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The last of my kind
There’ll be no more after me
I’m a flightless bird
With useless wings
Dumb and wild and free
Take a good hard look
At what you’ve done to me

On display
In my solitary incarceration
I pace in circles
So the camera will see
Look at my stripes fade
Take a good hard look
At what you’ve done to me

I had no fear of anyone
‘til you got ahold of me
The moon shone through the trees
A spotlight in my final serenade
No brothers left
And there’ll be no more after me

This poem has been a product of the combined efforts of myself and the lovely prrtybrd
Visible to the naked eye
The trim trio in sky, of all
In triangular circle
On endless mission

Imposing Sun,
Impressive Moon,
Well composed Earth,
Fertile nuclear family
Round and round on rounds
The duo around the tiara;
The flaming fulcrum,
Feeding heat and light
The cute unmanned moon    
The night lamp in the sky
Playing hide and seek
Sheltered by mother earth
Earth on its daily rounds
Moon on monthly shuttles
Revolving pair round the Fire
Count their infinite time

Indispensable cycles
Indefatigable circus
Infallible life recycles
Inscrutable obscure force
Who knows?
Only super soul can witness
See Seesaw Sea,
Swing in ecstasy
Rhythmic tides,
Rhyming strokes
Soothing breeze,
Pleasing nodes
Surfing banks,
Boxing waves
Tiding ebbs,
Ebbing tides
Unabated buzz,
Ferry minds
Merry crowds,
Downing sun
Cooling beach,
Evening dawns
Immolating sun,
Immortal journey

On double shift,
Off side wakeup call,
On side adieu  
Pushed up moon as a parting gift
On alighting night
Good oh the heavens!
Kudos to the Ocean Park.
As the wind speed of mind increases, he loses weight
sees the clouds ethereal nearer and crowd in which
he  too jostled like an imbecile, becoming far off dots
selfishness, greed, jealousy,pride, lust , avarice and violence
self-pity masquerading as love, all this still tie them down
some among them fornicate words, turn them in to  ******,
this happens for ages, but none has the power to stop the rot,
look at those mindless wonders that dance in ****, we watch
in horror but pretend as if we are delighted, to keep the peers gleeful.

Don't you want a journey of your own  through inner landscape
no more be a kite,begging for the mercy of those who pull the string
who fake *******, think something and pretend contrary to it, dupe.

"I am sky bound, levitate, a cloud heavy with sadness,still buoyant,
I would rain,when feel drained, assume the white cloak of purity.
I am the earth and fire,wind and water, limitlessness of the space"
It’s neither me nor you
Not here or there
Moments have stopped
Mind is at peace
Only seeks the eternal
The only truth
Narrated by inner voice
Travel beyond
To unfold the scripts
And learn about life
This is life!
Isn't it Beautiful?
Tell me do you like this life?
Yeah this is life!
Do you hate it?
This is our life!
This life is the same.
Isn't that desperate?
Well sadly this is life.
This is our life!
Well tell me is it?
No this is a lie?
Is it?
Tell me I need to know!
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