflower fruitlessly blossoming in the rain.
426 · Oct 2018
Naash Oct 2018
His arms feel like home,
When home doesn't feel like home.
His firm grip secures this body, this house that  many weird things reside in.
His lips are too good to be of human flesh.
They talk and kiss sense to me.
The little things matter to him
And for the first time ever in my life,
I need not to worry.
Need not to cry.
Need not to hurry.
Need not to shy.
A rate tall skinny totoro,
One that I get to call mine
367 · Oct 2018
Naash Oct 2018
She was an introvert once

But now

She talks a lot,
to distract people from looking at her face.
362 · May 2018
Naash May 2018
They say it is the most painful way to die,
but i think it's the most excruciating way to live.
These files, these emotions, these people, temptations and Lord knows what else.
They drown you alive.
348 · Sep 2017
Leave me unwashed
Naash Sep 2017
Why don’t we drink our coffee black?
Dark chocolate if too strong.
Our skin looks like a muddle puddle,
A ***** ***** pond of dung.
So, many feel contamnated,
And they set themselves on fire,
Drown in  a tub of bleach
Spend thousands and thousands,
Trying to abolish this germ.
Covering it up, watering it down
Staying indoors, swimming in woes,
Shaking it off,
But not ti the african drum.
As ever brown sistah turns into a star
My volaptuous lips still utter the plea:
Please leave me unwashed.
#black #dirt #race
334 · Nov 2017
Death of creativity...
Naash Nov 2017
I watch it die
Strangle itself before jumping off Mount Everest.
I don't weep but smile bitterly
Cry silently
Try effortlessly
to save it,
Revive it,
extinguish the fire
But The ashes simply fall into my skeleton hand.
Rest in peace my poetic beast.
May your soul rest in the immortal deep.
Moments of writers’ block
308 · Oct 2017
Naash Oct 2017
She wakes up at 1am everyday
sits for at least an hour
wondering if her life is going somewhere
hoping it does
coping in bars
that she has built for herself over the years,
with very little care tie,
very much traded time
she feels like a good
which is bad
for her anorexic self esteem and obese body.
This cycle repeats itself,
and again,
and again.

CAUTION: Do not step into the stagnant waters that are her life,
you might catch schistosomiasis
303 · Oct 2017
Naash Oct 2017
He has your heart locked in a cage.
He painted the bars with acid so that prison seems preferable.
A caged bird sings they say, but not you dear.
They have judged your off key voice one too many times it hurts.
You feel like ripping it out of your chest
The idiot who denies you freedom
But it's not your heart's fault.
He is your nostalgic love.
His love and attention beats anything money or freedom can buy.
Happily kidnapped as you wipe your tear with a dry smile.
While another waterfall drips out the other eye.
Getting over an almost perfect ex-lover.
294 · Nov 2017
Dry friction lover
Naash Nov 2017
Why did he choose to come closer in summer? .
In winter I could have used these cuddles and had the excuse,
"It's cold out".
Why didnt he show up when I was sad?
The tears would explain why he holds my hand the way he does.
I can't wait for him to come,
Or leave so our intimate hugs are interpreted as another hello, a simple goodbye.
How come he puts a smile top of my smile,
Knows me better than I know myself,
And makes me feel lonely in his absence?
Just yesterday, I kept planting kisses on the outside of his hands
and he didn't complain,
Instead one of them  found their way to my conical hills and I didn't complain either.
He caresses me in a way that leaves my insides demanding for more.
His eyes burn with mysterious tales, or words I imagine he would like to say to me.
His legs always find their way to my place,
And my hands his neck,
His hands my hips,
My lips his chest,
His lips my hair,
My back the wall,
His back my nails
My lips his,
Returned with a burning desire, a rough squeeze of my behind and a palm devouring my tiny *******.
Our bodies falling into each other...

