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Q Nov 2014
I missed you
But I won't say, "Hello," again
Because I'm tired of being
The conniving, barbaric, soulless friend.

To put it simply, I miss the thought of you
And hugs, and poetry, and stories, and conversations.
But I don't miss you, I don't miss the judgement
I don't miss feeling like I was so ******* useless.
This one isn't to Cole.
Q Oct 2014
Am I doing here?
Am I living for?
Is my incentive?
Are my ambitions?
Can I do?
Is there to smile about?

I dunno.
"Idek, bro."
The answer won't be written
Anywhere I go.


Who, when?
Why, how, where?
I couldn't possibly answer and
I couldn't possibly care.

It's not for everybody
That thing we all do.
Sometimes it's for everyone-
Every person but you.

  Oct 2014 Q
The Anonymous Joker
It was your eyes

The ones that decorated
Everything you wore

Coal coloured




It was your eyes all along

I wish I'd ripped them off my walls
**Wish I could
  Oct 2014 Q
The Anonymous Joker
You need to reach out
- that's what I was told

I confided in a number of people

Sat across a lot of wise spectacles
Sympathetic coffees
Blank invites
Dispassionate loves

You need medication
- that's what I was told

I popped a number of pills

Over months,
White, long
Yellow, small
A number of nights
Crazy eyes,
Erratic behaviour
Strange moodswings

You need a change of scenery
- That's what I was told

Miles and miles of sand
A sea extending into the sky
My heart became the feather
That landed on waves
And sank
Far below
The understanding of humanity

Went to the hills
Stream flowing by
Which iced over at night
Bare apple orchards
Green and stone
Woke up at 4 AM
From where I stood,
I couldn't see the sunrise

My spirits
Shattered and fell
Along with some rocks
Off the cliff's sheer face
As I ended up
On my hands and knees

You need to meditate
- that's what I was told

Pure silence at 4 AM

That's what I woke up to
And I sat for an hour everyday
Trying to focus on
The "om" I was told about
With the last echo
I was left bereft of purpose
Vision and energy
I couldn't move on
With the day
Q Oct 2014
She came into my life like an atom bomb
Annihilating every concept I'd molded.
She left my life like a cough fades
Harsh, but too gradually for me to notice.

He came into my life like the transition of seasons
And I was awed as I watched it happen.
He left my life like a collision of cars
Horrifying, but to quick for a reaction.

She came into my life like the morning sun
And I was awed as I watched it happen.
She's in my life as a ray of hope
Like a sinner's sweet redemption.

He came into my life like a shattered stained-glass window
All edges and cracks and broken beauty.
He fought my grasp with comparisons and words
Until I simply stopped holding and let him be.

She came into my life like a reflection in negative:
Completely me in every sense save color.
She gripped to my life the way I did to hers
Because we understand like no other.

He came into my life like a god to humanity
Ethereal and shocking, a showstopper, a freak.
He left my life like a punch to the gut
Unexpected as it stole the breath from me.

She came into my life like a drop of sour lime
Contaminating the sweets I wanted to savor.
She lingered in my life like a pungent reek
No matter how I try, I can't be rid of her.

He came into my life like sight to the blind.
She left like the stubborn scent of lavender.
He came into my life like a wounded animal.
She left like a shooting stars motion-blur.

I came into life with a whisper and a frown.
I came into life, hands outstretched to ****.
I came into life with all the knowledge I'll posses.
I came into life against my own will.

They come and they go in firework bursts of time.
They affect who I am like the smoke leaving ashes behind.
They come and they go in Kodak flashes of memory.
They affect my growth like acid water to a sapling.

There's beauty in the cloudy glass of lifeless eyes.
There's hideousness in the taught rope of blood ties.
There's peace in the chaos of rampaging thought.
There's madness in the lucidity of a single gun shot.

Life is gifted only to those clueless on how to live it.
Death visits those who know it far too well.
Life is fickle, a trickster without conscience.
Death is decided, a guide to the warmth of Hell.

