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 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
Maria Mitea
is growing, darling,
is growing,
the roses are blooming,
nothing can stop them from opening up in front of the sun,
in front of people's eyes,
i am only watering them, and
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
The metal we are made of
Is forged in the inferno
Of every painful right we have chosen
You ripped me away from my roots,
my aroma, with every breeze,
haunts you, your love for me,
your memory can't refute,
you hold me up to the sky,
begging the sun to rip through
the clouds, and you cry,
hoping it'll bring my soft petals to life,
but if I had a voice,
I'd beg to hear heavens deny,
just toss me back down,
turn your back,
don't turn around,
that's what you've always been best at.
https /VenjencieCliftonArnold
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
i believe i am motivated
by a very simple and primitive desire.

my life has been lived deprived of affection,
this has taken it's toll.

one day i heard a phrase.
"touch starved"
i believe it fits perfectly.

someone who has had so few loving embraces that they cannot imagine how it feels, driven by that desire.
i believe that is the desire that drives me.

i hear stories of these people, spending significant amounts of time in someone's loving embrace.
i've heard they cry.

i don't believe i would be able to summon the tears,
but i would love to test that theory with you.
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
Why sit in a cage, when I can manage myself thank you.
I own intelligence and consciousness, more so than thee who desires to control.
There is a flow of energy I reside in, Where there is no weakness dressed as power,
There is no harm to others and manipulation,
There is truth, and that's where the power thrives.
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
Fetch my love
Please bring it round the bend
Sometimes it gets lost, every now and again
Tell it to me slow
Just this once more
Fetch me my love
she shan’t be taken no more
 Jul 2023 Pagan Paul
A man of many talents
walked through my door
God I hope he walks through once more
Wherefore Art Thou,
nature's faithful creatures
Part of our Universe,
so our minds and body do not thirst
Putting holistic health first
Good morning, good afternoon
Parting is never sorrow,
one will say good morning,
until the afternoon tomorrow

© 2023 Carol Natasha Diviney
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