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as i walk past
the almost god of wrinkly
things and his new apprentice,
lying wrapped about each
other, in food filled plumpness, lying sate,
in the morning sun....

i can not but help ponder,
a house cat,
loved through and through, is probably,
one of the highest levels
of reincarnation......
no offense meant.....but by golly they have it good.
 Dec 2014 Ever Punk Goddess

Simply soft, serenely so
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Wrapped within its chilly bow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Petals gleam of crystal glow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Upon this world of white to show
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
For its beauty to bestow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Deep upon this earth to grow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Serenity of soft halo
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Cast by winds of frigid blow
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Resting on the ground below
Does fall this winter’s evening snow
As my heart doth love thee so
*Does fall this winter’s evening snow
Ok, I know it's repetitive...perhaps there is an echo in here. :)
You are such a waste of poetry
I'm okay, everyone I promise. I think people are misinterpreting this poem. This poem is directed at a specific person who hurt me and those I love and care about. I keep writing poems about it because it was a very damaging experience but this person is just such a waste of poetry because they are so horrible they aren't even worth writing about and yet I still do to keep the agony from destroying me, it is my way of coping. I AM NOT CHANGING MY STYLE OF POETRY. I am just trying new formats. Don't jump to conclusions :)
 Dec 2014 Ever Punk Goddess

A heart so fine in charcoal skies
of breath my mind does see
This captured feeling locked inside,
alone as to believe

For what shall come of morning tides,
along the wish filled shore
In seashell decorated time
to want your love once more

What sent this ship of harbor dreams
to sail a course so lost
As currents bide my every whim,
now simplified the cost

When once the sunrise happiness
did take a weathered turn
For but a few words offered up
in lessons I have learned

My sails, the moon’s reflective light,
does glow an empty grin
Atop the wave’s deserted flight
to want you here again

For this shall be my journey true
in aimless rambled roam
If I have not the love of you
I sail these seas alone

Of courses kept in lock and key,
an island beach does call
Upon this deck on bended knee
Amidst the darkened squall

As life will raise its mighty hand
of you that I do seek
Collapsing firm upon this man
in testaments of weak

Come set these chains that hold me tight,
my body craves the pain
As on these seas of bright moon light
I cry within the rain

When time does dance and hours pass,
I plead these charcoal skies
Explain to me how this can be
in scenes before my eyes

“Take me home,” my heart does call
begin this journey new
For I now live a nightmare’s creed
without the love of you
Once, in an orchard, two great men, Prose and Poetry, were walking at twilight, and the golden light of the day was shimmering through sieve of leaves. Both were pacing at the same speed. They came across a wounded bird, fluttering on the pavement. Poetry stopped to see it, but Prose elided this and moved on. Poetry, taken aback, called out him and said:

Poetry:  Please unfold your identity!
Prose:   An intellectual man, very sharp at wit!
Poetry:  Add more!
Prose:   A social reformer and moralist!
Poetry:  So true! But it is only me that weeps for man, bird and beast.

Poetry picked up the bird and brought home for its treatment, and Prose continued his exercise!
Notes (optional)
How do I survive
When I can't breathe
Any other air
But yours
And you
Are not around
Really freaking old poem I found from ages ago but you know, I had nothing better to do. Well, that's not entirely true, I SHOULD be doing ALOT of other stuff but I'm very good at procrastinating.
Tiffany Gold
Is a kind soul
Like shallow whispering waters
Like winter shivers
And silver lining
and thin ice
here it is :) lots of editting

Let us treasure today
We are not promised tomorrow
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM

Let us dance like there's no tomorrow
Let us do things today instead of putting it off until tomorrow
Let us cherish the moment before it rushes away
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM

Let us eat all kinds of good food
Lets eat our favorites
Let us read our favorite poems
Let us write some poems too
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM

Let us tell our family we love them
Let us call our friends and tell them too
Let us  create some memories and write them down
Let us not take things for granted
Let us not waste today
Let us seize the day: CARPE DIEM
Let us truly live before time slips away
My friend's CARPE DIEM
I am bringing back a revised version for this Monday.
I hope you like it.
CARPE DIEM my friends :)
No other pair of lips would ever so deftly express
the lingo of love, my lips would covet, each passing moment,
no searing kiss ever sent waves of tumult, more than your's
that to my blood, spoke in an unequivocally bold tone,made it boil in lust,
heaven is not just a figment of imagination, as skeptics would tell us,
when we met, nectar secreted every moment, how would we forget?
Never would I let you leave my heart, you robbed,at the very first sight.
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