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21/M/London    Just in my room
Norman Crane
Canada    I live in Canada. I like history, coffee and cinema.
Coleen Mzarriz
deeply weaved in a foreign house lost in the deep woods of the forest of her mind
59/M    The beauty that befell my eyes the very day we met, is more than I could ever hope to see And now as time has ...
31/F/Michigan    It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. - E.E. Cummings
Maria Mitea
If I do not strive who will?!
Veritia Venandi
F    A parenthesis in eternity,trying to extend the realms of existence every passing moment through the language of words...! Peace be with you all! :)
Smothered Divine
18/F/Where minds go to dream    "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." - Edgar Allan Poe ...
21/Non-binary    scrap poetry. dumpster quality.
Aaron Michael Brown
vienna bombardieri
F/Canada    I have been writing poetry since the age of twelve. Writing is my therapy . I love to share ideas with other poets.
A Slow Heyoka
M/Plymouth, UK    With our thoughts we make the world.
astral soul river   
God's my fortress.
...don't know? don't judge! you only know what you see // (h)our (s)hell // scorch, scorch; pass the torch... don't play with fire on the ...
You've Been Timetabled
The Exclusion Zone    Reposts of great work from HP writers, so they can be spotlighted and not lost. Inspired by ScriptedReposts. And dedicated to all the reposters on ...
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