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Kayla Feb 2018
I want to die
I remember the first time those words left my mouth
I want to die now
I don’t want to die later
I want to slit my wrist and bleed
Bleed that deep deep red showing I am human
And those words you speak do hurt
Maybe those words you speak to me
I should carve into my legs
For a reminder of what I am
A ****
A *****
A fat cow
A *****
Maybe I should listen
Listen to those people
Who tell me to go **** myself
Slit my wrist and go bleed out
For I am not wanted
Not needed by anyone
Not loved
Not cared for
Ill carve those words in my legs tonight
Bleed a deep red
Leaving no inch of skin untouched
After that I will slit my wrist
Like they have been telling me to do for years
I leave the water in my bath tub red
Closing my eyes
I am finally at peace
No one to listen to
Kayla Feb 2018
They all wanted her
Just to push her back down
Back down to the very depths
The very depths of death
Kayla Jan 2018
She was a wildflower and he was the gardener
Cutting beautiful flowers
Flowers worthy of a vase
Leaving her time and time again
Not picking her making her feel insecure
These patterns of her are not beautiful she think to herself
Time passed on and the gardener never picked her
She found it to be her fault
Like she was the ugly duckling born to the wrong batch
But one day the Gardner approached her
He looked her in the petals and told her
“ For you are the most beautiful of all. I have saved you for this very day”
Kayla Jan 2018
She has demons we all do
Demons that eat at our souls
So our death is sooner and our pain is worst
Eating us inside and out this is what our demons do
No one can save us from our demons
Not  even our loved ones
The demons eat the souls of our loved ones
Everyone has their own personal demons
We fight and we lose battles against our demons
Keep trying to fight because every demon has a weakness
With strength and power we may all be able to beat our demons
Just like how one day she will defeat her demons to
Kayla Jan 2018
Conceal don’t feel, Don’t let it show
Conceal those scars on your wrist
Don’t let them show for if they show
They will scare people away from you
They would run like you where the monster eating their Childrens souls
Conceal don’t feel, Don’t let it show
Kayla Jan 2018
He was the flame that ignited her
That flame that grew bigger and bigger
Until one day the flame dulled
Until that flame of his was no longer lit
He got bored and tired
Have gotten what he wanted from her
She was still ignited blind to his dying flame
For she was the city and he was the tsunami that destroyed her
Kayla Dec 2017
Love the one thing that can keep me
Keep me sane from the demons in the night
The demons the tear
They tear and your skin and you heart
Breaking your heart to pieces
Your heart the one thing keeping you alive
Without you would rot like a corpse
A corpse of a bride murdered by the groom
The demons in my heart have caused my death
I kept them alive so I would die with my friends
The demons in my heart are my friends.
These demons are soon to cause my death.
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