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  May 2018 Puds
Invalid curtains
Broken down houses
Mold is growing

Not many live here anymore
Used to be a boom town
babies born
Everyone was employed
Took coupons at
the company store
Milled that wood
Ground that red ore
they don't build
washing machines
around here anymore

Invalid curtains
blowing in a toxic wind
nuclear plant failed
but that wasn't
the end.

The wind is still blowing
down main street
twitching the
"For Lease" signs
If the mud doesn't getcha
The *** holes will,
Salting the roads?
There isn't any more revenue

At least Rays is open
the general store
Thomas's, the hardware store
next door
Tony's One Stop Coffee Shop
Barney's Pharmacy
Sellin' out those Oxys
The gas station pulled out their tanks
The doctor's gone
The dentist closed
Got to go forty miles to go to Costco

Still catching trout
at Jackson Meadow
down the highway
Pulled out an 8 pound bass
Never knew it was there
Put it back
Old guy one more life to live.

Staying here is all we know
No one knows we're here
Just like that 8 pound bass
One more life to go?
even though
We keep hearing singing
in the sundown snow,
the dying song
of a dying town.
In the tradition of James McCurtry, Greg Brown, Emmylou
  May 2018 Puds
Lora Lee
sometimes the walls
peel down    
in tears and metal
as the floodgates
               open wide
as the soul is bared,
softly humming
its release of pride
heartbeats strong
head up high
queenly stance
bearing storms
ready for the battle
taking form
yet holding on tight
to solace's reins
praying to heaven
for grace in the strain
for soon the cry
                  to action
will fall upon this
           tender land
all that exists
washed away in
        a whirlwind
of sand    
in the distance
a lightflare
a whipping up of womb
a time for victory's place
in this tempest monsoon
and within my skin
in the flight of
               my freeze  
my pain opens up
and allows
  May 2018 Puds
Where do you find
great wisdom?
Knowledge has such power.
Is it in the greying head?
Is it in the Ivory Tower?

Is it in a man well traveled?
The woman who has roamed?
Is it in a scholar
Pouring over tomes?

Is it in the swami?
The guru with three Eyes?
Is it in the mantra?
Does this make one wise?

Is it in the one who levitates?
Out of body travels?
Is this where all mysteries
Open and unravel?

Does one find discernment
In lives lived full throttle?
Bud makes you no wiser
At the bottom of the bottle!

Is it in our riches
For which our lives are sold?
Why is it that Solomon
Valued wisdom over gold?

I believe true wisdom
Comes from God's own Word
It comes when one is
When one fears the

It comes when one is humble
Has nothing left to show.
Then one can admit
That he really

It comes when Spirit rises!
When Jesus makes us free!
It will be a crown of rubies


(C) 5/27/2018
  May 2018 Puds
Pagan Paul

Chase my heart through forests,
catch me if you can.

© Pagan Paul (25/05/18)
(I am Unique + I am a Capricorn = I am a Unicorn.) PPx
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