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Christina O Jun 2018
These emotions I hide,
pretending to be strong,
when secretly I want to fall apart.
Is it bad I don’t want to be me?
When everything I do is wrong
and I can’t seem to get it right.
I hate myself for it
and a part of me wishes I could cry.
A part of me wishes I could do something else and go somwhere far away.  
Maybe a place I was more appreciated,
and where I didnt fell like a number.
Christina O Jun 2018
This year has not been my year.
Ups and mostly downs,
Never feeling quite like myself.
January was my lowest,
a loss of a family member shook me to the core.
Changes came after and nothing went right.
My heart still aches and my head spins.
I’m not sure what to do.
But faith is the only thing that holds me together.
Not faith in myself, but faith in God.
Hoping this storm passes and I will be okay.
Maybe I’m meant for something different,
somewhere away from this all.
Feeling a bit down today and I quickly wrote was on my heart.
Christina O Jun 2018
I trip over myself day after day,
caught in the web that was so skillfully crafted.
Not right, not perfect, a failure to say the least.
Shame and I now know each other all too well,
and sadness shares in our company.
We’re three peas in pod.
And in my head they play these silent games,
making me feel as ****** as can be.
It’s hard to get rid of them.
They’re stuck like glue,
tangled in the mess I made.
I wish I was more confident,
and a little more brave.
Because maybe then I wouldn’t feel this way,
and maybe then I would finally believe in myself,
and all the wrongs would finally disappear.
This a poem for when you feel down and like nothing is going right. When everything seems like a mess and you know you’re the one to blame. You try so o hard to do your best, but your best fails and you’re left tangled in the web.
Christina O Jun 2018
Don’t let the moon tell you goodbye
or the sun not greet you with a hello.
Don’t let yesterday fall too soon
and tomorrow never come.
Close your weary eyes,
but only to rest for a while.
Awake in the morning light
and remember each breath.
Don’t let it fade too fast.
Life’s too precious to say no more.
And though the pain is hidden far too well,
know it’s never too deep for someone to care.
Please stay.
I worte this after hearing about Kate ***** and finished it when the news of Anthony Bourdain hit. I was shocked and saddened. If you or anyone you know is struggling, please find help. A friend, a family member, a stranger on the suicide hotline... anyone. Know that you are not alone and please stay for tomorrow’s sunrise.
Christina O Jun 2018
Sadness doesn’t care if you made it to the top.
It doesn’t remember the award you won last year,
or the shows that were watched by millions.
It doesn’t know about dress royalty wore,
and miles your shoes walked.
It ignores every dish that told a story,
and every bag that traveled around the world.
It laughs in the face of the memories created,
and not once thinks about tomorrow.
It pushes aside Happiness, befriends Anger,
and comes in like a storm.
But Sadness is never at fault.
Because Sadness can’t help the way she feels.
And truth be told,
No one cares about Sadness.
I worte this poem in light of what happened this week to two amazing icons in the fashion and food industry. Sadness doesn’t discriminate. It’s doesn’t care who you are. If you or anyone you know is struggling, please find help and cling on to the hope that tomorrow will come.
Christina O May 2018
Not even the darkness can hide your light.
I can see it behind your persona.
Behind the walls you built up with the scars you bared for so long.
You try to act like it doesn't affect you,
like you can wash it away and be fine.
But I know that isn't the truth.
You aren't fine,
and I don't know the exact reason why.
Maybe it's the past,
maybe it's me.
In a way I'm able to break apart what plagues you,
and in my arms you soften,
tears soaking my clothes as you cling to my heart,
refusing to let go.
I didn't know this was how it would be that day I first saw you.
I never knew the rain would come down so hard.
But it did,
and now that I have seen it all,
I'm not sure I could leave.
Your scars are mine.
Behind his walls, she could see the person he really was.
Christina O May 2018
I exploded into a terror of destruction when you walked into my life,
but at the same time I fell into the glowing light you shined all around me.
I was failing fast,
about to be completely shattered,
lost in a mess of the grandest kind.
I would have drowned if you hadn't swam in and carried me out.
And though I crashed and burned the only blanket that held my tears,
it was for you
I know I destroyed what could have been,
I let my darkness get the best of me.
Created a story that tore apart the pages of what was real.
I was running,
loosing fast.
Until something stopped me.
And in a fire burning bright,
I came to.
My eyes opened,
and I could finally see clearly.
I knew what was wrong,
and now I realize I can fix it.
He dealt with so much. Haunted by the demons that fought to control him.
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