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Apr 2019 · 293
Random post
Nsmith15 Apr 2019
”be myself ”

Been telling myself that for
And it hasn't work.
What do you tell yourself to fit in?
Apr 2019 · 122
How to win life
Nsmith15 Apr 2019
Rule 1: don't use your heart
Rule2: your brain is your strength to survive.
Love is rare when there so much hate in the air you breathe
No one cares
No one decides
No one knows their fate
Days will go by
People die so new life is enters
Year's and years
People go by being confused about their purpose in life
Nothing to you is clear
Nothing in your heart except fear
Love is a rare combination
Apr 2019 · 217
Daddy don't understand love
Nsmith15 Apr 2019
Daddy said love was all about red and white Rose, expensive dinner, ...

Truth is love is giving her half your fries when she wasn't hungry
Waking up a 4 pm, to her snoring and
Referring to shoving her off the bed.
Trying to embarrass one another, in public love, is full of stupid fright and tearful memories that make up for why I love her.
Love is just tiptoeing through life with your best friend
Random post
Apr 2019 · 142
Random post
Nsmith15 Apr 2019
Happier days are definitely ahead for you..
                                        Struggle has
Nsmith15 Apr 2019
I know you’ve been awake for a while
Likely days or months.
I know you may have gone with this whole time without hearing it.
Non-committal “fine” because that is what
We’re meant to do as humans
Answer meaningful question with long phrases.

I know you may not be fine
I know you may have a mournful day
I know that something as little mundane as “Good morning” text may have made all the different in the world

Because a good morning text are the Definition. adored, by someone who may not be immediately present.
Reminder - one we perhaps should not need but sometimes do?
Apr 2019 · 186
Keep going
Nsmith15 Apr 2019
The ones who was or are STRUGGLING.
The ones whose days continue to be worse.
The ones who believe that they have lost


because I promise you not, that CHANGE is around the corner. Time always heals
                         FORGIVENESS will grow in the most TOUGHEST and DARKEST

Every Action has a CONSEQUENCE,
But there always a LESSON too.
          You shall look back on all these
MOMENTS and feel so PROUD
             Of yourself .

We made it THOUGH!!!!!
Look how far we have came
Apr 2019 · 75
Nsmith15 Apr 2019
Tears want to come but
They feel like there ready to slide
But never arrives,
Just like your love

Me away waiting something I been dreaming,
You you sill sleeping not bothering to answer my calls

I just want to ask
What the hell do I got to do to get you
Bad day
Mar 2019 · 330
Nsmith15 Mar 2019
Wherever you are,
Whereas you go,
Always be sure to
Forgotten that this poster was on my wall.
To all you amazing writer
Mar 2019 · 243
Nsmith15 Mar 2019

I got your letters,
                           I hadn't taken you for granted or wasted the
                            the sunny days.
I never regretted
                            you being around
Just wish you
                             Stayed forever,
I have now an

                              Honey brown
Shade and the
                               Sharpest mind

Know to my tutor.

I embrace everything about where or what you're doing by making the college and school closed
            Now we're allowed to hang out with our lovers or ex.

Thanks, summer for making me have the opportunity to relax in my mini pool with 50 loud, drunken neighbour.
See you around   the next 3 month
Felt board,
All my friends are outside playing in the park while being stuck staring at the blank teddy bears
Mar 2019 · 227
Tale 2 of mum and daughter
Nsmith15 Mar 2019
Dear 8 years old me,

                        I fail you by not giving you
                          Hugs or storytimes
      For away fixing others when they never
    Said   thanks , your hand were shaking.
                     Sorry, for not letting you heal
       Sorry, for just letting you seal the wounds of someone else, while yours were
                   There were days where I was smiling. So sorry for forcing you to make painful laughter just so that
       No on had to worry about us.

I'm sorry, for that sleepless night, when you cry to be let out....

I'm sorry i never gave you a chance
To tell yourself that you are beautiful
.                         That you are smart
                           That you are o
I miss my 8 year old me.....

Love yourself
Mar 2019 · 128
Nsmith15 Mar 2019
Sleeping with strangers

Locking are hearts away

He can't love
She don't understand
He never being loved
She never grew with love
They say that she'll break your heart...

Both youngsters
Living in a movie
They smirk, they don't understand
How you can love
Something that is broken
Inside and out....

Your a patient guy
She full of roaing pain
Sill you be that
"Patient guy".....
Jan 2019 · 154
Expectations is our friends
Nsmith15 Jan 2019
She find it strange that her eyes are met with a endless staircase

          The world around him doesn't freeze or turn monochrome around everyone but herself

            Yet our heart sill drop when she walk into our room, Our focus is a far distent off. We get it everyday were our eyes out met with his you tilt your head and smile with you head filled of brids

He understand when you laugh to yourself.

Her stomach needs a million butterflies, when your around
When you smile it illuminates the room and my thought gose wild for a anchor.

Because your love and my words don't have a relationship with expectations to find or have a right diction.
Jan 2019 · 147
Top secret
Nsmith15 Jan 2019
You know,
the part where you're
no longer a caterpillar neither a butterfly.
You don't know why or where your

All you know is that this is,
a revolution for disruption.
Of the spirit,
So surrender children .
This is not the death
Of you .
This is the dying of who we once we're.
This is our rebirth sweet heart.
Jan 2019 · 145
Nsmith15 Jan 2019
We don't know why we're like this,
Why everyone leave,
Why everyone lies,
Why everyone forget us,
Why everyone thinks it ok to replaces us or play us
Are we that bad?

— The End —