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 Jan 2020 sarah shahzad
The girl in my poems,
she lives in the darkness
and never steps into the light.
I have never seen her
but I feel her when I step into the dark.
I can feel her tears when I touch her,
I can hear her quietly speaking
while she's lying in my arms.
And while she'll never come into the light
I can try to draw her with my words
'cause that's the only way
she can be seen.
I just hope that you'll see
the beautiful girl
I met in the shadows
if you look at my words.
 Jan 2020 sarah shahzad
There comes a point where you dance.
And not the same for everyone,
but you must dance.
Because when your heart has been still and stuck in sadness
you must give it a little chaos after.
After what, you may ask?
After you're broken.
After your heart feels absolutely shattered to its core.
After you and your love have been at war.
After a long day at work.
Just after.
Anything, where your heart has hurt
you MUST dance.
I hope that someday you dance again.
I did.
And I've never been more joyful.
She was like Christmas.
A surprise.
Don't utter a word.
Let the silence talk.
Whenever you are working towards something big, I always advice people not to shout out their process. It just sows seeds of jealousy. When you receive success, the whole world knows. But if you talk about your work before it is achieved, when it fails, people will for sure push you down.
She was a dusky beauty
With a soft mane of brown hair
It fell in perfect curls
Around her round head.
She had sparkling brown eyes
And gosh that beautiful smile
Heads turned to see her radiance
Even from a mile.
Being brown, I have always faced comments, sometimes from my relatives who say "you're too dark". Why should my prospective groom be concerned about my colour? Shouldn't he love me for who I am? Shouldn't he embrace my flaws? That's when I realised, I should embrace myself first.
So here goes.
I'm brown. And I'm beautiul.
To all the beautiful women, who are unique and radiant in their own ways.
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