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Menna Abd-Eldaiem
F    Translator, graphic designer, and Poetess
13/F/NJ/silently screaming    I'm just a 13 yo girl who wants to share some of her thoughts with a world of like-minded people. I have a skin-picking disorder, …
F/Voie Des Papillons    growing, you know and learning too
Nat Lipstadt
M/nyc    A poetpourri history of a journey from naissance to humility, in between the white (s)pacing of poems decorating a life...
William A Poppen
88/M/Tennessee    William Poppen is retired and spends most of his time writing poems, taking photos, and walking daily.
Chad Roman
20/M    my thoughts in words
The Sick Red Carnation
27/F/Iran    Maybe it's bad that My mother's pussy Gave birth to the sick mind 💮🌿 My Insta : @yasaman.johari💮 2 December 1996
28    An introspection of a complex organism
22/F/Zimbabwe    lost my script so l changed the plot My only true safe haven
beth fwoah dream
England    i love writing. i try to let my subconscious write the poems. born may 1969.
Unpolished Ink
Writer and Poet living in the UK Channel Islands.
Andrew Crawford
Darrell Howland
46/M/London    Author of Dream Myself Dead, Snow Filled Mind, Broken Promises Broken Lies, Birth Change Destruction And the forthcoming book Allergic to Human Beings
Megan H
27/F/Texas    Life, with its rules, its obligations, and its freedoms, is like a sonnet: You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. …
Coffee with Cream
16/F/South Africa   
Nocturnal Hikikomori
My words are 'mispelled', incoherent, inarticulate and shallow I'm no profound So these are my thoughts exactly: "I'm swimming in a sea of faces; I'm …
Farah Taskin
F    A thinker. A person who enjoys writing.
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