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OH NINA Feb 2018
I have lost a part of me, that wasn't even mine.
Something i deemed, i did. But never actually have.
And that is what takes the most to mend;
the part of you that is broken,
as also the part you do not know where.
I have not written for so long and that was how i thought i have healed. *******. I have just ran out of words to describe my pain.
OH NINA Aug 2017
To have a heart like hers is curse,
how to stop when it is a must,
has never been known.

And often times she have prayed and asked,
for it to finally grow as tired as it was with pain,
as it should be as tired as it should also be with love.
OH NINA May 2017
That's the most painful thing about missing people.
The void they leave inside your chest aches through the proof,
That at some point they used to make it whole.
For Allan.
OH NINA Feb 2017
If you have lost your home,
You have been searching for one,
*In the arms of the wrong one.
OH NINA Jan 2017
A love for you, like how flowers are,
They may wither to their deaths,
But their beauty in my memory
will never die.
i will always remember you, love.
  Dec 2016 OH NINA
Eternal Threshold
I close my eyes,
I     s e e    y o u
But I need to open them,
Coz that's what living
Is all about,
*Y o u
L e a v i n g
I guess you re my leaving being
4 11 2016
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