I'm a Scientist (Microbiologist) by degree who fell in love with every work of art. I'm a sales-oriented Web and Graphics Designer, Digital marketer, photographer, …
24/M/Ondangwa/ Namibia
#instagram @mathewnangolo @https://www.instagram.com/switchofffff/profilec #Writing industry is my play background #writing is my therapy #My pen speak louder than my own voice #pen on and welcome …
I have published a couple of poetry any year diaries and they are now available on Amazon so excited! Just key in poetry books Theresa …
David P Carroll Poems https://dcarroll304.wixsite.com/mysite All Poetry is copyrighted to David P Carroll under a Dublin and European Union court of law. Was on TV …
20/F/on the moon
hello! my name is lua. im an artist, an aspiring author, and a poet. i hope you enjoy my ramblings about anything and everything! (if …
34/M/South Africa
If you want to pit your wits in battle or in poetry against the best https://youtu.be/v4wz7XRZQIY all poems composed and written by faizel farzee