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  May 2018 Puds
Edmund black
Just like
A beautiful house
Cannot built  itself
    It requires a
Passionate builder

  Life cannot
   Create itself
Requires a creator
You need to be happy
       That you’re
     For you are
       A gift
From your creator

Therefore it is
  Crucial that
     You’re very
Thankful you exist
There will never
    Be another
In this universe

      Allow your
Spirit to fly in greater
    Life is very precious
I’ve learned to live
With all my might
       I am a gift
       From God

I no longer believe
       In death ,
The great unknown

Infinite is the life
     For me
As legends
Truly dies

Dare to never
Backs down
From the call
To a life of purpose
I just wanted to say , you all are very special  We all make a difference in the world  .  It is a blessing we’re Exist :) know your worth!
  May 2018 Puds
This world can causes such sadness
Such suffering I cannot bear
Yet I drove her to her madness
And then I left her there

Close the world, shut out the sky
Allow this day to pass and die
‘Til the dreamer drifts to sleep
Take it now this soul you seek

Your eyes ask the questions why
My shame has no answer
She haunts me late at nights
The tiny little dancer

So far from being whole
Now my days are growing cold
Won’t be long until the reap
Now the dreamer drifts to sleep
Traveler Tim

Written 2001
  May 2018 Puds
Lady RF - Rosalie Fayad
If each moment were special,
There'd be no special moments!

By Lady R.F. (C)2018
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