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Pagan Paul Jan 2019
Midnight sees a chain
of lights,
heading into the forest
so dark.

Follow the Will-O the Wisp
at night,
walk with the lone wolf
that barks.

Take that step into the unknown, the path that leads to me,
and I'll be waiting there somewhere, deep within the trees.

So walk that long path
in peace,
follow your dream as
it winds.

Keep purpose in plain sight
to release,
love that is not left

© Pagan Paul (13/01/19)
  Jan 2019 Pagan Paul
Louise Ruen
my body lays flat on the bed
a body part pointing to each of the four world corners
my sky a light oak tree ceiling

Lana Del Rey is on the radio

the thoughts
How does she understand me so well?
How come I’ve never felt like that before?
occur and intertwine at the same time

the way she shares a little piece of her soul
her wandering, capricious, lusting soul

it’s beautiful

I want to be able to do that too
I wonder

which part of the body holds the soul?

first I cut my toe off

my curiosity simply took over
my foot quickly following along
a rush
floods over me

a leg must lend it’s life
then a finger
my right arm

my collarbones could be used as drumsticks

there are no drums in the song

my left hand is taken apart one finger at a time
I cut down the lifeline
I watch the blood spill out
it stops and
I heave my shoulder joints

next my eyes are up

I rip them out and turn them 180 degrees
so they stare into the sockets they left behind
eyes are after all said to be the window to the soul

I guess they aren’t

the ears are next in line

the other leg

I cut the skin on my throat into star shaped pieces
they sned down onto the gray carpet like alphabeat pasta snow

my nose lands atop my foot

it’s a strange sight

why you call them apple cheeks
I don’t know
they just look like bald rats to me

my stomach I slice open along the scar
I got the summer I crawled into a spruce tree and
caught a broken branch on my way down

left to itself
my heart lays flat on the bed
Lana Del Rey is on the radio
a body part pointing to each of the four world corners
my sky a light oak tree ceiling

I didn’t find my soul

only blood

nerve strings

pulsing muscle

a liver
two kidneys
among other things

maybe the soul isn’t connected to the body
maybe it doesn't matter because

I feel whole

I feel like

I’m in one piece.
  Jan 2019 Pagan Paul
Not all tree roots
need to be long or thick
to be strong mighty ever lasting.
trancending time and space

The strongest tallest trees
have SHORT roots tightly close interconnectedly
with many tree roots
by one amazing fact

being rooted from underneath very close to one another
Huddled in short proximity
it's how the strongest tallest trees thrive stronger live longer.
across time and space
lungs on earth for humans.

Nature teaching showing why
even poets lost in solitude
are as derooted weak trees
they shrivel and die

Here at Hello Poetry
we may willfully become stronger tightly rooted together
to grow taller stronger mightier
or perish for lack of unifying interconnectedness.
huddled root to root

I perceive a disconnection on H.P, among many poets
with thick long roots yet unable to stay connected with
one another in rampard discord  
some expecting benefits without any other concern but arrogance
and selfishness

Trusting unison powerful
indestructible succeeds interconnectedness.

Why not huddle up together
closer so noone deroots us.

i hunger for your view on this.
Nature is teacher at best
intermingling tightly
so closer in proximity
poet to poetess poem to poem
so that i may follow you
confident follow me
huddled up
root to root.
revised: 01-07-19
Union is power
I thank everyone who reads
very few honor me with your reposts
and i feel like a star when your own awesome impecable poetry
ignite brain storm magnificence
pure mind bending magic
i am learning from your greatness and i feel honored. In fact i learn even from those who jump the gun to judgements instead of asking me questions i am very sociable.
Pagan Paul Jan 2019
Dust hangs in the still air,
caught by a shaft of light,
shiny sprinkles float serene,
in space a string-less kite.

A particle catches the eye,
playing tai-chi within a ray,
the stationary free dance
of a mote at indulgent play.

© Pagan Paul (25/12/18)
Pagan Paul Jan 2019
The string trails away down
I tug it with all of my might,
I am the hue of setting suns,
I am a sporting red kite.

I wanted someone with scissors
to so deftly cut the strings,
transform into a real Red Kite
with eyes and feathers and wings.

Floating free upon the winds,
and marvelling at all that I spy,
swooping and diving at high play,
the flying master of the sky.

But now something has changed,
a strange and different feeling,
I think I'd like to be grounded,
for someone to start in-reeling.

I would like to feel so treasured,
a possession of the hearts cry.
Wishing to be the real Red Kite,
the pleasure in someone else's sky.

© Pagan Paul (30/12/18)
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