And then we remember we are not an item ,
We don't want to sin.
So we sit there, longing, holding hands, caressing, longing for more.
Maybe it's up to time but my dreams have caught us naked, red handed and no regrets.
Friends with partial benefits
277 · Sep 2017
Naash Sep 2017
You paid
To be detained. Here.
Now you are paying more for tutors to help you pass imprisonment with flying colors.
I'm so sorry.
Nobody told you that the sun is orange,
And that you will reach for this star with shackles on your hands bleeding dollars to the ground.
#college pressure
256 · Sep 2017
Naash Sep 2017
It stings.
Burns my heavy eyes with a warmth far too cold.
Ungranted escape, heart bent out of shape.
You can’t put a number or size on emotions,
But when they bleed at the speed of light,
They do, in a perfect flow
243 · Oct 2017
I don't wanna grow up
Naash Oct 2017
"A lil birdy told me age is just a number                                                           ­                                              
     But how come I catch myself growing sadder?                                                          ­                                            
   They told me to grow up fast                                                             ­                                                 
Because all my childhood fantasies would not last                    
  But fantasies are the only thing that loved me                                                               ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                    
 In this present  life I have  nobody.                                                    ­                                         
           I’m young, I’m woman now                                                              ­                                               Somebody get ready to pay a cow                                                              ­                                                  Because my ******* are swollen and silk                                                             ­                                                     But can never produce milk                                                             ­                                                    Why?

A violent father doesn’t leave much room for love                             An icy mother turns you into an eagle from a dove                                                             ­                                                  So how could I appreciate the gift of my legal day of birth,                                                           ­                                         
When thoughts of this inhabitancy bring all joy to a firth?                                                           ­                                                                I’m young                                                            ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                                
I’m woman now.                                                             ­                                                                 ­                                              
But save me, because I don’t wanna grow up.”

She fell asleep with the journal in her hand and hoped to wake up in another family, but then again, childhood fantasies would never last now that she was adult.
238 · Oct 2017
It doesn't hurt
Naash Oct 2017
We have been here before.
My cardiac flesh scattered in pieces on the floor,
And your gumboots,
Grinding on them just to make sure nothing is still beating.
I had just turned into a woman, my 18th birthday,
When your lover revealed my significant other
Was her significant other.
Even though I left an angel for you,
A man who never did me no harm,
You just stood there, with eyes full of greed,
And uttered “baby, you’re all I need.”
Broken promises should hurt,
But only the first time around.
It doesn’t hurt that I put so much effort,
When my friend turned her back on me as I gave you a second chance.
Silly me I should have hated you like she did,
I should have opened my eyes to your intentions sooner
But no! you pumped your helium love into me
Got me up so high so I couldn’t see what’s deep down.
It doesn’t hurt that I called you more than you thought of me.
It doesn’t hurt that our firth has to be in a ****** and vague mid night text
My eyes have cried way too many times for you,
And what’s a scratch on a heart that you’ve stabbed over and over?
It doesn’t hurt me that you’ve left me again, probably for her, again.
It really truly does not hurt,
Although I wish it did.
Coz then it would prove that I loved you,
Coz I truly, wholeheartedly did.
235 · Jul 2018
Bend over backwards
Naash Jul 2018
Women in my family draw blood from their veins when the world is thirsty.
They cry a river and wash the people's clothes.
Their skin is the leather they sit on.
But the world gives nothing in return.
They breathe in carbon dioxide and give them oxygen because these women, all they know is to serve.
Their fingers have glittery precious chains.
This prison they live in their parents got wealth for.
But the world gives nothing in return.

For generations and generations, they are not tired.
And the world never, not even once, give something in return.
232 · Nov 2017
Naash Nov 2017
I'm pure
Sealed and all.
Well a handy man once fondled my temple and I had to keep quiet with my mouth open in return.
but nobody knows.
Nobody has to.
As long as I remain sealed. Right?
I won't burn for it if adults my age are grinding.

When my friends turn up I stay and pray.
The only drink I ever had was the blood of Jesus, my sweat and tears pleasing him.
I ain't never done nothing wrong my whole life,
Never felt the end of a stick.
Nobody knows the color of my knees,
Except for that handyman I mentioned.