Humans are wise with the possession of neglected logic.
Humans are wise with the knowledge of priority.
Humans are ignorant in the abundance of prejudice.
Humans are ignorant in the concept of conformity.

We are a small sample of the incorrect way to exist.
We revel and bathe in our wrong and enjoy it.
We are cutoff from what may be an intelligent universe.
The cancer of the galaxies, we are Earth.

Beyond this planet
Beyond this galaxy
Beyond the Andromeda
Is a blissful unity.

This galaxy is an ant under a magnifying glass
And to the galaxy of universes of cosmos
We are an experiment of exponential proportions
Intriguing from a distance and nauseating up close.

Our galaxy is a mobile hanging over a child's cradle
And, ignorant to this, we see ourselves as its center.
Should the child wake and the mobile cease to spin
Earth would end and, unconcerned, we would let her.

We came into Earth like molasses poison
And eroded at everything we found fit to touch.
We leave Earth like a disease cowed by the immune system
Though we are far too numerous to be hurt overmuch.

Zeroing in to see a face in through the violent cold fronts
There is naught but fear and pain to describe us.
Stepping back to see the entirety of this planet's sickness
There is little to see save bags of organs and blood and dust.

There is more than one that sees the futility in twenty-two billion lungs
There are others that know the worthlessness of eleven billion hearts beating
There is more than one that hopes for eleven billion lasts
There are others that see an Earth red and bleeding.

It is no wonder we do not know our own beginning.
It is no accident we are intrigued by our lack of meaning.
It is not unpredicted that we only see as far as our arms can reach.
It is not unbelievable that we cannot excel beyond our means.

Welcome to the void of complication in our simplicity.
Welcome to a glimpse of metaphysical existential reality.
Welcome to an explanation of the current and that far gone.
Welcome to a belief twenty-two stanzas far too long.
Q Oct 2014
I don't know what I want to do
Or where I want to be
I don't have a talent to present
Or any hidden, untapped meaning.

I've a million stories I won't write
A thousand words I'll never sing
I've ambition I'll never fulfill
A hundred dreams I won't attempt to reach.

The world is filled with kids like me
Just falling
             Falling into harsh reality.

I don't have motivation to do so much as breathe
Without a billion carcinogens in my bloodstream
I don't have courage to change any issues
Or even to get myself completely clean.

I've dozens of wishes I'll never acknowledge
Tens of millions of amazing, impossible things
I've tons of cravings I'll never bother to sate
Billions upon billions of ignored yearnings.

The world is filled with kids like me
Smile then cry when no one's looking
Earth is overflowing with trash like me
Break then repair; lather, rinse, repeat.

I don't have a personality that will make me affable
Or money to buy the friends I won't make
I don't have a face that invites company
Or the right words to make someone stay.

I've pitiful little aside from boredom to offer
Save violent, unstable considerations
I've nothing to give and nothing to take
Except fake, plastic conversation.

The world is filled with kids like me
Chained with a promise to life and living
The world is filled with **** like me
Not quite alive, not quite surviving.

Promises and promises and promises and lies
Survival and survival and ten billion failed tries
Cross my heart, cross my fingers, and hope to die
Deja vu of a hundred or two that have lived this life.

Smiles and frowns and laughter and tears
Slamming against the puzzle of earth, desperate to fit
Useless and exhausted and unchangeably nameless
Selling souls to life with a promise to live it.

The world is filled with kids like me
Whatever happens, come good or bad, we'll be here
The world is brimming with tumbleweed dreams
Cloudy skies, cloudy eyes, but the mixture is clear.

I've sworn to let them all go before I consider leaving
I've prayed they'll release me in a decade and felt so guilty
I've promised never to hurt them like I've so recently seen
But I'm marking down the days as they morph into weeks.

The world is filled with kids like me
Jittery and anxious for the day they are free
The world is crammed with lying, stinking **** like me
Bound with promises of survival and surviving.
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