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  Oct 2018 Nigist
I tried fitting in with them but was told my skin was to dark and that I was not the type.
I asked a darker crowd for companionship but was denied because I was told I talk white.
In reality they ment proper but I cannot hate my own people for what they don't know.
In a country where a letter from Willie Lynch divided us and still stunts our growth.

We were deprived of our name, religion, and planted an idea in our head that lighter is better.
Features once  seen as a sign of ugliness such as big lip or now being imitated and make others jealous.
These life scars remain though, that rain from feeling left out seemed to only get wetter.
Hoping one day this alienated feeling will dry up but one can only be zealous.
When a moving company came to pick up boxes from my apartment, one of the guys asked me where I was from because he said I talk like a white person from up north versus someone from Louisiana.  As a black child it's sometime damaging to hear statements such as why you talk white or be alienated just for being difference
Nigist Oct 2018
The devil dancing in plain sight
When your eyes
glamorize mine
Makin me fantasize
Bout your face between my thighs
Straddle up
From the side
Hips peak high when you choke me as I reach my
I love when you ****** it from behind

Let me, keep you in mind
As I slip into something more casual
Grind, wine
Twisting my tongue letting you unwind
Where my throat flirts with the tip of your boat
Slip N Slide until unified

Let me, take my time
I'm talking knee pads on Valentines
Tryna elevate our vibes
Gates Wild Ride
Rotate on cloud 9
Body attentively inclined
To tell you all my
Hung to air dry
- ****** dominance keeps me in line
- Kiss up along my spine
- Grip me right, tight
*Like, be Curious & **** this cat nine times
Now pay those crime fine
Stroke deep in my walls
Rock it til waterfalls
& watch me flood you like high tides
Meet & Greet our *** with sunrise
& bittersweet goodbyes...

I finally found the courage to speak my mind
I'm not so sure that I'll be yours but baby you could be mine

8:47 PM

#TheHIMCollection #DarkMagicCollection
*Dark Magic is not the real title; That's my abbreviation/shorthand for it.
Nigist Oct 2018
Response to  @writing.prompt.s
Submission Piece "The First Time"

If I could go back & meet you for the first time would I?

Would I?
Would I walk away?
Would you pull me to stay?
- like you did the first time?

The First time
We vibed, i tried
Not to be awkward.
Cause i talk too much
& i'm not heard or seem small
When I stand tall
& show no feelings at all
Because it was the first time

The First time
We lied
Close together
I debated whether
To throw *** or make this last
Not go so fast
But we moved slow
To go with the flow
Because it was the first time

The First time
I cried, you wiped
From my eyes, then smiled
To say we'd grow old & gray
Before walking away
You just couldn't stay
Because it was the first time

The First Time
Since we intertwined
With feelings we hide
There was a decline
In the connection
We had
Ignoring red flags
Just tryna get back
To the first time

So Would I?
Could I?
Should I?

Meet you again like
the first time
Cause I
never meant to stay
Should've walked away
The First Time.

5:06 PM

*The first piece from The HIM Collection.
~ F.Y.I. I just made that up but it sounds good huh?
El oh el, trying to break the ice here guys.
This is my first time.
Share, Love, Inspire

— The End —