MA it's this religion of yours that I love so much.
It's not suffocating at all to follow every single redundant rule.
Sociatal expectations
226 · Sep 2017
Dear self
Naash Sep 2017
I can feel you slipping,
Losing grip of what makes you whole.
But instead, hanging on to what kills you daily.
What excruciates your heart,
Bruising your hand
And wetting your eyes.
My love, just let go.
Self worth never depreciated,
Why let it?
Appreciate it.
Do what works for you
Be selfish
Put yourself first and the world will remember the intense self-love you feel for yourself...
225 · Sep 2017
Life of hers
Naash Sep 2017
Wake up early every morning
After every late night
Ignore the headache that you have
Big girls do not cry, big girls will not die.
Thank God for keeping you well
Ask him not to forget 7 billion others as well.
Be a good mother to your brothers
Be a good sister to your mother
You'll never know what it's like, one being one to you.
Since they hid father's bustard daughter from you.
Leave that handsome young boy be.
Trade the little care time you have,
For shackles of freedom.
Be a slave to this life my darling
So you could live like a queen one day.
Don't focus on self growth
Let them shower you with admiration
Maybe your black rose may feed on their poisonous waters.
Ignore the pinches you feel on your back baby.
It's just 7 billion voices whispering knives and twisting them in..
"That old lonely hag. We always thought she was a witch."
218 · Sep 2017
Naash Sep 2017
Momma said keep your love in a jar
Or at least have a cure for the infectious disease to come

But I never listened.
I let it out. . . . All at once
Wasted all my spears on your undeserving being.
Now I'm sweeping
Pieces of my dignity off of the ground,
Coz I was never one to accept things as they should
I Thought rebellion was ****
But stupid is next to "I LOVE YOU",
And as smart as I'm known to be,
I chose you idiot!
over and over and over again....
But I'm healing
Slowly healing from the disease that is you.
215 · Apr 2018
Naash Apr 2018
Just a little hug would suffice.
Let my heart know it doesn't beat alone.
Naash Oct 2017
I wrote you a note, during the time I had to vote
Sent out articles in the newspapers
Broadcasted on the ZBC, SABC and BBC
I remain.
0 to the people and one more point to you world.
So I sent you letters via postman pac, after devouring a big mac
You completely ignored that poetic pac, Never even got my juice back
And that
Makes me
Bit angry.

Frustration divided by a nation is the equation, You have turned me into Lady Lunatic.

Let’s get something straight,
I ain’t done with you yet.
Not when my momma still being cheated on,
Fake Gods still being relied on,
Women still being beaten on
And now I’m still alienated in the land I’m living on.
Difference still matters in races, when will we get over these phases?
I mean a pastor spraying DOOM in our faces
For the dollar that he chases. Ironic ain’t it?
When they supposed to save us from it.
Where is the victory that you promised, times of Moses
When our footprints escaped Egypt?
Now don’t get me wrong.
I’m not indirectly attacking
The one who gave me the gift of writing
Nah, He’s been good to me.
Dragging me out of the mess you put me in.

