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Oskar Erikson Nov 2022
“i never knew how good i’d be at reopening old wounds
until you left me.”
Oskar Erikson Nov 2022
blurry eyes
that refract
thank you
no longer
will these
hope less
words be
un founded
who needs
to aim
when already
the feeling
the weight
pressing against
the roof
of my
****** mouth
is direction
Oskar Erikson Oct 2022

we lack the language
to describe a site of a wound still healing.
all the poetry seems to say is
“im only half sorry you’re still hurting.”
Oskar Erikson Sep 2022
i mourned
on the train back.
North East to London,
Norfolk into Suffolk into Home.

a green, scarred patchwork,
blistering apart while i sit.
A woman opposite tries to coax the
out of me; the entertainment,
before we're pulled into Liverpool St Station.

to credit my memory -
it frames itself nicely, my mugged up
a sunbeaten, reddened, ruddy face -
holding back.  swallowing the
outburst -

"i let myself believe for once."

we sit.
the quiet unbroken.
save for the sounds of me
getting further from you.  

the sounds of me steadily getting further from you.

i mourned us once again.
ten months in and now
six months out
filled with immeasurable moments later.
there was no woman this time.
and only without her
or us -
i found the truth to say

"i let myself believe, for once."
Oskar Erikson Sep 2022
the most painless way to leave is
self sabotage as absentia.
the only loss
lacking malice.

i did not want you to get close because
i did not want you to get too close.

i did not want you to take up space for me as i did not
want you to want the same from me.

im not sorry i didn’t want you
im sorry you did want me

self-sabotage as non-arrival.
self-sabotage as a convincing half-truth.
self-sabotage as a refuge.
self-sabotage as the lesson.
Oskar Erikson Aug 2022
i made the mistake.

taking too many photos
knowing they’d last

too late
we wouldn’t.
Oskar Erikson Aug 2022
and who's to stop me?
have managed
their time productively.
                                       shudder to think
                                       they'd begrudge a
                                       subordinate the time
                                       to blast their feelings
                                       off the clock.
leaning over window panes
that lack
balconies to catch
their workers.
                                     my 1-1s have started and ended
                                     with a heart in my mouth
                                     making it harder for the words
                                     'i quit' to get out.

can i just pivot off of can i just piggyback can we just swivel can i put a pin in you and sew up the wounded look that face carries to the coffee machine every lunch Oskar take some sick leave or just leave at this point we haven't identified your fit and our culture of inclusion excludes delays in action i just don't understand how personal problems seep into the workplace what its been five months which is half the time you were with him can't it
just be let go?
just let me go
you're being let go
i want to let go.
                                                    ~ HR will be in touch. ~
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