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  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Seher Seven
existence is
truly divine
thank you for that description
the paths are immaculately
so delicately
it makes me smile
and release.
I trust in infinity,
am not bothered by the
of reality
faithfully excepting tomorrow
with its new life
for all.
is far.
yesterday can be a struggle
its your starting place
Do you feel its grip?
cut the cord
on existence
it only moves forward
learn to dance
centralize your energy
and speak YOUR song!
write it, draw it, put it to a melody
or mix it with watercolors
and quench your sources thirst
for PositiveMovement
for creation
never forgetting
or those that existed
but allowing it to stay
where it belongs
and sending yourself
and divine
forward into existence
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
eunsung aka Silas
the autumn wind acts as
a forerunner of the coming winter

leaves fall, and life slows in order
to make room and prepare for
something new

a slow anticipation builds,
as living creatures prepare for the winter

I was never good at waiting for winter,
it always felt too desolate and alone

today is a new day as I feel the autumn wind
with eager anticipation of winter,
because I know with certainty no winter lasts forever; it is the forerunner of spring

I wait in silent joy for new life to grow
and prepare my heart for change
A poem written out of musings on how life changes, and how we grow through different periods of desolation, waiting, welcoming, and opening to new possibilities.
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Gigi Tiji
The tone is a human,
a human is a being,
and a being,
is a tone.
The tone is a being.

When one human sings,
they create a tone.
A tone that carries
all tones within.

When two humans sing,
they create two tones.
Two tones that carry
all tones within.

They are making love,
They are making a harmony,
and the harmony
is a child.

The union of two,
the child carries all
the vibrations of one,
and all of the other.

Every harmony carries
all harmonies within.

The child is one,
The child is twice one,
The child is half of each,
and infinitely more than none.

The harmony is a child,
and the child sings.

The child is human,
and the human grows.

When a human sings
they create a tone.
This tone carries
all tones within.

The tone is a being.

The being is one,
The being is twice one,
The being is half of each,
and infinitely more than none.

Each being carries all beings within.

When the being sings,
it creates a tone,
this tone carries
all tones within.
Each tone sounded
carries all tones within itself.
As the fundamental tone vibrates,
so do the proportional overtones it creates.

An entire string vibrates.
Within that length,
1/2 the string vibrates,
1/3 vibrates,
1/4, 1/5, etc...
Divided into infinity.

(You can find the harmonics on a guitar string in these fractions.)

This is the shared source of all living beings.
This is the harmonic series.
This is birth and death.
This is one single tone.
This is you and me.
This is Om.

Birth, crescendo, diminuendo, death.

This is breath.
Magnetizing physics
Magnetic chemistry
Precise mathematics
Bubbling biology
Histrionic history
Attired economics
Refined fine arts
Electrifying looks
Electronic vision
Scintillating psychology
Ventilating physiology
Tantalizing mechanics
Tranquilizing metabolism
Dynamic damsel
Oh! What a scientific disposition?
Kudos to the Big-Bang Beautician.
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