Once upon a time you were the Garden of Eden
But this heat in the city of gold
Tells me we  are approaching the doom of *****
With executions of ASSAD and SADAM
And Eves tricking Adams
Please don’t tell me,
That once again we were sold a dream
When they said everything will be okay
since you never replied world, this is the last one.
209 · Nov 2017
Hey ex
Naash Nov 2017
You made the impossible more real
And took it away with a wand.
All I have in hand is magical moments,
Burried in the underworld.
A heart deprived of light
190 · Oct 2017
Dear friend
Naash Oct 2017
Remember all the scars on my wrists that i couldn't explain
and called them accidents?
All those weird doodles i wrote in my note books,
And people called me emo or the devil's child
And you had to be the devil's child's friend?
Remember how my tears rolled down every time i giggled,
How i fruitlessly tried to hide all the hurt?
You always broke down my walls,
put your life on standby
just to bring mine out of stagnation.
All of that is about to change.
Just because that very same devil ***** me doesn't mean you have to stop living.
i release you from the burden that is me dear friend.
it is about time i returned the favor.
Put my life on hold just to bring yours out of stagnation.
This is not a suicide note,
but a letter from a friend to another.
I. Love. You.
186 · Jan 2018
Naash Jan 2018
I came here searching for gold
But these mines keep swallowing what's mine,
For a piece of paper just to temporarily belong.
I long for the day grandpa falls off the rails,
And gives us a chance to live.
Oh wait, he already did,
But there is no change.
So in this land I'm alienated,
In this land I'm disoriented,
In this land my identity is a shame,
It's shunned,
It hidden in the name of protection
Because they decapitate here
They disintegrate
The ****
They cull
And we want you alive when home starts to look greener,
And a little less brown.
So graze with your head down,
Bleed Rands to the ground.
It's okay.
Long as you breathing baby
181 · Feb 2018
Lovely confusion
Naash Feb 2018
How do you tell a man you want that you don't want him?
How do you tell him his touch burns with a sweet sensation,
But you have diabetes?
How can he understand that you have a religion, tattooed on your body
Despite all the signals it is sending him?
Your body should be a temple borrowed to this world
But the very same temple sings praises to his embrace.
Emotionally resistant
Emotionally resistant he says.
Is it right to push him away then,
When the heart says another thing?
He wants nothing serious,
So why wait for the heart break?
How do you return a love not given?
How can I make him understand,
How can I make ME understand,
That he is the one I want so badly,

But don't?
#love him,  love him not
179 · Feb 2018
Suicide note to Mother
Naash Feb 2018
I'm sorry I let the bad boy of the year fondol me first.
I knew he never liked me but it felt good to have his goldfish attention for those 3 seconds.
Sorry I never came home last night, or a thousand others before this one.
Sorry I've become an alcoholic and my grades are drunk too.
You grounded me, and said I shouldn't go nowhere.
You didn't ask why I was acting out,
Coz only then would you have known why  my corpse laysnin this tub with diluted blood from the roads I tried to construct on my wrists and thighs,
Hoping to an escape.
To bad,
Now you will never know.
#self mutilated
170 · Feb 2018
Naash Feb 2018
Africa is known to be deprived of water
So I get hurt often,
Of course on purpose
And open eyes to let it rain!
I'm kind like that.
154 · Nov 2017
Naash Nov 2017
You've got the best of both worlds
Other flowers envy your presence
These people use you to praise their lords
You've got that nectar preferred by bees

What a beautiful Red Rose you are
Your attractive scent I adore
But on my finger is a scar
Made by those whorls I'm so unsure

Oh dear

You are strong but needy
You'd die in an empty vase
The sight of my thumb bleeding
Puts a smile on your pretty face

The whole world buys your kindness
Because those petals hide your thorns
Your crown doesn't fool me your highness
It failed to cover some inches of your horns

Tango your body language
Made for two but you solely manage
You brainwash all my baggage
With this cursive that I'm reading

You utter that I don't matter
The camera adores you as you pose
than me you are always better
That really hurt me dear Rose

Kind of words you say
Kind of find a way
Of tuning themselves into blades.

Without me you would be lost,
Without you I would be lonely
I won't leave at misery's cost
And this rain cloud over me

I will love you
Despite being the rose that you are
A pretty flower
Scattered with thorns
152 · Jan 2018
Naash Jan 2018
You asked for the impossible
And I drew blood from my well,
Quenching your twilight thirst, sweet sweet slices of my being.
Honey I birthed you, breathed life into you
Nurtured you from my chest.
Made your pillow on my *******.
They ache when you're done and so does my heart,
Coz I see when your belly shine you don't need me no more.
Women of my kind don't care about your pockets but your dreamy eyes and healing attention.
Just your loving arms and your soothing voice.
Just your nobodyness, naked personality and your barren garden to our rain so you don't benefit from our pain.
Harvest my organs if you have to,
Don't love me of you don't want to,
Shun me as you please,
but all I ask is understanding.

Nobody ever gave me that.

— The End —