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 May 2017 Zoe Byrd
Your up at dawn
Your first thought is me
Your always working
No matter who flees
I ask where your happiness lies
You say in me
I never understand your love
I dont think I ever will
When I fear of your absence
I come peek at you
I know you care too much
and want whats good for me
Your happiness lies in me
but forever mine lies in you
Dont ever leave me
because there will be nothing left of me
I love you mom
 May 2017 Zoe Byrd
he sees one on the branch of his oak,
the other on his picket fence

eight decades he's heard names
of these creatures

one that makes sad songs (though not
a song bird...)

the other known by its color
(not red robin...)

he opens the door and walks
toward them

as if removing distance will erase years
which purloined their names

they fly off, so many eons ahead of his species
which now lives long enough to forget its past

a breed of ape which worships words, and
dreads the loss of them

the mourning dove and cardinal need no
symbols to know to flee this beast

the mere sight of him evokes the
wisdom of the ages in them

wings flap, currents abide, they glide to
another spot to roost

while the old man curses himself for
unknowing their names--cursing and cursed
it seems, are not part of what is forgotten
 May 2017 Zoe Byrd
Styles 12
Razor blades stuck
in the back
of your throat
peeling through
long moonlight letters
written by an angel
in sacred dreams
capture the essence
of why silence pries
up iron covers
to penned in tears
you kept safe for God.
 May 2017 Zoe Byrd
Styles 12
Rising ivy crawling up
castle wall,

surreal in night sun-

I recognized my love for you
no rhyme or reason to it,
just resilient green storming in
violet shades,

unstoppable climbers


in hopes to reach the highest window of mysterious eyes,

enflamed in a Palace gleam  
torching through humanity's
secret night,

praying they remember You in themselves.
 May 2017 Zoe Byrd
 May 2017 Zoe Byrd
My system has shut down
and I'm sorry I can't process
the conversation you are sending my way.
It seems your words
travel a one way street
getting lost among the tangled sheets
of my brain.
And I cannot dream
when my mind is always awake,
spinning and swirling all around,
peace will not be found.
my vision blurring
as I hurry
my breathing.
It feels as if time doesn't pass.
or maybe it goes too fast?
my stomach
tangled in knots
reflects the chaos of my thoughts.
"I'm alone
My eyes aren't working
I'm alone
Are my lungs giving out?
I'm alone
My stomach is trying to eat itself
I'm alone
Why won't my hands stop shaking?
I'm alone
Where's the air?
I'm alone
People hate me
I'm alone
Why isn't anyone helping?
I'm alone
I'm alone
I'm alone"
Deep breaths,
Close your eyes,
Focus on the air coming through your nose,
all the way into your lungs and back out.
Your eyes are fine
You will be ok
Your hands will stop trembling
You will be ok
Just breathe
 May 2017 Zoe Byrd
Lucas Kyle
The flames light up the winter sky
shining as bright as the day the world died.

Memories of you add fuel to the fire
The flames only grow higher and higher.

The inferno cannot be quenched
The flames I have tried to drench
To no avail; soon it will consume my soul
Surround me completely and swallow me whole
One of these days, the inevitable will come
And take me back to the place I am from.

Tell the world my last goodbye
Echoed from my heart the day your love died.
I'll tell all of you from that place above
That all I've ever learned from love
Is douse the blaze before it spreads
Or the life you love, you will love to dread.
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