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 Jul 2020 SassyJ
Carlo C Gomez
To entertain
means to be starkers
and dance with veils,
to exoticize war
and tremble in
a thousand rhythms.
Bejeweled as a spy,
don't know why.
Eye of the day,
and a dozen matchlocks
had me inertly settle
upon my knees,
before bending at my waist
to take one last look
at the fiery heavens.
Thomas W. Case's Historical Figure Poetry Challenge, Mata Hari.
 Jul 2020 SassyJ
Imran Islam
Nothing is wrong
when I am young
and you are beautiful
I can't wait too long
to listen to your song
when nature is wonderful.

No, maybe it's wrong
when we're unknown
and not committed
I wouldn't sing for you
Now I need to know you
and we should be committed.

Okay then alright
Give it up tonight,
Nothing has happened yet.
Yeah, you were wrong
let it go and wait a long
for a true skylight.
I advance a fragment of this ending, which will have three endings under the same final outcome.

Vernarth appears in the haze, coughing up his cloying feverish rubies that dazzle Betelgeuse's cheeks, lighting Alexander Magnus' cheeks upon awakening.

Alejandro Magnus advoca: Countless times I have seen the face of Persephone face to face, failing to light my way with his bare cobblestones walking on my feet, to where I have to extinguish my candle and lie down in the moat assigned by the aforementioned marriage with Hades and with the spring of my beloved town with all its candles burning. "Pela, where he smells of anger and disassemblies of Ares' ignominy for not responding to his doctrines. However, I have awakened more than every morning I had to wake up, hanging from the dazzling light of the Dorus melting its tip with its anger to amalgamate with that of Xifos in the company of Ares and mine melting its doctrine in a thousand fragments landing in the distinguished forge submerged by banal winds and its anvil like a perennial Rosebush that rests on the Dodecanese region, showing me the faces that I must have understood when my mother Olympia, filled me with kisses so that one day I would fill her with victories for back her kisses, holding my arms as if she were already holding onto the destiny that unites us, pretending to be the Xiphos, a Burning Chapel that my father Philip was never able to hold.
First Ending
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