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 Aug 2023 Exosphere
You are coffee,
And I am milk,
We may go fine alone,
There are others, I can get along,
But only our fusion can create,
I love coffee latté🀀
 Aug 2023 Exosphere
Where am l?
What happened here?

Are we still free?
Do we write poetry?

Are hearts still broken?
Have we resolved confusion?

Are friends still apart?
Is hope an illusion?

Are memories pestering?
Is loneliness still bitter?

Are souls escaping?
Do visions still jitter?

What happened here?
Do we still write poetry?
I am back but never was gone
I will never be enough for you
I can try everything
It still won’t be enough
              Never enough
               Never enough
I will try and fill my days with
Whether I change my clothes
My hair, my makeup
It won’t matter
You will never see me
You don’t want to
Near or far
I will never be enough
         For you
It hurts so much
Knowing your out there
I will never be enough
            never enough
If I change my clothes,
My hair,   my makeup
I still will never be enough
           Never enough
 Jul 2023 Exosphere
 Jul 2023 Exosphere
It’s a little weird
that sometimes,
well most times;
I find it hard to go out and do
stuff with people
because I know it will
leave me feeling
There is that rush
of feeling connected
and cared for.
Music and laughing.
Only for it to fall
away fast
when you come home and
no one is there.
No one to hug when you
walk in the door.
No one to tell your day to.
It’s like, shutting off a light.
Turning off the radio
and being in silence.
That part has never gotten easier.
As an introvert
I need the quiet to recharge,
but as a human I need
someone there just to be
Let me just settle
your presence
upon my skin
let me just understand
this is a begin.
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The one who will love you shall come like the wind,
With a gentle breeze or a tempest within.
Their love will caress you with a tender touch,
And bring comfort, like a warm, gentle clutch.

Like a meandering stream that flows so serene,
Their love will be constant, a calming routine.
Through twists and turns, in every season,
Their devotion will remain, beyond any reason.

Their love, like autumn's vibrant display,
Will bring colors to your life, in every way.
With passion and warmth, their affection will bloom,
As leaves gently fall, they'll banish all gloom.

The one who will love you shall come like a flood,
A torrential force, rushing in, fierce and unshut.
Their love, like a bushfire, will spread with might,
Engulfing your heart in a warm, glowing light.

As a mighty avalanche reshapes the land,
They'll reshape your world, with a touch so grand.
Their love, like a soaring hurricane's gale,
Will leave no doubt, as emotions prevail.

Just as lightning strikes, unexpected and bright,
They'll electrify your soul, with love's pure light.
Like a tempest at sea, they'll stir your emotion,
A love that rocks your heart, with relentless devotion.

Like a shooting star, streaking through the sky,
Their love will amaze you, as it passes by.
In the depths of the ocean, so vast and profound,
They'll explore your heart, where true love is found.

Just like the moon's pull on the relentless tide,
Their love will draw you close, with nothing to hide.
In the quiet of night, like a twinkling star,
Their love will guide you, no matter how far.

Their love, like the sun, shining bright and warm,
Will bring light to your life, through any storm.
And just like a diamond, so precious and rare,
Their love will be cherished beyond compare.

They'll erupt into your life with fiery passion,
Leaving no doubt, it's a love that's meant to happen.
For in the journey of love, so wild and free,
You'll find the one who loves you, and you'll see,

So open your heart, embrace love's profound art,
For the one who will love you, shall conquer your heart.
 Jul 2023 Exosphere
I don't believe in soul mates
What I do believe in
Is people that connect
On some deeper level
Immediately upon acquaintance
And not meaning you agree
On where to eat for dinner
But the connection where your heart
Seems to slip out
Of your rib cage
Because it's found a home
Outside of your chest.
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