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Edmund black
39/M/NJ    Not Everything I Write Is About Me , However I Only Write For Myself....... Remember Jesus Is The Way And The Light.
Nigel Finn
Bristol/Cambridge, UK    For those of you wanting an actual bio about me; I am of the male persuasion, and I have a beard. My favourite food is …
U.K    Copyright ©2013-2024 simpleton
Rupert Pip
24/United Kingdom    A place for these musings of reverie. Please see my website for some of my completed works.
Artem Mars
Non-binary/Still in IKEA: day 627    Hello, I'm going to put a trigger warning for my poems here: Trigger Warning! -- I am in no way good at writing poetry, but …
Jayantee Khare
45/F/Pune, India    I'm a loner in the crowd. Writing is my world. A lot is hidden inside. I'm collecting the words from my innerself and writing it …
25/F/singapore    bits and pieces of my memories here. x
Sameera Krishna
20/F/Hyderabad, India    Aesthete. Yad Bhavam, Tad Bhavathi !
23/F/Indonesia    Islamic University of Lamongan. I'm muslim. Be your self and love your self. You can inspire someone with your poem. Allah swt is always with …
F    Writing is the one thing I have consistently felt that I have been good at in life. I hope y'all like my poems. I love …
White Widow
Anna Bell
20/F/my true home is in heaven    i get lost and lose myself, words are what saves me
17/F/Somewhere in America    welcome to my journal
24/F/RI    Losing myself in words one letter at a time. Escaping reality and expressing myself without any Expectations. Original poems ✏
17/F/youth    all the things, made real
Sehar Bajwa
22/M    Thank you to everyone who has read my poetry. I post when I want or need to share never expecting a response but every like …
Wandering and wondering, around and about.
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