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Q Jan 2014
I had a collar once
Of black leather and sky blue fur
And it fit me snugly
It was all I could ask for.

When my thoughts rampaged
As they do very second of everyday
I'd wrap it round my neck
And the noise would fade.

They called me a freak.
They looked at me in disgust, I was shamed
Because they don't understand
The need to be tamed.

Whether round my neck
Or around my wrists and ankles
Without a tether, I fret
Thus, for that collar, I am thankful.

I once felt guilt
Worse than any other pain
It weighed me down
As though it waterlogged my brain.

And all I wished
Was to atone
For a whip
To sing to my bones.

"Why invite pain?
God, she's disgusting?
She's ******* insane!"

The words said to me.

But how could they know
How much I wanted to cry?
How much I wanted discipline
To ease the guilt in my mind?

I once heard a scream
And it scampered down my spine
Like it was a living, sentient being
Infiltrating my mind.

And I'm sure I'd be a pariah
If I ever told anyone
I wanted to cause that scream
To make it sound like painful salvation.

I once cried
I hurt myself as comfort
And the feeling of that pain
Was so very sweet and so very short

And they'd call me a fool
Yet I still crave pain
And they'd think of me badly
For what I can't contain.

See, I'm far from vanilla
I'm far from innocence
Because all life gave me
Was cold and cimmerian.

There's a word for what I do
A lovely acronym
And it's so far from vanilla
Most describe it as a sin.
Q Jan 2014
Four days of hunger
Four days so sweet
My stomach is angry
It's so mad at me
And the pain is lovely
It's sweet agony

And then I ate
I filled my tummy up
I binged until it hurt
More food; not enough
I don't want to weigh myself
I broke my own trust

I broke to binge
And I couldn't throw it up
It felt so good
But the guilt is too much
I feel so fat
But when I eat I feel love.

I'm breaking to binge
Eat anything in sight
Ninety-six hours
Ruined in one night
This lack of self-control
Is ruining my life.

Hunger hurts
But I want it so bad
Hunger hurts
But I miss what I had
I miss the hunger pains
Cause binging makes me sad

So I'm working to purge
I'm working on control
This dapper little dirge
Is a reflection of my soul
No one ******* cares
So no one needs to know.

No one ever stops me
So I'm not going to eat
Because the me in the mirror
Isn't the me I want to see.
If there was someone there
Maybe I'd be free.

Back to the cutting board
My goal was one-thirty
Back to the cutting board
Now one-twenty
I like the sound of eighty.

I broke to binge
The ugliest sin
I broke for food
And now I brood
But I'm better again
*I must be thin
Q Jan 2014
She's knocking on my door again
She's saying she feels down
I want to rip the world apart
Until she doesn't frown.

Six horrendous years
I chased you like an addiction
Like water in a dessert
Like an angel in heaven.

Six ******* years
You didn't care about me.
Threw around I love you's
And I followed blindly.

I'm done, my dear best friend
I'm done, you broke my heart
You used me when you were hurt
And ripped me apart.

I want you to care
But I've already stopped
And your knocking again
And I'm flipping you off.

You had six years
I'm fed up
Cause six years of nothing
Was never enough.
Q Jan 2014
I will rip you, I'll rend you, I'll tear you apart
I will shave away your skin with my nails
And carve your bones with my teeth
I will tear the hair from your head and wrap it round your throat.

I will **** you

I want your blood on the tip of my tongue
I want to to smile as your lungs fill with blood
I want to rip your jugular and watch you die
And since I really want to, I know I really could.

My soul, my heart is ablaze with anger
Only the glass of your dead eyes can quench
My mind is a wasteland of war
Made peaceful by your pain.

By my hand and from my anger
You will be ripped from this world
By my hand and from my anger
Will this knot of insanity unfurl.

Let Earth conflagrate
Let the fire you take you as it has me
Let the universe burn
Burn you to a cadaver, a carcass, a body.
Q Jan 2014
They teased
And laughed
She smiles
But it hurts

They complain
And hate
And she apologizes
But it hurts

They ignore
They return
She accepts them
But it hurts

They confide
They don't listen
So she's quiet
But it hurts

They're confused
They don't understand
But she's gone now
And it doesn't hurt anymore.
Q Dec 2013
The fandom did it better
They filled your plot holes
The fandom did it better
At filling your character molds

The fandom did it better
The added angst and comedy and depth
The fandom did it better
So I read the fandom, **** the rest
Hello everything I ever read. This is for you. The fandom always does better than the books. Just sayin. But if you have an exception to the rule; recommend it.
Q Dec 2013
Should they next ask
Can I help"
I may say
"Stop leaving marks on me
And I'll stop
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