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Q Jun 2014
I am no longer infatuated.
I hate it.
I did not realize how filling it was
Until it was sated.

You do not intrigue me.
Neither of you.
I have no wish to speak to you now.
I am through.

It is worrying, the way I cease to care.
An unending cycle.
I'd raised you on a diamond pedestal.
Yet you still grew dull.

I've written poems dedicated solely
To my inability to describe you.
To describe you two.
I am through

I am empty, cold, and exhausted.
You are not warm.
Your pedestals have fallen
And I am forlorn.
Q Jun 2014
King come down
The King come down
There's not a single frown
As the King come down.

The people run just like they die:
With a sudden silence
And a cease of non-existent existence
That ends the accepted fiction.

King come down
The King come down
Not a single frown
Oh, the King come down!

Nine, nine, nine
Two, four, zero
Two and eight
Pause. Wait.

Ignore the grafts.
Don't speak or make sound.
Ignore the grafts.
The King come down.

King come down
The King come down
Your people do not frown
I'm honestly not sure if I want this to be understood
  Jun 2014 Q
Austin Heath
Hearing someone you thought was a friend of yours say,
"Women can totally look to get *****".
Then you scratch one friend off the list.
  Jun 2014 Q
Austin Heath
Hate me for something I did.
Hate me for something I said.
Hate me because I wished something
ill upon you or your loved ones.
Hate me because I'm a vile man,
with a toxic personality.
Hate me for the hell of it.
Hate me because it's the weekend.
Hate me for trying to tear down
your religion or ideology.
Hate me for wearing pajamas to the beach.
Hate me for trying to wear jeans to a funeral.
Hate me for speaking ill of your favorite writer.
Hate because you spent seven dollars for a digital
copy of one of my **** CD's.
Hate me because I think your children are *******,
and I want to feed your pets to larger animals.
Hate me because I curse like a sailor.
Hate me because I don't cuss as much as I used to.
Hate me for being naive.
Hate me for being unsuccessful.
Hate me for breaking something important.
Hate me because I went limp during a ****,
and laughed in your face.
Hate me because I have no ambition.
Hate me because all I do is think all day.
Hate me because I'm a hypocrite.
Hate me because I half *** everything.
Hate me because I wander around town
wearing all black at midnight.
Hate me because I made you a promise
I had zero intention of keeping.
Hate me because I'm not giving you a choice.
It's either
hate me,
  Jun 2014 Q
Lately, I haven't been sure.
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