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( Ten Word Poem )*

Myriad colours breaking,

Universe into being,

Fields of wild flower.
 Aug 2015 Ameliorate
b for short
Faded ink.
Deep, majestic black to a shy blue
hints at a thrill that no longer thrives
but serves an imprinted reminder
of a time that breathed happiness.

Around and around,
days into nights,
we grew into each other
without notice.
Weighted contours
made beautifully complex shapes,
we’d  twist and curve
harmonic and sound,
constantly moving
in these flawless, repeating circles.

When it ends—
[and it will,
because the monotony
of the same motion
will scare you]
you’ll be left wondering how
you could sit there and become
so immersed in something
that was so perfect and simple.
Perfectly simple.
You stop and step back.
You breathe and regret.
You take it in and admire.
The saddest part
is to realize that this piece is left
No closure, no color,
just the monotone outlines
of some gorgeous, accidental idea.
© Bitsy Sanders, August 2015

"In the world of mortals there's no greater perfection than music."
~ Impeccable Space Poetess


Divine music beats
bombard my being
as non-rippened ripples

The surface of my ear drums aches
without perfectly harmonious

Roses blossom in a quiet garden,
some lavish quietudes here, where
I've got enough peace and not
the right space for a siren's songs
enthralling enchantment

Searching at the random pace
for the most peculiar music ~
thunders in my thoughts!

Those undiscovered waves
appear as lustrous song lenghts,
as limbs of a sound corpus slumbering
in the solace of silence and rhythm

Deep bits bite my emptiness
and this wanton yearning  
forces me to reflect upon
this uncultivated
what's there to miss at all means


lovable etudes
classical chello drifts
bansuri flutes

*In the world of mortals perfection does not exist!?*

Auuughhhhhh......... still searching for the perfect music!!!! this stage of my life. Please, please! If you have your most beloved music, post it as a link here. Thank you from the depths of my yearning heart!
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